How would I get notified about the product updates? or How can I subscribe to the product updates?
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How would I get notified about the product updates? or How can I subscribe to the product updates?
You can subscribe to the add-on updates to get notified about new feature releases. There are 2 ways to subscribe to QMetry for Jira add-on updates :
Atlassian Marketplace
Follow below steps to subscribe through Atlassian Marketplace.
- Go to QMetry for Jira market place
- Click on Watch as shown in image.
Jira's Manage Add-on screen (Jira permissions required)
Follow below steps to subscribe through Jira's Manage Add-on.
- Go to Jira's manage add-on screen
- Expand QMetry Test Management for Jira.
- Click on Watch add-on as shown in image.
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