How to schedule custom report by email and share them with other user(s)?

You can share updated Dashboards on regular basis to stakeholders. QMetry offers the flexibility to schedule emails that will contain PDF of Dashboard details.

To schedule outbound emails at particular frequency, click on the Schedule icon '' for the dashboard that you want to share. The dashboard details will be sent in PDF to recipients as per defined schedule. 

The Submit button button will be enable after filling all the details. And you will be able to see the all the schedules under the schedules tab. 

Share Dashboard

Dashboards can be shared with other teammates irrespective of their rights to access project. The dashboard can be shared with

  1. Users : Dashboard will be shared with the selected users.
  2. Project / Roles : Dashboard will be shared with the users having a specific Role in a selected project/s.
  3. Embedded URL: An URL will be generated that can be shared with the users external to organization. The access will be view only.

To share the dashboard, click on the Share 'icon for the dashboard that you want to share.

A pop-up will open. You can add the users by clicking the Add Users button. 

Share with Users

Share with Project/Role

Similar to Share with Users, you can share the dashboard with project roles. 

Embedded URL

Click on the Embedded URL tab. And hit the Generate button. 

You can click the copy options and share the URL to users outside organization.

Clicking the will generate a new URL and clicking the icon you can remove the access of the embedded URL.