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API for Reports
Get System Gadget ID
Dashboard key
Dashboards | Dashboard Key |
My Dashboard | mydashboard |
Requirement Report | requirement |
Test Case Report | testcase |
Issue Analysis Report | issueanalysis |
Issue Trends Report | issuetrends |
Top Issues Report | topissues |
Execution Summary Report | execution-summary |
Approval Workflow Report | approval-workflow |
Login Report | login |
Reusability Report | reusability |
Audit Log Report | auditlog |
Get System Gadget ID
API | https://<QMetry URL>/rest/analytics/latest/dashboards/<dashboard key>?isSystem=true Refer the above table to get dashboard key of the dashboard you want to export |
Method | GET |
Request Header | apiKey : <Your Open API key> Content-Type : <application/json> project : <Project key for which the report to be exported> |
Request Body | (empty) |
Response | Code : 200 Response success { "data": { "gadgets": [ { "mappingID": 8, "gadget": "{\"name\":\"Manual Vs Automated\", \"gadgetID\": \"manualvsautomated\", \"isSystem\": 1, \"isFilter\": true, \"w\": 1, \"h\": 1, \"x\": 0, \"y\": 0 }", "name": "Manual Vs Automated", "description": "Showing summary of Manual vs Automated test cases based on testing type." }, { "mappingID": 9, "gadget": "{\"name\":\"Test Cases With Issues\", \"gadgetID\": \"tcwithissue\", \"isSystem\": 1, \"isFilter\": true, \"w\": 1, \"h\": 1, \"x\": 1, \"y\": 0 }", "name": "Test Cases With Issues", "description": "Showing summary of Test cases where issues are linked and Test cases without issues." }, { "mappingID": 10, "gadget": "{\"name\":\"Planned Test Cases\", \"gadgetID\": \"tcplanned\", \"isSystem\": 1, \"isFilter\": true, \"w\": 2, \"h\": 1, \"x\": 0, \"y\": 1 }", "name": "Planned Test Cases", "description": "Showing summary of test case planned or unplanned for execution. Test case those are linked with test suites are \"Planned\" for execution. Test case those are not linked with test suites are considered \"Unplanned\" for execution." }, { "mappingID": 11, "gadget": "{\"name\":\"Test Case Summary\", \"gadgetID\": \"tcsummary\", \"isSystem\": 1, \"isFilter\": true, \"w\": 2, \"h\": 1, \"x\": 0, \"y\": 2 }", "name": "Test Case Summary", "description": "Showing summary of test cases grouped by their workflow status/priority/test category." } ], "name": "Test Case Report", "dashboardKey": "testcase" } } Code : 400 Response failure { "success": false, "code": "RP.REPORT_DASHBOARD_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Dashboard not exist." } |
Export System Gadget without filters
API | https://<QMetry base URL>/rest/analytics/latest/gadget/export | Comments |
Method | POST | |
Request Header | apiKey : <Your Open API key> Content-Type : <application/json> project : <Project key for which the report to be exported> | |
Request Body | { "isSystemGadget": 1, "gadgetKey": "<gadget ID>" } | Ggadget ID to be retrieved from api - Get System Gadget ID |
Response | Code : 200 Response success { "requestId": "3041507c-95d0-4628-a49d-d95b7632197c", "success": true } Code : 400 Response failure { "success": false, "code": "RP.REPORT_GADGET_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Gadget not exist. " } | This requestId to be used in API- Check progress and get download link for exported report data |
Export System Gadget with filters
API | https://<QMetry base url>/rest/analytics/latest/gadget/export | Comments |
Method | POST | |
Request Header | apiKey : <Your Open API key> Content-Type : <application/json> project : <Project key for which the report to be exported> | |
Request Body | { | gadget ID to be retrieved from API - Get System Gadget ID |
Response | Code : 200 Response success { "requestId": "3041507c-95d0-4628-a49d-d95b7632197c", "success": true } Code : 400 Response failure { "success": false, "code": "RP.REPORT_GADGET_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Gadget not exist. " } | This requestID can be used in APIs Check progress and get download link for exported report data |
Get Dashboard Key for QMetry Custom Dashboards > My Dashboards
API | https://<QMetry Base URL>/rest/analytics/latest/dashboards/custom/search |
Method | POST |
Request Header | apiKey : <Your Open API key> Content-Type : <application/json> project : <Project key for which the report to be exported> |
Request Body | Request { "start": 0, "limit": 50, "page": 1, "isSystem": false } |
Response | Response success - Code : 200 { "data": [ { "name": "My Custom Dasboard", "isPrivate": 1, "dashboardKey": "REFpSr", "isSystem": 0 } ], "total": 1 } Response failure - Code : 400 { "success": false, "code": "RP.REPORT_DASHBOARD_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Dashboard not exist." } |
Get Dashboard Key for QMetry Custom Dashboards > Shared Dashboards
API | https://<QMetry Base URL>/rest/analytics/latest/dashboards/sharedWithUser |
Method | POST |
Request Header | apiKey : <Your Open API key> Content-Type : <application/json> project : <Project key for which the report to be exported> |
Request Body | Request { "start": 0, "limit": 50, "page": 1, "isSystem": false } |
Response | Response success - Code : 200 { "data": [ { "name": "My Custom Dasboard", "isPrivate": 0, "dashboardKey": "REFpSr", "isSystem": 0 }, { "name": "Traceability Dashboard", "isPrivate": 1, "dashboardKey": "G3hoS5", "isSystem": 0 } ], "total": 2 } Response failure - Code : 400 { "success": false, "code": "RP.REPORT_DASHBOARD_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Dashboard not exist." } |
Get Custom Gadget ID
API | https://<QMetry Base URL>/rest/analytics/latest/dashboards/{{dashboard key}}?isSystem=false Get dashboard key using 1017514964 |
Method | GET |
Request Header | apiKey : <Your Open API key> Content-Type : <application/json> project : <Project key for which the report needs to be exported> |
Request Body | (empty) |
Response | Response success - code 200 { "data": { "gadgets": [ { "mappingID": 134, "gadget": "{\"name\":\"Custom Traceability Report\",\"dashboardKey\":\"G3hoS5\",\"gadgetID\":\"gr8uqSL\",\"id\":\"gadget-134\",\"isSystem\":false,\"cols\":1,\"rows\":1,\"isFilter\":true,\"hideLoader\":false,\"metadata\":\"[{\\\"type\\\":\\\"table\\\"}]\",\"filterValue\":[{\"type\":\"multiselect\",\"field\":\"`@Filter.project`\",\"isProject\":true,\"userID\":[13],\"value\":[9]}],\"filterAlias\":\"Default Filter\",\"mappingID\":134,\"x\":0,\"y\":0,\"w\":1,\"h\":1,\"validFilter\":true,\"validGadgetName\":true,\"errorMessage\":\"\",\"isDirty\":false,\"description\":\"Project Filter Traceability Report\",\"renameFlag\":false,\"projectKeys\":[{\"id\":\"project\",\"name\":\"project\"}],\"releaseKeys\":[],\"projectKeyIndex\":[],\"releaseKeyIndex\":[],\"showFilter\":false,\"filterId\":59}", "name": "Custom Traceability Report", "description": "This is a custom Traceability Report" }, { "mappingID": 135, "gadget": "{\"name\":\"Tabular Matrix Tracebility Report \",\"dashboardKey\":\"G3hoS5\",\"gadgetID\":\"1pohRSv\",\"id\":\"gadget-1\",\"isSystem\":false,\"cols\":1,\"rows\":1,\"isFilter\":0,\"hideLoader\":false,\"metadata\":\"[{\\\"type\\\":\\\"table\\\"}]\",\"filterValue\":\"[]\",\"filterAlias\":\"Default Filter\"}", "name": "Tabular Matrix Traceability Report ", "description": "This is Tabular Matrix Traceability Report " } ], "name": "Traceability Report Dashboard", "dashboardKey": "G3hoS5", "isShared": false } } Response failure - code 400 { "success": false, "code": "RP.REPORT_DASHBOARD_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Dashboard not exist." } |
Export Custom Gadget with filter
API | https://<QMetry Base URL>/rest/analytics/latest/gadget/export |
Method | POST |
Request Header | apiKey : <Your Open API key> Content-Type : <application/json> project : <Project key for which the report to be exported> |
Request Body | { "isSystemGadget": 0, "gadgetKey": "gr8uqSL", "filterValue": [{ "type": "multiselect", "field": "`@Filter.project`", "value": [9 ] }] } |
Response | Reponse success { "requestId": "b448f4ac-64cb-4d6c-9454-a98456ac1cf3", "success": true } Response failure { "success": false, "code": "RP.REPORT_DASHBOARD_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Dashboard not exist." } |
Export a Custom Gadget without a Filter
API | https://<QMetry Base URL>/rest/analytics/latest/gadget/export | Comment |
Method | POST | |
Request Header | apiKey : <Your Open API key> Content-Type : <application/json> project : <Project key for which the report to be exported> | |
Request Body | { "isSystemGadget": 0, "gadgetKey": "<gadget ID>" } | Gadget ID to be retrieved from API - Get Custom Gadget ID. |
Response | Response success - code 200 { "requestId": "dda590fb-ed51-4dd5-bd0b-a0f07bb1c51d", "success": true } Response failure - code 400 { "success": false, "code": "RP.REPORT_DASHBOARD_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Dashboard not exist." } |
Check progress and get download link for exported report data
API | https://<QMetry Base URL>/rest/analytics/latest/exports/{{request ID}}/progress Request ID should be retrieved from API to Export System Gadget with filter | Comments |
Method | GET | |
Request Header | apiKey : <Your Open API key> Content-Type : <application/json> project : <Project key for which the report to be exported> | |
Request Body | (empty) | gadget ID to be retrieved from API - Get System Gadget ID |
Response | Code : 200 Response success { "totalRecords": 5, "processedRecords": 5, "status": "Completed", "downloadUrl": "https://<QMetry URL>/rest/analytics/latest/exports/e431...-7c94da91419b/download?token=eyJhbG.....0e4H47c" } Response success { "totalRecords": 500, "processedRecords": 5, "status": "In_progress", "downloadUrl": } Code : 400 Response failure { "success": false, "code": "RP.REPORT_GADGET_NOT_FOUND", "message": "Gadget not exist. " } Response success { "totalRecords": 5, "processedRecords": 0, "status": "Failed", "downloadUrl": } |