QMetry Custom Gadgets

QMetry Custom Gadgets


The gadgets created using QMetry Insights will be displayed under QMetry Custom Gadgets. Users can view their owned/shared custom gadgets in QMetry Custom Gadgets. 

QMetry Custom gadgets list the following custom reports :

Type of GadgetsTabOwner Gadget operation(s) Dashboard operation(s)
Gadgets created using Visual Reports (drag & drop)My GadgetLogged-in user
  • Can be edited
  • Can be deleted
  • Can be shared
  • Can be added to the dashboard
  • Can be edited from the dashboard
  • Can be exported from the dashboard
  • Can be removed from the dashboard
Gadgets created using Advance Query Reports (by writing SQL queries)My GadgetLogged-in user
  • Can be edited
  • Can be deleted
  • Can be shared
  • Can be added to the dashboard
  • Can be edited from dashboard
  • Can be exported from the dashboard
  • Can be removed from the dashboard
Gadgets that are created by other users and shared with the logged-in user.Shared GadgetOther users
  • Can be viewed only
  • Can be added to the dashboard
  • Can be exported from the dashboard
  • Can be removed from the dashboard

Permissions: QMetry Custom Gadget module will only be visible if the user has the View rights for QMetry Insight. Similarly, users can make any changes within the module only if they have the Modify rights for QMetry Insight.

The following operations can be performed on QMetry Custom Gadgets screen :

View Gadget

QMetry Custom Gadget > My Gadget 

It lists the gadgets created by a logged-in user; irrespective of the gadget is created using Visual Reports / Advance Query Reports.


The options given below are provided to you on the My Gadget screen.

#It shows the serial number of the gadget you have saved.
Gadget Name

It shows the name of the gadget that you have saved.

QMetry Custom Gadget can not be created with a duplicate name. Users can still access the shared Gadget which may hold the same name as users' own Gadget.


This column basically has 2 values; "Yes" and "No".

  • Whenever you create a gadget and save it for the first time, then by default the Private column would show the value set to "Yes" which means your gadget has not been shared with any users yet.
  • Whenever you share the gadget with an individual user and/or with the combination of Project/Role, then this value gets changed to "No" in the Private column.

You can edit the gadget by clicking on this icon. This option launches the gadget either in the drag and drop or Advanced SQL mode (whichever option was used to create a gadget) so that you can easily edit the report and save its changes again.
You can remove the gadget clicking on this icon; be aware that the gadgets removed, cannot be recovered back and if the gadget is shared with a user or group of the users (i.e. Project/Role), then it can also get disappear from their dashboards/list.

You can share the gadget with any user or user group (i.e. combination of Project/Role) using this option, Shared gadgets are available to users in the "QMetry Custom Gadget ⟶  Shared Gadget" section. Read more about Shared Gadget below on this page.

QMetry Custom Gadget > Shared Gadget 

It lists gadgets that are shared by other users.

Edit Gadget

This option allows users to edit the gadgets that are created under the Visual Reports / Advance Query Reports.

1. Open the My Gadget tab.

2. Click on the Edit icon for the gadget that you want to edit. It navigates you to the Visual Reports (drag & drop view) / Advance Query Reports (SQL query builder view) of the QMetry Insight module.


3. Edit the report query in the Visual Reports/Advance Query Reports view.

4. Make the required changes and click on the Update Gadget button to save the changes. The changes will get reflected to all the dashboards where the gadget is shared.

  • Edit gadget in Visual Reports

  • Edit gadget in Advance Query Reports

Share/Unshare Gadget

A shared gadget allows users to add the gadget to their own dashboards and set the filters as per their needs. Shared Gadget does not allow to change underlined query of that gadget. Only the creator of the gadget can share and change the query of the gadget. Users with whom the gadget is shared can only select the filter values after adding the gadget to their own dashboards.

Users can share gadgets with other users. A gadget can be shared to -

  • Users
  • A particular Project
  • A particular Role in a Project


1. Click on the share icon for the gadget that you want to share.

The next screen opens with two tabs on it : Users and Project/Role.

  • Users: To share the gadget to individual users, open the Users tab.
  • Project/Role: To share the gadget to a particular role/project, open the Project/Role tab.

Sharing gadget with individual Users:

Sharing gadget with Project/Role:

Sharing gadget with Project/Role:

Is Project selected?Is Role selected?Gadget is shared with -
YYAll the users with the assigned Role in a particular Project
YNAll the users of all the assigned Projects

All the users with the assigned Role in all the Projects

Once a gadget is shared, the user, with whom it has been shared, will be able to see that gadget under the Shared Gadget tab.

A shared gadget will be read-only for the users with whom it has been shared. Users can view the filters applied to the report query and export the filters as well.

Unshare a Gadget

The gadgets can be unshared for any user or group of the users by clicking the remove button from "Users" or "Project / Role" tab.

Export Gadget

You can Export System Gadgets and Custom Gadgets.

Note : All gadgets are exported in the UTC time zone.

  1. Go to the Dashboard.
  2. Click on the cog icon for individual gadgets. You can find the different Export option(s) to export the gadget. The Export job is scheduled.
  3. Go to the Scheduled Task section and download the report.

The export options for gadgets saved as Pie chart, Bar chart, Column chart, Line chart, etc are different compare to the gadgets saved in the tabular/cross table; which are indicated in the below screenshots. The gadget details are exported in the CSV file when the option "Export Raw Data" is used whereas the other options will download the chart in its respective image format.

  • Export options available in the Chart(s) 

  • Export options available in the Cross Table reports

  • Export option(s) available in the Table reports