Manage Fields

Manage Fields


There are two expandable sections on the screen:

  • User Defined Fields: These fields will be added by users as per their requirements.
  • System Defined Fields: These are the fields provided by QMetry. These fields can not be deleted.

QMetry allows users to add User Defined Fields (UDFs) to record custom information for different asset types. User Defined fields are additional and customizable fields that the admin user can add/remove as per requirement. UDFs can be defined for Requirement, Test Case, Test Case Step, Test Suite, and Issue. If the user exports entities (requirements, test cases) using the Export option, then the values under these fields are also exported to the file with other fields.

QMetry version 8.5.3 onwards Admin can make System Defined Fields and User Defined Fields mandatory/optional to fill by users.

Admin can add the following types of UDFs in QMetry:

  • String
  • Large Text
  • Lookup List
  • Multi Select Lookup List
  • Number
  • Date Picker

Creating New Fields

Users can add new UDFs. To view default fields of the project, expand the System Defined Fields section.

Go to Customization > Manage Fields on the sidebar.

On the next screen, you can view UDFs created across projects.

Columns on Grid Pane

For the selected Project on the drop-down the grid displays the following information of UDFs.

  • Field Label
  • Field Name
  • Field Type
  • Associated Projects Count: Associated projects are projects in which that particular field is in use.
  • Action: The column contains Edit and Delete buttons under it. These two buttons will not be displayed for System Fields.

Before adding a User Define Field, it is recommended that you verify all the existing UDFs of all the projects so that you can avoid creating redundant UDFs.

To add a new UDF, click on the New button on the header.

  • Field Type: Users can create different types of fields: String, Large Text, Number, Lookup List, Multi Lookup List, Date Time Picker. Select the type of field you are adding. The remaining fields become visible as soon as you select the Field Type. Let us add a UDF Field Type as "Lookuplist".

If the Layout Management feature is enabled on the QMetry instance, then the created user defined fields get added to the Default Section of the respective module layout.

Note: Field Name has limit of 40 characters and Field Label has limit of 100 characters.

Enter the following details.

  1. Select Field Type.
  2. Field Name: This field represents the unique ID for UDF. It remains the same in any Project. Blank space is not allowed in the name.
  3. Field Label: Enter the label that will be displayed on the screen. It is like a field alias and can be changed on a Project by Project basis.
  4. Lookup List: The field is enabled only if the Field Type is either “Lookup List” or “Multi-Select Lookup List”. The drop-down list displays all List Name(s) added to List. Select the List Name and the List Values will be populated for the List accordingly. Select the List on the drop-down for the UDF. If the list does not exist, then click on the Add List to add a new list. (Field Length: The field is enabled only if the Field Type is "String". Specify a maximum number of characters which user can enter for a specific field. In case of String type, the limit is 255 characters.)
  5. Select Project: Select the Project(s) in which you want to create the new custom field.
  6. Select Module: Select the module(s) from to associate the new custom field with. You can also add custom fields to the Test Step section of Test Cases.
  7. Click on the Add Project button.
  8. Default Value: Preserving a default value for a UDF is very helpful when the user is adding records with similar values for a particular field or when the value needs to remain consistent for all the entities of that module. The UDF value will auto-populate for the field when a new entity is added to the associated modules.
  9. Use Case: QA Manager is creating test cases with a UDF "Reviewer" and needs to keep QA Lead's name as default to appear for each test case. So the tester enters the QA Lead's name as a default value for the field.

    • When the UDF is the type of Look-up list/Multi Select Look-up list, select the Default Value you want to maintain for that list.
    • When the UDF is of type other than look-up list/multi select look-up list, enter the Field Default value you want to provide for that field.

Users can opt to keep UDFs with Lookup List and Multi Lookup List types (e.g. Test Case Type field) blank i.e. without default values. Remove any selection of values for new and existing UDFs.

Project Mapping

Refer to Share a User Defined Field across Projects on this page.

Click Save to save the User Define Field.

Editing Existing Fields

Users can edit an existing UDF by clicking on the Edit button under the Actions column.

Note: You can not edit a system defined field. It does not have the Edit button with it.

Sharing Fields Across Projects/Module

A User Defined Field can be shared across project from Add and Edit screen of Manage Fields. Project Mapping with the UDF is required to make the UDF available in the project. The current project should also be mapped with the UDF to make it available in the current project. Users can only map those projects on which they have access over.

Go to the Customization > Manage Fields. The Manage Fields screen opens.

Open either Add or Edit screen of the field.

Select the Project(s) with which you want to share the user defined field and click on the Add Project button. Project(s) is added in the grid, which shows the projects in which the UDF will be available to use.

Select Module: Associate modules with the UDF. You can select multiple modules from the drop down.

  • Mandatory: Enable the flag to make the field mandatory to fill.

In case of Lookup List / MultiLookup List, the List values can be maintained individually for different projects.

You can Edit the List and also set the default value for the list for the project.

Making Fields Mandatory/Optional

QMetry version 8.5.3 on wards Admin can make system fields and user defined fields mandatory/optional to fill by users. Fields which are inevitable e.g. Summary, cannot be turned optional.

Use Case: The test case description holds very high importance in an organization, hence, Admin wants to make the Description field mandatory for Test Case module.

A. To make a system field mandatory to fill, turn the "Mandatory" flag On for the field.

B. Fields with grey background are not editable.

Hide Testing Type Field

  1. Go to Customization > Manage Fields.
  2. Expand the System Defined Fields section.
  3. Show Testing Type field: By default the setting is On. To make the Testing Type field visible on the test case grid view or column list, turn the flag "On", else keep the flag "Off".

It hides the Testing Type field wherever it is displayed throughout the application. If the field has been part of saved filters, then the filters will be cleared.

Note: This settings will not impact Dashboard and Reports. The Testing Type field will still be visible even though the Show Testing Type field is Off.

Defining Default Value for Particular Field

You can set default value for the field so that the field appears auto-populated with the default value whenever a new record is being added in the relevant project/module.

Go to the Customization > Manage Fields. The Manage Fields screen opens.

Open either Add or Edit screen of the field.

Once you select the project and module to add the field to.

  • Default Value: Mention the value that should appear as default for the field. For field type LookUp/Multi LookUp List, select the value on the list. The List values are maintained project wise. Hence, values for the same List may differ for two different projects. For other fields types, enter the value in the box.

Deleting Fields

Only user defined fields can be deleted. System define fields can not be deleted.

Before deleting a field, remove its association with all the projects that is sharing it.

Once you delete a UDF, the data of UDF will be lost permanently. It is not recoverable.  

Removing Association of Fields (Unassociate field from Project)

  1. Select the QMetry project you want to remove the UDF association. This is your current project.
  2. Go to the Customization > Manage Fields. The Manage Fields screen opens.
  3. Locate the UDF on the list you want to remove associate with the current project and click on the Edit button for the field.
  4. To remove association of the field with the current Project, go to the Project Mapping section and click on the Delete icon under the Action column.

Note: Once the field is unassociated, all the values of the field in the test assets would be deleted for that project and it is not recoverable. 

Repeat the steps for all other projects to which the field is linked.

You can now delete the field by clicking on the Delete button under the Actions column.

If the field has values that is already assigned to test assets, then a confirmation message pops up accordingly. You need to remove it from all assigned projects.


  • If a UDF of Lookup List/Multi Select Lookup List type is deleted from a Project, then all the values assigned with the particular entities will become "None".
  • For every added UDF the Delete button appears under the Actions column. You can delete UDFs but you can not delete a system defined field. It does not have the Delete button with it.

Note: You can modify the above settings only if the Customization package is enabled on your QMetry instance.