SSL Certificate Configuration for QMetry Reports URL access

SSL Certificate Configuration for QMetry Reports URL access

(Note: SSL Configuration is not part of QMetry Installation and is not included as under basic QMetry support services. These are just guidelines for customers to achieve the SSL setup.) 

With QMetry v8.6.2, it is possible to sync reports data from QMetry DB to Reports DB from the QMetry UI under Customization > Insight Configuration > Sync Data which requires entering Report Server URL with port 8080.

This Report Server URL can be set up to run on HTTPS by following the below steps.

SSL Configuration Steps

Step 1 : Login to the Reports Server as a root user.

Step 2 : Copy the certificate file example “mycert.p12“, to the following location.

  • cp mycert.p12 /var/lib/docker/volumes/spark_report_spark-apps/_data/

Step 3 : Go to the following location to edit the config.properties file

  • sudo su -

  • cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/spark_report_spark-apps/_data

  • vim config.properties

    • Press i to get into “insert“ mode to edit the file and add the following parameters.







format of certificate can also be JKS. Cert files should be converted to JKS or PKCS12 in that case



This is certificate file path. We have copied the certificate file to the same location as the QMetryDataSynch.jar under _data folder. For certificate placed at other location, specify file name with path inside docker.



Enter the password specified while creating the certificate.



Enter the alias specified while creating the certificate.



Enable SSL


server.port = 8080

This is the default port set for Reports URL access that is bound with the docker container.

  • To save the changes press Esc followed by :wq

Step 4 : Restart QMetry Reports Services

  • docker stop qmetry-reports qmetry-reports-db

  • docker start qmetry-reports-db

  • docker start qmetry-reports

Step 5 : Verify the Report URL connection test is successful from QMetry.

Under Sync Data tab, setup the Report Data Sync from your reports server to QMetry Reporting. 

Report Server URL : This should be set to your HTTPS report server domain URL followed by port 8080 as shown above. Ensure port 8080 is open on the reports server.

  • Click on Test to ensure successful connection and then hit "Test & Save"

Once the connection is successful, your SSL setup is complete.