View a Test Case

Once a test case is created, you can view the following tabs on it. You can rearrange tabs through the drag and drop operation.

You can also edit the test case details on the screen.

  • Detail: The tab displays details you entered while creating a new test case. You can edit the entered details inline. You can also create a new version of the test case with updated details.

  • Steps: The tab displays the test step details you entered for the test case. If parameters are added for the test case, then you can also view them by expanding the Parameters section. You can edit step details and parameter details.

  • Attachments: The tab displays attachments added to the test case. You can add more attachments or remove existing attachments.

  • Executions: The tab displays the Execution Result of the test case. If any defects are logged with the test case then the defects are displayed with clickable IDs.

  • Story: The tab allows you to add stories to the test case. The linked stories are displayed in the grid. You can also unlink stories that are not required.

  • Comments: The tab displays entered comments for the test case. You add, edit and delete comments on this tab.

  • Audit Logs: The tab displays Audit Logs for the test case which contains chronological records of events that occurred for the test case.

Test Case Type - Manual/Automated depends on how the test case has been created. Manually created test cases, imported test cases or test cases added through Open API will have the Test Case Type “Manual”. Test Cases added through Automation will have the Test Case Type “Automated”.

Test Case Version Management in QMetry allows you to browse test case details for the required version. You can select the version from the version drop-down at the top right.

The sections on the page like Detail, Custom Field are expandable/collapsible sections.