Importing Test Suites (Executions) from Excel File

Importing Test Suites (Executions) from Excel File


The feature is provided for importing test suite details which was basically exported from QMetry. To import Test Suite data, first you need to export test suite into Excel format. You can make required changes in this exported file and import this Excel file back into QMetry with relevant changes. The Import feature in Test Suite module lets you import the updated file.

For example,

The organization has a large number of test suites the execution status of which get changed. So QA Manager decides to change status in the Excel file and import this modified file into QMetry. The test execution status in QMetry gets updated without much manual efforts.

Best Practice: To carry out the import process smoothly, it is recommended that the size of file you upload should be maximum of 10 MB.

Important Points

  • Test Suite has only Re-import feature. It does not allow a fresh Import.
  • It is different than Requirement / Test Case import. The re-import of test suites is limited only to change of Execution Status and Comments.
  • The re-import feature is used to update bulk execution of test cases via excel.
  • Any updates in the fields, other than Status or Comments, will be ignored.

You can export test suites from QMetry through Bulk Operations which provides options to Export as XLSX and Export as CSV. Refer to Exporting Test Suites for more details.

Export Options and Corresponding Import in QMetry

  1. Export Test Suite(s) with Steps in Multiple Row: When you re-import test suites, the changes in Test Case Step Execution Status and Test Case Step Comments will only be considered.
  2. Export Test Suite(s) without Steps: When you re-import test suites, the changes in Test Case Execution Status and Test Case Comment will only be considered.

Steps to Import Test Suites


1. Go to the Test Suites module.

2. Click on the settings icon  on the toolbar and select Import.

3. It opens the QMetry Import screen to import Test Suites. Select the exported excel file containing test suite details.

4. Select either of the options as required:

  • Test Case Steps in single row: Select this option to store all the steps of a test case in a single row.
  • Test Case Steps in multiple rows: Select this option to store the steps of a test case in their individual rows.
  • Import without Steps: Select this option to import test cases without test case steps. Users can import the exported test suites without test case steps and update the test case executions. The test step status will be updated to the status of the test case.

5. Click Finish to close the Import wizard and start the import process.

After completing the import wizard process, the import will be scheduled. You can view the progress in the notification window on the application header. This allows scheduled imports to run in the background and allows the user to continue with their other work.

Refer to Notification Window for Import Progress for more details.