Create Test Cases from Requirement

Create Test Cases from Requirement

The feature allows users to quickly create a test case directly from a requirement by copying common fields from the requirement to the test case and linking associated test cases to the test suite. Users with the “Create” rights for the Test Case module can create test case from requirement. The test cases created from requirement appear on the Test Cases tab on the requirement details page as test cases linked to the requirement.

Use Case: Users want to create test case relevant to the requirement. They also prefer to avoid the process of creating a new test case from the Test Case module. So they create test cases directly from requirements instead. It saves user’s efforts by populating requirement details in test case for common fields.

The Create Test Case from Requirement option is available at the following places:

  • On the Requirement list view, click on the inline settings icon provided for individual requirements
  • On the Requirement detail page, click on the settings icon at the top right corner


  • User should have the “Create” rights for the Test Case module
  • Existing requirement or its version should not be archived 

The Create Test Case from Requirement option will only be available if the mentioned pre-requisites are fulfilled.

When you click on the Create Test Case from Requirement option, the Create Test Case screen opens with data auto-populated for common fields like Summary, Description, Component, Status, Priority, etc. The data is fetched from the requirement from which the test case is being created.