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Managing Platforms
Platforms under the Projects modules allows you to create different platforms to test builds against. A "platform" defines a specific configuration that is used to test software components/builds to deliver high quality products.
QMetry encourages its users to do comprehensive testing of software across different combinations of platforms.
For example,
- Web applications platforms might be based on different combinations of OS and Browsers: Windows+IE8, Windows+FF, MacOS+FF, etc.
- Mobile applications might require a combinations like: AT&T+IPhone 4G, Vodafone+IPhone 4G, Airtel+IPhone 4G, etc.
Add Platforms
The default platform - "No Platform" is available when a new project is created.
Users can add more platform from Projects > Platforms & Attributes > Platforms.
Expand the Projects section on the tree and open the Platforms & Attributes sub-section.
There are two tabs on the screen: Platforms and Platform Attributes.
Open the Platforms tab.
It opens a text box inline.
Enter the name of the platform in that box and click Save.
A new platform is added to the list.
Now when you open the test suite detail page in the Test Suites module, you can view that the newly added platform is available on the list of platforms for linkage.
Edit Platforms
Go to Projects > Platforms & Attributes > Platforms.
The screen shows list of added platforms.
Hover the mouse over the Platform name you want to modify. You can see the Edit icon on hover.
Click on the cell to change the Platform name.
Link Platforms to Test Suite
Go to the Test Suite module.
Open test suite details page.
One default platform “No Platform” is provided. Users can add more platform from Projects > Platforms & Attributes > Platforms.
Open the Platforms tab and click on the Link button.
The next screen opens with the list of platforms available to link with test suites.
Select platforms that you want to link with the test suite.
Click on the Link Selected Platforms button at the bottom.
To add new platform, click on the Create New Platform link just above the list of platforms.
New platforms added by users appear on the same screen.
Now check the Test Suite details page.
The test suite to which you recently linked platforms will appear in the Test Executions module.
Archive and Delete Platforms
Users can archive platforms that are no longer required. The archived platforms are then not displayed on the Link Platform screen in the Test Suite module, from where platforms are linked to a particular test suite.
- Default platform "No Platform" can not be archived.
- If the platform that is being deleted is associated with any test suite, and the associated test suites were already executed, then you will not be able to perform any operations on the execution screen of respective test run(s).
Once a platform is archived, you can either Uarchive or Delete it.
On the Platforms screen, select the Show Archived check box to view archived platforms.
Delete Platforms
To delete a platform it should be archived first. Once a platform is archived, you can delete it by clicking on the Delete button.
Unarchive Platforms
To unarchive an archived platform, click on the Unarchive button for that platform.
Bulk Operations
The Bulk Operations feature for Platforms allows users to carry out the following operations on multiple platforms at a time:
- Bulk Archive Platforms
- Bulk Delete Platforms
- Bulk Unarchive Platforms
Where to find the Bulk Operations feature?
- Go to Projects > Platforms & Attributes > Platforms.
- Click on the settings icon and select Bulk Operations.
The screen by default displays all the active platforms for the project. Buttons at the bottom will be enabled once you select platforms.
- Bulk Archive Platforms
To archive platforms in bulk, select the platforms and click on the Archive button at the bottom.
The confirmation message pops up. Click Yes to proceed.
- Bulk Delete Platforms
As mentioned above, to delete a platform, first it should be archived.
- On the Bulk Operations screen, select the Show Only Archived check box.
- The screen displays only those platforms which are archived.
- Click on the Delete button at the bottom.
- Bulk Unarchive Platforms
You can unarchive the archived platforms to bring them in use again.
- On the Bulk Operations screen, select the Show Only Archived check box.
- The screen displays only those platforms which are archived.
- Click on the Unarchive button at the bottom.
Platform Attributes
Refer to Platform Attributes for more details.
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