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Import Export File Template
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QMetry for Jira now supports import/export of blank Stories which are linked to any Test Run, but do not contain any Test Case/Test Scenario.
There are three tabs in the excel file that is exported:
Test Authoring
The tab includes test assets based on the Entity selected while exporting the data.
A) JIRA fields are displayed as column headings in the sheet.
If the entity “Test Run” is selected to export, then the test run details is displayed in a row. In the Test Authoring tab, it shows only basic details such as Issue Key, Issue Type, Summary, Description and Priority of the test run. The Test Execution details of the Test Run is displayed on the Test Execution tab.
B) On the Test Authoring tab, a row is kept blank after each Test Run row, indicating it as a primary entity that carries other entities within it. Then the details of entities associated to that particular Test Run (i.e. Stories, Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Test Steps) is displayed.
C) If a Test Case is associated with Test Scenario, then the " * " mark is displayed on the row under the SubLevel column.
D) If a Test Case is associated with Story independently, then the " * " mark is not displayed on the row.
In case a Test Scenarios is included in the Test Run independently, then the preceding row is kept blank to distinguish it from other test scenarios that are attached to their stories in hierarchy.
E) Defect Keys: Issue ID that is to be logged as defect with the test case. The Id is also defined in the Test Execution sheet of the excel file. If the Issue Id in excel sheet matches with the existing issue in Jira, then that issue will be linked to the test case. If the Issue Id in excel sheet does not match with the existing issue in Jira, then a new issue will be created in Jira and linked to the test case.
The columns in the sheet include:
- Issue Key: Unique identification of the entity e.g. “Issue Key” in JIRA. This is the base on which all the entities are identified uniquely.
- Issue Type: The type of entity e.g. “Story”, “Bug”, “New Feature” are “Issue Type” in JIRA.
- Summary: A short description of the entity e.g. “Summary” of issues entered in JIRA.
- Description: More detail information regarding the entity e.g. “Description” of issues entered in JIRA.
- Priority: The precedency of the entity like “High”, “Low”, etc.
- Versions: A number or tag denoting a particular edition of the entity.
- Components: Sub-sections of the main product/project.
- Labels: To identify a particular category of the entity.
- Test Data: Test Data is provided to execute the Test Steps with.
- Expected Result: Expected Result is mentioned against the provided Test Data for Test Steps.
- Platform: The environment the test will run against.
- Automation Id 1: It is mentioned for test scenarios and Test Cases that are imported for automation testing.
- Automation Id 2: It is mentioned for test scenarios and Test Cases that are imported for automation testing.
- SubLevel: It indicates association of a test case with test scenario. The column is marked with " * " mark unlike a test case under Story.
- Attachment: The Attachment column in the excel sheet which contains path on wards the excel file location on the drive. The issues that lie on the mentioned path are get attached to Jira as Issue Attachment.
- Folder Path: Test Cases will be imported in the path mentioned in the Excel file. If the folder does not present in Jira, then the folder will be created as per the path in the file.
- Custom Fields: Custom fields created in Excel as per requirement.
Note : QMetry import utility does not support third party add-on fields. To import third party add-on fields users can use Jira's import after QMetry issues are imported through QMetry import utility.
List of Supported Fields in QMetry Test Management for JIRA
JIRA Core Standard Fields
Field type | Validation Rule | Example |
Component/s | It accepts comma separated multiple values | C1,C2 |
Description | It accepts any String value | Requirement Module |
Fix Version/s | It accepts comma separated multiple values | Fix1,Fix2 |
Issue Type | It accepts JIRA Issue Types | Story,Test Case,Test Scenario |
Labels | It accepts comma separated multiple values | L1,L2 |
Priority | It accepts JIRA Priority value | Major |
Summary | It accepts any String value | Requirement Module |
JIRA Software Standard Custom Fields
Field Type | Validation Rule | Example |
Epic Color | It accepts epic color in range of ghx-label-1 to ghx-label-12 | ghx-label-1 |
Epic Link | It accepts JIRA Epic Key in Story and other issue types to link the respective story/issue with Epic | CD-49 |
Epic Name | Epic name is required field when you create epic. It accepts any String value. | Requirement Module |
Epic Status | Epic Status accepts single value as set in JIRA for Epic Status | To Do |
Rank | It accepts a single Numeric value | 5 |
Sprint | The field accepts name of the Sprint which is Active or planned. Closed Sprint name is not allowed. | CD Sprint 1 |
Story Points | It accepts number to prioritize story with story points | 7 |
Standard Custom Field Types
Custom Field Type | Validation Rule | Example |
Checkboxes | The checkbox accepts comma separated multiple values | true,false |
Date Picker | The Date picker accepts only specified format Date | 2017-09-03 |
Date Time Picker | The Date time picker accepts only specified format Date and time | 2013-03-01T13:00:00.000+0530 |
Global Rank (JIRA Software Field) | It accepts a single Numeric value | 7 |
Number Field | The Number field accepts any number with decimal | 15.5 |
Radio Buttons | The radio button accepts single value from JIRA fields | Option 1 |
Select List (multiple choices) | The Select List Multiple accepts comma separated multiple values | Select List Multiple 1,Select List Multiple 2 |
Select List (single choice) | The radio button accepts single value from JIRA fields | Select option1 |
Text Field (multi-line) | It accepts text in multiple lines | 1. Row1 2. Row2 |
Text Field (single line) | It accepts text in single line | Row1 |
URL Field | It accepts Web URL | |
User Picker (single user) | The User field accepts only available JIRA users | admin |
Version Picker (multiple versions) | It accepts comma separated multiple values. | v1,v2,v3 |
Version Picker (single version) | It accepts only single value. | v1 |
Custom Field Support
Test Execution
The Test Execution details of the Test Run is displayed on the Test Execution tab.
The tab displays the entire association of test run with underlying stories, test scenarios, test cases and test steps.
The columns in the sheet include:
- Test Run Key: Key of the Test Run issue created in JIRA. The combination of Keys – Test Run Key, Story Key, Test Scenario Key, and Test Case Key - provides a unique identification of test scenarios for a particular story or a test run, the same test scenarios might have been used in multiple stories though.
- Story Key: A unique identification of the Story issue.
- Test Scenario Key: A unique identification of the Test Scenario issue.
- Test Case Key: A unique identification of the Test Case issue.
- Test Step Id: A unique identification of the Test Step issue.
- Result Status: The Result Status selected for that particular Key from the set status values in JIRA.
- Comment: Comments from users regarding the execution of the particular run.
- Duration: The time (in seconds) taken to execute the run.
- Error Name: Name of the error encountered during the execution.
- Error Message: Message shown for the encountered error.
- Stacktrace: Stack trace details in case of error is encountered during the execution.
- Error Metadata: Metadata accompanying the error.
- Actual Result: Actual Result entered from user while executing this test run.
- Defect Keys: Issue ID that is to be logged as defect with the test case. The Id is also defined in the Test Authoring sheet of the excel file. If the Issue Id in excel sheet matches with the existing issue in Jira, then that issue will be linked to the test case. If the Issue Id in excel sheet does not match with the existing issue in Jira, then a new issue will be created in Jira and linked to the test case.
Status Mapping
The Status Mapping tab is provided to import settings related to Background Color and Text Color for Execution Statuses that are configured under QTM Configuration > Project Configuration > Execution Status.
- Status: The Execution Status configured for the Project.
- Background Color: The corresponding Background Color set for the Execution Status.
- Text Color: The corresponding Text Color set for the Execution Status.
Tips for the First Excel File being created for Import
- Name of tabs/worksheets (Test Authoring, Test Execution and Status Mapping) should be identical as per the template.
- Names of columns in each tab should be identical as per the template.
- Test Authoring tab:
- Issue Key: Issue Key is mandatory. It should be included as the first column. The column must have some unique random numbers in it.
- In case of same test scenario/Test Cases are used in multiple hierarchy, then the same Key should be used as Issue Key in the Excel file otherwise a new Issue will be created in JIRA.