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QMetry Test Management for Jira Server v4.1.6
Previous Versions
Now view/add/modify/clone/delete test case steps directly from the story page.
Execute test cases that are linked to the test cycle from the execution tab, on the story page, instead of navigating to the execution screen.
Create a test cycle directly from the story, with all the test cases associated with the story auto-linked to the test cycle.
Link selective test cases associated with the story to an existing test cycle.
Link multiple versions of a test case to the story to get accurate end-to-end traceability.
Now view/add/modify/delete/clone test case steps from the test case list view.
Execute test cases linked to the test cycle directly from the Test Execution tab, instead of navigating to the execution screen.
Import test cases from excel to multiple folders by mapping folder path during import.
View the entire content of test steps using the expand/collapse quick buttons available at the step grid.
Update the test cycle/test plan summary directly from the list view.
Save filters applied to columns on test cycle/test plan as public or private.
Redesigned the "clone" test cycle screen with an additional test case filter on the execution assignee.
View/add/modify/delete/clone test case steps directly from the Test Cycle > Test Case tab.
Added Execution Summary(tabular) column on Test Cycle List view to show the count of test case execution based on status.
All-New Test Execution Screen - List View.
Improvements to Existing Test Execution Screen – Grid View.
Revamped Test Execution Grid View now has two tabs - Test case details & Execution.
The execution tab now has 4 sections that can be re-ordered – Steps, Bugs, Attachments, and Comments.
Attachments uploaded while authoring test cases/steps are now available on the execution screen.
Get a warning about the changes to test steps. Auto Sync test case steps directly from the execution screen.
Test Cycle Execution Summary on Test Execution screen now displays all bugs and attachments associated with the test case/steps execution.
View traceability from the Test case, Test Cycle to Test Execution in the Bug Traceability section.
Added support for additional custom field types - Cascading List, Single & Multi-Select User Picker, Labels.
Copy project configurations to other projects for the following fields - Labels, Components, Priorities, Status, Execution Results, Environment, Build values, Custom Fields, and Parameters.
Added a separate list to maintain Build values.
All reports can be filtered based on Test case type - Automated or Manual.
Gadget graphical chart options are now displayed on the report header.
New icons for the Test Case, Test Cycles, Test Plan, and Test Reports modules.
Search and set the project scope by filtering based on the project key.
Enable/disable all field columns except sequence no, Key & Summary in all list views.
The folder context menu is revamped with additional folder options of Link with Test Cycle and Link with Story for test cases.
The filter panel has been revamped with multiple new options like reset, minimize/maximize, counts, remove, and clear options.
Options for bulk operations will be only visible when users select any test case/test cycle/test plan on their list view.
All the test assets now display the Created/Updated Dates & Created/Updated User on the detail screen.
New, intuitive and user friendly UI
Introduced Test Cycles for managing and tracking test execution cycles
Introduced Test Plans to lay down test strategy that ensures high quality production release
Test case versioning with detailed change logs for audits
Improved sorting & filter search with ability to save filters as public or private across the product.
Customizable and flexible test case workflow
Manage environments to execute test cases against any platforms or configurations
Tag Labels to all your test assets
Inbuilt 30+ cross project reports as per QA best practices
Save reports as gadget on Jira Dashboard and share them with other users.
Link stories directly to a test cycle. This feature will auto link all the test cases associated with the story to the test cycle.
Sync test cases on a test cycle for associated stories. This will allow users to re-sync test cases for linked stories in a test cycle to get complete coverage on execution.
Added requirement coverage report. This report will display summary of requirements as covered/not covered based on their association with test cases.
Generate all requirements and defects reports based on JQL filters.
View the progress of operations like import/export & other bulk updates in the notification section.
End to End traceability between requirements, test cases, test executions and defects
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