QMetry Reports Online Upgrade Document for Windows (with Docker)

In this guide, we will run you through upgrading QMetry Test Management Reports in your environment. These steps are to be followed on your QMetry Reports server hosted on the Windows machine.

Steps to upgrade existing QMetry Reports to the latest version

Upgrade Steps

Step 1: Download Required Files.

  • You can generate a request on QMetry Support Portal,  to get the latest version of QMetry Reports.

    • Download the QMetryReportsUpgrade.zip file on your report server's directory once you receive the report upgrade package. Navigate to the directory where this file is saved. Open a command prompt on that path with administrator privileges. Administrator rights are required to upgrade the application.

Step 2. Check the container name using the following command.

  • docker ps -a --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}"

Here, if the QMetry Reports Container name is different than 'qmetry-reports', then please perform Step 4 otherwise you can skip that step.

Step 3. Go to Upgrade Script.

  • Go to the folder where QMetryReportsUpgrade.zip was downloaded

    • execute the following command including the dot (‘.’) at the end of the command.

    • powershell Expand-Archive 'QMetryReportsUpgrade.zip' -DestinationPath .

  • Go to QMetryReportsUpgrade folder

    • cd QMetryReportsUpgrade/

Step 4. Modifying the container name.

  • If container name is not ‘qmetry-reports’, then update upgrade.bat file for changed value with the respective name using following steps.

  • Edit upgrade.bat file with any text editor/notepad

  • Update OLD_CONTAINER_NAME in the file with the respective name of container obtained from step 2

  • Then save the changes.

Step 5. Execute the following command to start the upgradation of the QMetry Reports.

  • upgrade.bat

Step 6. While running the batch it will ask for verifying the QMetry App Database and QMetry Reports Database connection configurations that were in place earlier and take the next step accordingly.

  • Press 'y' – If the database configurations shown are correct and modifications are not required in that.

  • Press 'n' – If the database configurations shown are incorrect and modifications are required in that.

    • You will be asked to enter the new configuration details.

  • Press 'e' – If you don't want to continue the upgrade process and want to exit.

If you have pressed 'y' or 'n' then in that case after pressing an option you will be asked to enter the number of CPU's and Memory to allocate.
Once that is entered wait for the script execution to complete.
Note: Depending on your data this process can take time as it will be performing full QMetry Data Sync. Users can continue to use QMetry Application during this time. But QMetry custom reports remain inaccessible when the syncing is in progress.

If you are facing any issues during the upgrade process, kindly generate a support ticket on Support Portal for assistance.