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Reuse Test Cases
Overview of Test Case Sharing
QMetry Test Management encourages users to maximize efficiency in managing test. It provides different ways to reuse test cases, which saves time of testers and makes information maintenance easier for testers. The following is a summary of the options that users can use in the same project.
- Reusing Shareable Test Cases: Shareable Test case are set of "Shareable Steps" that can be reused in other Test cases
- Copying Test Steps: Create a duplicate copy of step into the same test case. This is a one-time copy and paste of test steps.
- Copying Test Cases: A one-time copy and paste of bulk test case(s). The test cases can be pasted into the same project and across projects.
- Moving Test Cases: The test cases can be moved into the same project and across projects.
Shareable Test Cases
QMetry allows you to create Shareable Test Cases and reuse these Shareable Test Cases into another test case, i.e. reusing test cases. A shareable test case is used in different other tests within the same project to avoid creation of repeated test steps across test cases.
For example, you plan manual tests in which some sequences of steps, such as logging in, occur in many test cases. To avoid having to enter these sequences repeatedly you need to create shared steps.
The shareable test case functionality is beneficial as it:
- Saves Time: The common test steps are added into a single test case instead of entering the repeated test steps into every test case.
- Maintains Consistency: If the test steps need to be updated, then you can update the shareable test case in a single place. All other test cases that use the common test steps can have the updated information by using the updated version of the shareable test case.
Create Shareable Test Cases
In this example, we will show you how to add shareable test case and then reuse it in another test case. You can create shareable test cases using existing test steps.
Once you create a test case with test steps, open the test case details page.
Go to the Test Steps section.
Select the test steps that you want to share and click on the Create Shareable Test Case button.
Note: The Create Shareable Test Case button is available only on test case details page.
The Create Shareable Test Case pop-up opens. Enter Summary/Name of the shareable test case that is being created and click Create. The shareable test case is created.
View Shareable Test Cases
To view the shareable test cases created within the project, select the Show Only Shareable check box in the test case list view. The filter will be applied to display the shareable test cases.
The shareable test case is identified by its distinct icon.
To open the test case details page, click on the Entity Key of the shareable test case.
Reuse Shareable Test Cases
Shareable Test Cases are helpful when test steps are used repeatedly. While creating a new test case, testers may want to reuse a shareable test case because it contains the same test steps that are to be followed in the new test case.
For example, there is a test case "Login", which contains test steps to check the Login functionality. There is another test case "Verify Copy Requirements", which requires the same test steps as in "Login" along with other additional test steps. So the tester inserts shareable test case and reuse the test steps under the test case.
1. On the Test Case detail/create screen, go to the Test Steps section.
2. Click on Edit, it enables the '+' icon to add more steps.
To insert the shareable test case at the end, click on the + sign and select Insert Shareable Test Case. Or
To insert the shareable test case in the next row, click on the cog icon on individual test step and select Insert Shareable Test Case.
3. The Link Shareable Test Case pop-up opens. Select the test case you want to link to the new test case. You can also select a particular version of the test case.
4. Click either on Link or on Link & Close button. Clicking on the Link button will keep the window open after linking test cases. Clicking on the Link & Close button will close the window after linking test cases.
The shareable test cases are added to another test case. On the Steps tab, you can view the test case Key and version that has been linked.
You can -
A. Drag & Drop test steps to re-arrange them.
B. Open the shareable test case in a separate tab.
View Test Cases Linked to a Shareable Test Case
On the shareable test case detail page, open the Test Case tab. The tab lists all the test cases in which the current shareable test case is linked.
Use Case: A shareable test case is updated, but testers do not know which test cases will be impacted due to this change. Hence, the Test Case tab is added to help testers see the test cases in which shareable test cases are used.
View Test Cases having Shareable Test Case
The Show Test Cases with Shareable Test Case filter is added on the test case tree to let users see test cases to which shareable test cases linked into it.
Use Case: Testers want a quick way to see test cases which contains shareable test cases linked to it. The filter allows users to get such list of test cases promptly instead of checking individual test cases for the shareable test cases attached to them.
Easily Identify Steps from Shared Test Cases
On the Test Execution screen, you can view the Shareable Step details. The Shareable Steps have distinguished black border to them. When you run a test, you can either mark the whole test case as passed or failed, or mark each step individually.
Copying Test Steps
QMetry allows you to copy and paste test steps within the same test case.
Copy / Paste test steps within the same test case
- Go to the Test Steps section and click Edit. You can now view '+' icon and cog icon for steps.
- Select the test step that you want to create a copy of.
- Click on the Con icon for the step, and select Duplicate Row.
- It will create a copy of the existing step and add it to the test steps.
Copying Bulk Test Cases
Users can copy test cases into the same project or across project. This function works as a one-time copy so that the duplicate sets of test case(s) act independently going forward. In other words, after the copy and paste, any changes performed on the original test case will not be reflected in the test case's copy.
Pre-requisite: The destination project should have the required user defined fields that are used in the source project.
Test Cases can be copied to the destination folder or a root folder of destination project.
What will be copied with test assets?
Operation | Same Project | Across Project |
Copy | For the selected /all versions it will copy assets with all attachments, linkage of requirements, test cases, release, cycle , issues (linked with Requirement ) | For the selected/all versions it will copy assets with all attachments |
To copy test cases from one project to another project or same project, perform the following steps.
Select the project from which you will copy a test case. Go to the Test Cases module, click on the Con icon and select Bulk Operations.
Step 1 Choose Operation: Select Copy as the operation to perform and click Next.
Step 2 Select records
1. Select test case records which are to be copied. If you want to copy all the test cases across pages then select the Select All (Across Pages) option. Maximum 1000 records can be selected at a time.
2. You can apply Filter to search specific records based on different criteria. It will help you pick required test cases and narrow down the test case count to be copied. In addition, you can also view records of a specific folder by applying filter on Choose Folder.
3. Select test case version options:
- Specific Version: Test Cases in the grid appear expandable when this option is selected. On expanding test case, you can view all the available versions for the test case.
- All Versions: if this option is selected, then the Version button is disabled. Users can not select a particular version of the test case.
4. Click Next.
Step 3 Operation Details
- Project: You can copy test cases within same project and across projects. Select the destination Project/folder path you want to copy the selected test cases to.
- Owner: If the test cases are being copied to another project, then you can select Owner of the test cases in the destination project. The Owner list is populated as per the Project selection above.
- Folder: Select the folder in which you want to copy the selected test cases. The Destination Path is displayed according to the Folder selection.
Click Copy.
The confirmation message appears.
Moving Bulk Test Cases
The process is same as Bulk Copy except the version selection. Test Assets will be moved with all its existing versions.
Pre-requisite: The destination project should have the required user defined fields that are used in the source project.
What will be copied/moved with test assets?
Operation | Same Project | Across Project |
Move | For the selected /all versions it will copy assets with all attachments, linkage of requirements, test cases, release, cycle , issues (linked with Requirement ) | For the selected/all versions it will move assets with all attachments |
To move test cases from one project to another project or same project, perform the following steps.
Select the project from which you will move a test case. Go to the Test Cases module, click on the Con icon and select Bulk Operations.
Step 1 Choose Operation: Select Move as the operation to perform and click Next.
Step 2 Select records
1. Select test case records which are to be copied. If you want to move all the test cases across pages then select the Select All (Across Pages) option. Maximum 1000 records can be selected at a time.
2. You can apply Filter to search specific records based on different criteria. It will help you pick required test cases and narrow down the test case count to be moved. In addition, you can also view records of a specific folder by applying filter on Choose Folder.
3. Select test cases and click Next.
Step 3 Operation Details
- Project: You can copy test cases within same project and across projects. Select the destination Project/folder path you want to copy the selected test cases to.
- Owner: If the test cases are being copied to another project, then you can select Owner of the test cases in the destination project. The Owner list is populated as per the Project selection above.
- Folder: Select the folder in which you want to copy the selected test cases. The Destination Path is displayed according to the Folder selection.
Click Move.
The confirmation message appears.
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