How to use Test Run Summary Gadget?

1. Log into QMetry for Jira, go to Dashboard and open a dashboard.

2. Click on the Add Gadget button.

3. Select Test Runs Summary of the following gadgets to add on the dashboard by clicking on the corresponding Add gadget button.

The report provides a test execution results as a tabular view, bar chart, line chart and area chart grouped by multiple options like platform, component, version.

The Test Run Summary gadget looks like below. You can configure different graphs using different criteria.

Select values for the following fields:

  • Saved Filters: See how filters are saved in the section below.
  • Test Run Platform
  • Test Run Type
  • Group By: Type in the search box and matching Group names will populate. Two new options are added to the list: Project and Executed On. See the Group By section below.
  • Days Previously: This new filter is added to consider data of last particular days. By default it is 30 days, which you can change as required.
  • View: See the Types of View section below.


  • Saved Filters: The drop-down displays saved Jira filters containing Test Run issues. The following image displays an example of a Filter that contains assets corresponding to the applied JQL.

Select the one you want to generate the graphs for.

  • Test Run Platform: The drop-down displays created platforms. Select the Platform against which the test run was executed.
  • Test Run Type: Select on from: Manual, Automation, All options. It filters test runs records by its testing type.

Group By

  • Assignee: Assignee of the test case associated with test run selected under Filter.
  • Platform: Platform of the selected test run under Filter.
  • Test Run: This is an issue in Jira with Issue Type "Test Run". 
  • Story: It is a Story or any other Jira issue linked with test run.
  • Test Scenario: It refers test scenarios associated with test runs selected under Filter.
  • Component: Component of test case associated with test run.
  • Sprint: It refers to Sprint in which the test runs are allocated.
  • Label: It refers to Label assigned to test runs.
  • Version: It refers to Version of test runs under Filter.
  • Project: Report is generated grouped by "Project". 
  • Executed On: If you are grouping by Executed On, then the Period field appears on the screen. Select from Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly options as required.
  • Days Previously: This new filter is added to consider data of last particular days. By default it is 30 days, which you can change as required.

Types of Views

Test Run Summary gadget provides the following views. Each view has its own pattern to represent the data which helps you compare results between different groups or track changes over a period.

Horizontal Bar Chart

This horizontal bar chart facilitates comparison among components within a group e.g. Assignee, Platforms, etc. The y-axis represents the Groups, while the x-axis represents values for the Groups.

Vertical Bar Chart

The vertical bar chart will switch the axes of the horizontal bar chart to display the data. The x-axis represents the Groups, while the y-axis represents values for those Groups.

Tabular View

The counts in table are clickable, which help you drill down the data. Clicking on the count opens the test run page in a separate tab.

Note: Only Tabular View is available for reports which are grouped by Test Run, Story or Test Scenario.

Line Chart

This chart displays test run information as a series of test run data points that are connected by straight line sections.

Area Chart

The Area chart is based on the Line chart. Each color in the graph displays distinct area for test run status.

  • Refresh button: If you want to accommodate the changes done in the data and generate a new graph synced with it, then click on the Refresh button provided at the top left corner of the graph screen.
  • Legends for Graph: Graphs contain legends of only those components which are visible in the data of graph. The legends are selectable on click and vice-a-versa. The components will be displayed in accordance with the legends selected.