Automation : Error while uploading Result

Automation : Error while uploading Result

If you face below error while uploading results to QTM , You need to check...

Response to Upload: {"isSuccess":false,"data":null,"errorMessage":"Please verify once that you have added QTM Issue Types to your project and have the required rights for the given project."}.


1. Whether below QMetry for Jira issue types are present in given project.

  • Action Step
  • Test Scenario
  • Test Run

2. Whether you have the required rights for the given project.
You need to check whether the project role is atlassian-addons-project-access for all actions in the project. To check this go to Settings >> Project >> Permissions >> Check for the Project Role. Project Role should be atlassian-addons-project-access. 


Note : The atlassian-addons-project-access Project role automatically gets added and applied once the QMetry for Jira plug-in is installed. It could not be get removed from project role until and unless some one updates the project role.