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API changes from v8.5 to v8.5.1
With the new and upcoming releases of QMetry, we continue to add exciting and useful new features that improve the usability. With the new features and improvements being added to QMetry also necessitates changes in the APIs. This page enlists such APIs that will be changed from version 8.5 to 8.5.1. The purpose of this document is to help Integration Teams keep their code updated and current with the API changes/updates to the existing APIs.
Updated APIs
Update Test Case Linked to Test Suite with Latest Version
API | /rest/testsuites/link/testcaseWithLatestVersion |
Method | POST |
Impact of Change | Medium |
Backward Compatible | No |
Reason for Change | New feature introduced to sync all / certain test cases using bulk operation on execution screen, required adding new parameters to the request of this API. |
Changes | The request structure has been modified |
The below parameters are new in the request.
- "tcRunID" : List of tcRunIds separated by comma for Bulk Sync
- "SyncAll" : When set to "True" - syncs all the test cases to a given "tsRunID" and "tcRunIDs" will be ignored
- "SyncAll" : When set to "False" - to ignore the "SyncAll" parameter and "tsRunID" parameter.
- "tsRunID" : Mandatory when "SyncAll" is passed as "True"
Version 8.5 | Version 8.5.1 |
Request Body { "tcRunID": 2850695 } | Request Body { "tcRunIDs": [ 3400, 3401 ], "syncAll": true, "tsRunID": 435 } |
Get List of Testcases while Linking to a Test suite
API | /rest/testcases/list/forTS |
Method | POST |
Impact of Change | Medium |
Backward Compatible | Yes |
Reason for Change | New feature introduced to find test cases not already linked to a test suite's current release and cycle and to find test cases not linked to a test suite (irrespective of their release and cycle) |
Changes | The request body is modified to include new options to filter test cases that are not already linked to this Test Suite.
The reponse body now returrns applied filter as well
Version 8.5 | Version 8.5.1 |
Request Body { "limit": 20, "start": 0, "page": 1, "getColumns": true, "filter": "[{\"type\":\"list\",\"value\":[5073],\"field\":\"release\", { \ "type\":\"list\",\"value\":[10617],\"field\":\"cycle\"}]",, "udfFilter": "[]", "showAllStateEntities": true, "getLinked": false, "showEntityWithReleaseCycle": true, "tsID": 175462 } | Request Body { "limit": 20, "start": 0, "page": 1, "getColumns": true, "filter": "[{\"type\":\"list\",\"value\":[295],\"field\":\"release\"}, { \ "type\":\"list\",\"value\":[345],\"field\":\"cycle\"}]", "udfFilter": "[]", "tsID": 502, "showUnlinked": false, "showUnlinkedForReleaseCycle": true, "showEntityWithReleaseCycle": false, "showAllStateEntities": true, "getLinked": false } |
Response { "data": [{ "tcVersionID": 1336357, "tcVersion": 2, ... ... }], "total": 1, "filterTemplate": [{ "displayName": "Priority", ... ... }, ... }, { "displayName": "isParameterized", ... }] } | Response { "data": [{ "tcVersionID": 6132, "tcVersion": 2, ... ... }], "total": 1, "filterTemplate": [{ "displayName": "Priority", ... ... }, ... { "displayName": "isParameterized", ... }], "filter": [], "udfFilter": "[]", "tcFolderPath": "", "showUnlinked": false, "showUnlinkedForReleaseCycle": false, "showEntityWithReleaseCycle": true } |
Bulk Update Run Status
API | /rest/execution/runstatus/bulkupdate |
Method | PUT |
Impact of Change | Low |
Backward Compatible | Yes |
Reason for Change | API modified to return the name of execution status as chosen on execution screen for quick identification from response. |
Changes | The response now returns the name of the execution status under "tcrStatusAlias" as seen in the QMetry UI. |
Version 8.5 | Version 8.5.1 |
Response { "success": true, "code": "CO.BULK_UPDATE_RUNSTATUS_SUCCESS", "message": "Status is successfully bulk updated for 2 test case(s).", "data": [{ "entityIDs": "2850696,2850697", "entityType": "TCR", "qmTsRunId": "253601", "runStatusID": 14586, "COUNT": 2, "lastExecuted": "2019-02-08 07:25:27 PM", "tcrStatus": "14586", "executedBy": "punitsamtani" }] } | Response { "success": true, "code": "CO.BULK_UPDATE_RUNSTATUS_SUCCESS", "message": "Status is successfully bulk updated for Count test case(s).", "data": [{ "entityIDs": "2577,2579", "entityType": "TCR", "qmTsRunId": "706", "runStatusID": 331, "COUNT": 2, "lastExecuted": "02-08-2019 08:57:38", "tcrStatus": "331", "tcrStatusAlias": "Failed", "executedBy": "punit" }] } |
Get List of Requirements while Linking to a Test suite
API | /rest/requirements/list/forTS |
Method | POST |
Impact of Change | Low |
Backward Compatible | Yes |
Reason for Change | New feature that preserves and saves filter on grid of the UI requires this information in the API. |
Changes | Changed Response Structure. Below is the new parameter added in response structure.
Version 8.5 | Version 8.5.1 |
Response { "data": [{ "priority": 275405, "priorityAlias": "Blocker", ... ... }], "total": 2, "filterTemplate": [{ "displayName": "Priority", ... }, ... }, { "displayName": "Owner", ... }] } | Response { "data": [{ "priority": 17673, "priorityAlias": "Blocker", ... ... }], "total": 2, "filterTemplate": [{ "displayName": "Priority", ... }, ... "displayName": "Owner", ... }], "filter": [{ "type": "list", "value": [343, 295], "field": "release" }, { "type": "list", "value": [345, 401], "field": "cycle" }], "udfFilter": "[]", "rqFolderPath": "" } |
Get List of Testcases for a Requirement
API | /rest/testcases/list/forRQ |
Method | POST |
Impact of Change | Medium |
Backward Compatible | Yes |
Reason for Change | New feature that preserves and saves filter on grid of the UI requires this information in the API. |
Changes | Changed Response Structure. Below is the new parameter added in response structure.
Version 8.5 | Version 8.5.1 |
Response { "data": [{ "tcVersionID": 1336358, "tcVersion": 2, "isArchived": false, ... }], "total": 1, "filterTemplate": [{ "displayName": "Priority", "field": "priorityAlias", "fieldType": "list", "isUDF": false }, ... ... { "displayName": "isParameterized", ... }] } | Response { "data": [{ "tcVersionID": 6131, "tcVersion": 2, "isArchived": false, ... }], "total": 1, "filterTemplate": [{ "displayName": "Priority", "field": "priorityAlias", "fieldType": "list", "isUDF": false ... ... { "displayName": "isParameterized", ... }], "filter": [{ "type": "list", "value": [3372], "field": "priorityAlias" }], "udfFilter": "[]", "tcFolderPath": "" } |
Get Test Suite List along with Fields
API | /rest/testsuites/list/viewColumns |
Method | POST |
Impact of Change | Low |
Backward Compatible | Yes |
Reason for Change | New feature that preserves and saves filter on grid of the UI requires this information in the API |
Changes | The response structure is changed with sorting retained and returned in the response with "sort". |
Version 8.5 | Version 8.5.1 |
Response { "data": [{ "name": "Test Suite B", "entityKey": "AT-TS-2", "attachmentCount": 0, ... }, { "name": "Test Suite A", "entityKey": "AT-TS-1", ... "isArchived": false }], "total": 2, "viewId": 6160, "filter": "[]", "viewName": "Custom", "filterTemplate": [{ "displayName": "Status", ... }, ... ... }], "columns": { "visibleColumns": [{ "displayName": "Summary", ... }], "hiddenColumns": [{ "displayName": "Owner", "field": "owner", ... }] }, "udfFilter": "[]", "folderSortColumn": "name", "folderSortOrder": "ASC", "hideEmptyFolders": false, "getSubEntities": true } | Response { "data": [{ "name": "Test Suite B", "entityKey": "AT-TS-1", "attachmentCount": 0, ... }, { "name": "Test Suite A", "entityKey": "AT-TS-2", ... "isArchived": false }], "total": 2, "viewId": 317, "filter": "[]", "sort": "[{\"property\":\"name\",\"direction\":\"DESC\"}]", "viewName": "Custom", "filterTemplate": [{ "displayName": "Status", ... }, ... ... }], "columns": { "visibleColumns": [{ "displayName": "Summary", ... }], "hiddenColumns": [{ "displayName": "Owner", "field": "owner", ... }] }, "udfFilter": "[]", "folderSortColumn": "name", "folderSortOrder": "ASC", "hideEmptyFolders": false, "getSubEntities": true } |
Delete User
API | /rest/admin/user/delete |
Method | PUT |
Impact of Change | Low |
Backward Compatible | No |
Reason for Change | A bugfix related to audit logs message requires change in the API |
Changes | The method changes from POST to PUT, request and response are unchanged. |
Delete Project
API | /rest/admin/project/delete |
Method | PUT |
Impact of Change | Low |
Backward Compatible | No |
Reason for Change | A bugfix related to audit logs message requires change in the API |
Changes | The method changes from POST to PUT, request and response are unchanged. |
Add New Parameters
API | /rest/parameter |
Method | POST |
Impact of Change | Low |
Backward Compatible | Yes |
Reason for Change | In case a duplicate parameter is found, it can now be distinguished its with paramID |
Changes | New Response Parameter "paramID" added. |
Version 8.5 | Version 8.5.1 |
Response { "success": true, "data": { "name": "Employee", "description": "Employee Parameter", "isArchived": false, "createdDate": "2019-02-08T14:10:46", "updatedDate": "", "value": [{ "paramValueID": 1927, "value": "Manager" }, { "paramValueID": 1928, "value": "Team Member" }] } } | Response { "success": true, "data": { "paramID" : 432, "name": "Employee", "description": "Employee Parameter", "isArchived": false, "createdDate": "2019-02-08T14:10:46", "updatedDate": "", &q |