Release 1.16 - 20/Sep/2016

Release 1.16 - 20/Sep/2016

QMetry Test Manager for JIRA 1.16 

Release Date : Only for JIRA Cloud on Sep 20th, 2016


QMetry is proud to announce version 1.16 which comes with fantastic new features and UI improvements mentioned below, for all QMetry Test Manager for JIRA users.

New Features 

  1. Modify the scope of your existing test run by adding or removing Stories/Test Scenarios.
  2. Trace Bugs back to Test Runs.
  3. Test Scenarios and Action Steps have become much more information. See success ratio, trace them back to Test Runs and bugs.
  4. Test Runs have summary and is more informative.
  5. Coverage Report allows much deeper drill down.
  6. Issue Type filter added to various place including Coverage report and Create Test Run
  7. Restrict or Enable QMetry Functionality by projects or Issue Types.
  8. Enhanced Import and Export utility support.
  9. Upgraded Menu Options.
  10. Know report capabilities before opening them.

Upgrade Instructions

Upgrading to latest release can be achieved in following ways : 

  1. Automatic Upgrade : The Auto-Update of plugin would begin on Sep 19th 2016 9:30 PM PST and could take up to 6 hours for the cloud build to be upgraded. If your team wish to grab the updates immediately follow manual update as mentioned below. 
  2. Manual Upgrade : In order to immediately grab the upgrade. The instance administrator should manually update the add-on, before the automatic update occurs. Navigate to UPM (HOSTNAME.atlassian.net/plugins/servlet/upm) and click "Update" on the add-on listing.

Note : Refresh browser cache and cookies after the upgrade.  

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