QMetry Advanced Reports

QMetry Advanced Reports

Customers who have purchased QMetry Advanced Reports will get QMetry Insight, QMerty Custom Gadgets and QMetry Custom Dashboards.

  • QMetry Insight: Users can create custom reports called as gadgets.
  • QMetry Custom Gadgets: Users can view their saved or shared custom gadgets.
  • QMetry Custom Dashboard: Users have their personalized dashboard created using custom gadgets.

Roles and Rights

Users can access the Advanced Reports feature in accordance with the role rights assigned to them.

Report Module RightsQMetry Insight Module Rights
YNNANAUsers can view System reports and shared dashboard.
YYNANAUsers can view System reports, create custom dashboard and view shared dashboard.
NANAYNUsers can view Custom Gadgets.
NANAYYUsers can write custom queries in QMetry and save them as gadgets. Modify right allows you to modify your created custom gadgets.