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API changes from v8.4.3 to v8.4.4
List of issues linked to Execution
List of issue linked to execution
Method: POST
Changes: The Response structure has been modified to provide additional details : Testcase Version and Linkage Level of Issue (Testcase or Testcase Step). The response will also include the issue linked at step level.
The below parameters are new in the response.
- "isTCR": boolean
- "issuePriority": string
- "issueType": string
- "issueState": string
- "externalId": integer
Version 8.4.3 | Version 8.4.4 |
Request :There are NO changes in the Request Payloads Response : Response Entity { "data": [{ "tcRunID": 1258245, "projectID": 1471, "drops": "None", "platform": "Firefox", "entityKey": "SUP-IS-3", "dfId": 117618, "externalKey": "ST-14", "summary": "Issue page no found - red marked", "tsname": "Test Suite for JIRA Requirement sync", "trackerUrl": "", "platformID": Firefox, "LinkedDate": "11-14-2018 12:45:24 PM", "cycle": "Beta", "release": "January Release", "status": "To Do", "platformAttributes": "" }], "total": 1 } | Request :There are NO changes in the Request Payloads Response : Response Entity { "data": [{ "dfId": 147299, "linkageLevel": "Test Case", "isTCR": true, "executedVersion": 2, "tcRunID": 1103084, "entityKey": "QA-IS-23", "trackerUrl": "", "projectID": 5782, "drops": "None", "platform": "Firefox", "platformID": Firefox, "tsname": "This TS is to test Issue link", "LinkedDate": "11-14-2018 12:44:12 PM", "cycle": "Basic", "release": "Release 1", "platformAttributes": "", "externalKey": "SU-58", "summary": "Incorrect Time in Watch", "issuePriority": "Medium", "issueType": "Bug", "issueState": "To Do", "externalId": "11361" }, { "dfId": 146231, "linkageLevel": "Test Step", "isTCR": false, "executedVersion": 2, "tcRunID": 1103084, "entityKey": "QA-IS-20", "trackerUrl": "", "projectID": 5782, "drops": "None", "platform": "Firefox", "platformID": 12755, "tsname": "This TS is to test Issue link", "LinkedDate": "11-14-2018 12:37:52 PM", "cycle": "Basic", "release": "Release 1", "platformAttributes": "", "externalKey": "SU-55", "summary": "[QA-TC-6] Set device to Run mode", "issuePriority": "High", "issueType": "Bug", "issueState": "Done", "externalId": "11343" }], "total": 2 } |
Get Test Case Run IDs
APIs for Test Executions
Method: POST
Changes: The response is modified to display linked issue count at test case and test case step level.
- "defectTCRCount": Integer
- "defectTCSRCount": Integer
Version 8.4.3 | Version 8.4.4 |
RequestThere are NO changes in the Request Payloads Response Response Entity { "data": [{ "projectID": 578, "defects": "PLA-IS-3:117618:ST-14", "TS_name": "Test Suite for JIRA Requirement sync", "tsDescription": "", "cycleName": "Beta", "releaseName": "January Release", "tcVersionID": 610618, "attachmentCount": 0, "tsRunID": 136509, "tcRunID": 1258245, "hasRows": 0, "orderId": 1, "tcID": 297256, "tctsID": 943463, "stepCount": 13, "ExecutedAt": "10-23-2018 10:57:28 PM", "endTime": "10-23-2018 10:57:28 PM", "isArchived": false, "logCount": 0, "domain": 0, "tester": 69, "testerAlias": "punitsamtani", "isActive": true, "Status": 10001, "StatusName": "co-failed-ico", "StatusNameText": "Failed", "executedVersion": 1, "tcDescription": "", "name": "EmiratesAirlines", "entityKey": "PLA-TC-40", "latestVersion": 1, "PlatformID": 4795, "Platform_Name": "Safari", "TC_Status": "Failed", "isAutoExecuted": 0, "isPlatformArchived": false, "executedBy": "rupal.der", "tsEntityKey": "SUP-TS-9", "state": 1 }], "total": 1, "lastExecDrop": "", "lastExecDropAlias": "", "state": "1", "Defects": "1" } | RequestThere are NO changes in the Request Payloads Response Response Entity { "data": [{ "projectID": 5782, "defects": "QA-IS-22:147298:SU-57,QA-IS-23:147299:SU-58", "defectTCRCount": 2, "defectTCSRCount": 2, "TS_name": "This TS is to test Issue link", "tsDescription": "", "cycleName": "Basic", "releaseName": "Release 1", "tcVersionID": 4088493, "attachmentCount": 0, "testCaseType": 1918464, "testCaseTypeAlias": "BVT", "tsRunID": 58675, "tcRunID": 1103084, "hasRows": 0, "orderId": 1, "tcID": 3836365, "tctsID": 592025, "stepCount": 1, "ExecutedAt": "11-14-2018 12:37:21 PM", "endTime": "11-14-2018 12:37:29 PM", "isArchived": false, "logCount": 0, "domain": 0, "tester": 417, "testerAlias": "Spider", "isActive": true, "Status": 41089, "StatusName": "co-failed-ico", "StatusNameText": "Failed", "executedVersion": 2, "tcDescription": "", "name": "This TCis to test Issue link", "entityKey": "QA-TC-11", "latestVersion": 2, "PlatformID": 12755, "Platform_Name": "Firefox", "TC_Status": "Failed", "isAutoExecuted": 0, "isPlatformArchived": false, "executedBy": "Spider", "tsEntityKey": "QA-TS-3", "state": 1 }], "total": 1, "lastExecDrop": "", "lastExecDropAlias": "", "state": "1", "Defects": "4" } |
List of Releases
API to List Releases
Method: POST
API : /rest/admin/release/list
Changes: The response is modified to include “isNonDeletable” flag. This allows to delete the release. If values if true the release is in use else deletes release along with cycles.
- "isNonDeletable": Boolean
Version 8.4.3 | Version 8.4.4 |
Request :There are NO changes in Request Payload. Response : Response Entity { "data": [ { "projectID": 1191, "createdDate": "10-01-2018 10:28:58 AM", "releaseID": 2771, "name": "Default Release", "description": "", "NoofCycles": 1, "isArchived": false, "Associatedproject": "Sample Project", "isLocked": false, "isDefault": 1 } ] } | Request :There are NO changes in Request Payload. Response : Response Entity { "total": 1, "data": [ { "projectID": 3910, "createdDate": "06-06-2018 19:00:00", "releaseID": 8160, "name": "Default Release", "description": "", "NoofCycles": 1, "isArchived": false, "lockedDate": "06-12-2018 04:20:42", "Associatedproject": "Sample Project", "isLocked": false, "isDefault": 1, "isNonDeletable": true } ] } |
Update Requirements
API to Update Requirements
Method: PUT
API : /rest/requirements
Changes: The response is modified to include “totalWatchers” and “isCurrentUserWatcher”.
- "totalWatchers": Integer
- "isCurrentUserWatcher": Boolean
- "message" : string
Version 8.4.3 | Version 8.4.4 |
Request :There are NO changes in Request Payload Response : Response Entity { "success": true, "code": "RQ.UPDATE_ENTITY_SUCCESS", "data": [ { "entityKey": "DES-RQ-6", "rqVersionID": 237871, "rqVersion": 1, "updatedByAlias": "spiderman (spider)", "updatedDate": "11-13-2018 07:36:02 AM" } ] } | Request :There are NO changes in Request Payload Response : Response Entity { "success": true, "code": "RQ.UPDATE_ENTITY_SUCCESS", "message": "Requirement TP1-RQ-30 updated successfully.", "data": [ { "entityKey": "TP1-RQ-30", "rqVersionID": 338956, "rqVersion": 1, "updatedByAlias": "spiderman (spider)", "updatedDate": "11-13-2018 07:32:34", "totalWatchers": 2, "isCurrentUserWatcher": true } ] } |
Update Test Cases
API to Update Test case
Method: PUT
API : /rest/testcases
Changes: The response is modified to include “totalWatchers” and “isCurrentUserWatcher”.
- "totalWatchers": Integer
- "isCurrentUserWatcher": Boolean
- "message" : string
Version 8.4.3 | Version 8.4.4 |
Request :There are NO changes in Request Payload Response : Response Entity { "success": true, "code": "TC.UPDATE_ENTITY_SUCCESS", "data": [ { "entityKey": "DES-TC-9", "tcVersionID": 1011124, "tcVersion": 1, "updatedByAlias": "spiderman (spider)", "updatedDate": "11-13-2018 07:43:49 AM", "stepIds": "" } ] } | Request :There are NO changes in Request Payload Response : Response Entity { "entityKey": "TP1-TC-32", "tcVersionID": 2390778, "tcVersion": 1, "updatedByAlias": "spiderman (spider)", "updatedDate": "11-13-2018 07:40:35", "stepIds": "", "totalWatchers": 1, "isCurrentUserWatcher": false, "success": true, "code": "TC.UPDATE_ENTITY_SUCCESS", "message": "Test case TP1-TC-32 updated successfully.", "data": [ { "entityKey": "TP1-TC-32", "tcVersionID": 2390778, "tcVersion": 1, "updatedByAlias": "spiderman (spider)", "updatedDate": "11-13-2018 07:40:35", "stepIds": "", "totalWatchers": 1, "isCurrentUserWatcher": false } ] } |
Update TestSuites
API to update test suites
Method: PUT
API : /rest/testsuites
Changes: The response is modified to include “totalWatchers” and “isCurrentUserWatcher”.
- "totalWatchers": Integer
- "isCurrentUserWatcher": Boolean
- "message" : string
Version 8.4.3 | Version 8.4.4 |
Request:There are NO changes in Request Payload Response: Response Entity { "success": true, "code": "TS.UPDATE_TS_SUCCESS", "data": [ { "testSuiteId": 92725, "entityKey": "DES-TS-4", "updatedByAlias": "spiderman (spider)", "updatedDate": "11-13-2018 07:49:38 AM" } ] } | Request:There are NO changes in Request Payload Response: Response Entity { "success": true, "code": "TS.UPDATE_TS_SUCCESS", "message": "Test suite TP1-TS-12 updated successfully.", "data": [ { "testSuiteId": 24900, "entityKey": "TP1-TS-12", "updatedByAlias": "spiderman (spider)", "updatedDate": "11-13-2018 07:48:32", "totalWatchers": 1, "isCurrentUserWatcher": false } ] } |
Update Internal Issues
API to update Internal Issue
Method: PUT
API : /rest/issues
Changes: The response is modified to include “totalWatchers” and “isCurrentUserWatcher”.
- "totalWatchers": Integer
- "isCurrentUserWatcher": Boolean
- "message" : string
- "skipReplication" : boolean
Version 8.4.3 | Version 8.4.4 |
Request :There are NO changes in Request Payload Response : Response Entity { "success": true, "code": "IS.UPDATE_ENTITY_SUCCESS |