API changes from v8.5.4 to v8.6

API changes from v8.5.4 to v8.6

With the new and upcoming releases of QMetry, we continue to add exciting and useful new features that improve usability. With the new features and improvements being added to QMetry also necessitates changes in the APIs. This page enlists such APIs that will be changed from version 8.5.4 to 8.6 that is scheduled at the end of Feb 2020. The purpose of this document is to help Integration Teams keep their code updated and current with the API changes/updates to the existing APIs. In case you do not use any of these APIs, these changes can be safely ignored.

Summarized API changes

API NameREST URLMethodBackward compatibility with 8.5.4Request Change

Response Change

Get Details of a Requirement






Fetch Requirement List For Issue






Get List of Users






Get List of Testcases in Folder






Get Info Services

Bulk Update Run Status/rest/execution/runstatus/bulkupdatePUTYesYesNo
Update Test Case linked to Test Suites with latest version/rest/testsuites/link/testcaseWithLatestVersionPOSTYesYesNo
Reset execution status on bulk update/rest/execution/resetstatusPUTYesYesNo
Get list of all projects/rest/admin/project/listPOSTYesNoYes
Get list of all releases in a project/rest/admin/release/listPOSTNoNo Yes
Copy a Test Suite/rest/testsuites/copyPUTYesYesNo
Get list of Test Suites for a Test Case/rest/testsuites/list/forTCPOSTNoNoYes
Link Requirement(s) with Test Case/rest/testcases/link/requirementPUTYesYesNo

Link Test Case(s) to Requirement

Link Test Suite(s) to Test Case/rest/testcases/link/testsuitesPUTYesYesNo
Link Test Case(s) to Test Suite/rest/testsuites/dolink/TCsPUTYesYesNo

Common Request Body Changes in below APIs 

Get Requirement list along with Custom Fields/rest/requirements/list/viewColumnsPOSTYesYesNo
Get Test Case List along with Custom Fields/rest/testcases/list/viewColumnsPOSTYesYesNo
Get Test Suite List along with Fields/rest/testsuites/list/viewColumnsPOSTYesYesNo
List Test Execution Run/rest/execution/list/viewColumnsPOSTYesYesNo
Get Issue list along with Custom Fields (Only for projects that are not integrated with Jira)/rest/issues/list/viewColumnsPOSTYesYesNo
Get Test case linked to a Requirement/rest/testcases/list/forRQPOSTYesYesNo
Get List of Issues for a Requirement/rest/issues/list/ForRQPOSTYesYesNo
Fetch Requirement List For Test Case/rest/requirements/list/forTCPOSTYesYesNo
Get List of Test suites for a Testcase/rest/testsuites/list/forTCPOSTYesYesNo
Get List of Requirements while Linking to a Test suite/rest/requirements/list/forTSPOSTYesYesNo
Get Test case linked to a TestSuite/rest/testcases/list/forTSPOSTYesYesNo
Get list of issue available for linking or already linked to Test case Step Run/rest/execution/issue/list/forTCStepRunPOSTYesYesNo
Get list of Issue available for linking or already linked to Test case Run/rest/execution/issue/list/forTCRunPOSTYesYesNo
Fetch Requirement List For Issue/rest/requirements/list/forISPOSTYesYesNo
Search Requirement/Test Case/Test Suite/Issue/rest/searchPOSTYesYesNo

Updated APIs

Get Details of a Requirement

Impact of changeLow
Backward CompatibilityYes
Reason for changeFor requirements imported from Jira, API fetches comments with new parameter showExtComments . Also, QMetry specfic attachments are identified using parameter showQmetryAttachments. Internal fixes in the formatting for "extUdfFields" while fetching comma separated UDF values from Jira.
ChangesAdded showExtComments and showQmetryAttachments in the response body; also, the response format of "extUdfFields" is updated.
Version 8.5.4Version 8.6
Response Body
	"data": [{
		"statusId": 5293,
		"rqBuildMapID": 0,
		"plannerFlag": false,
		"rqId": 459019,
		"entityKey": "BD-RQ-252",
		"archivedTcTotal": 0,
		"unarchivedTcTotal": 0,
		"projectId": 775,
		"linkedTcCount": 0,
		"linkedDfCount": 0,
		"dtKey": "FIT-17",
		"name": "Do multiple ATM transactions",
		"rqVersion": 1,
		"attachmentCount": 1,
		"createdDate": "11-06-2019 02:47:44",
		"isVersionArchived": false,
		"createdSystem": "JIRA",
		"updatedDate": "11-13-2019 18:31:25",
		"updatedBy": 216,
		"updatedByAlias": "jatin (jatin)",
		"createdByAlias": "jatin (jatin)",
		"parentFolderId": 3292,
		"folderPath": "/Shape Up/Imported from Jira",
		"rqVersionID": 562594,
		"rqVersionList": "[{\"isArchived\":0,\"rqVersion\":1,\"rqVersionID\":562594,
		"releaseName": "Release 2",
		"projectName": "Shape Up",
		"isArchived": false,
		"externalFields": "[{\"name\":\"Key\", \"isDisplay\":true, \"type\":\"text\",\"value\":\"FIT-17\" },
\"type\":\"LARGETEXT\",\"value\": \"\"}]",
		"trackerUrl": "https://qmetry.atlassian.net",
		"buildName": "Build 2.2",
		"extUdfFields": "[{\"name\":\"Sprint\",\"type\":\"array\",
\"value\":\"FIT Sprint 2\",\"isDisplay\":true}]",
		"isCurrentlyConfiguredProject": false,
		"totalWatchers": 1,
		"isCurrentUserWatcher": false
	"total": 1,
	"buildId": 1729,
	"cycleId": 2700,
	"UDFTypeData": {
		"Cost": "STRING",
		"Edition": "LOOKUPLIST",
		"Shapeupsprint": "LOOKUPLIST",
		"Component_Field": "MULTILOOKUPLIST"
Response Body
	"data": [{
		"statusId": 5293,
		"rqBuildMapID": 0,
		"plannerFlag": false,
		"rqId": 459019,
		"entityKey": "BD-RQ-252",
		"archivedTcTotal": 0,
		"unarchivedTcTotal": 0,
		"projectId": 775,
		"linkedTcCount": 0,
		"linkedDfCount": 0,
		"dtKey": "FIT-17",
		"name": "Do multiple ATM transactions",
		"rqVersion": 1,
		"attachmentCount": 1,
		"createdDate": "11-06-2019 02:47:44",
		"isVersionArchived": false,
		"createdSystem": "JIRA",
		"updatedDate": "11-13-2019 18:31:25",
		"updatedBy": 216,
		"updatedByAlias": "jatin (jatin)",
		"createdByAlias": "jatin (jatin)",
		"parentFolderId": 3292,
		"folderPath": "/Shape Up/Imported from Jira",
		"rqVersionID": 562594,
		"rqVersionList": "[{\"isArchived\":0,\"rqVersion\":1,\"rqVersionID\":562594,
		"releaseName": "Release 2",
		"projectName": "Shape Up",
		"isArchived": false,
		"externalFields": "[{\"name\":\"Key\", \"isDisplay\":true,
\"type\":\"text\",\"value\":\"FIT-17\" },
{\"name\":\"Description\",\"isDisplay\":true,  \"type\":\"LARGETEXT\",\"value\": \"\"}]",
		"trackerUrl": "https://qmetry.atlassian.net",
		"showExtComments": true,
		"showQmetryAttachments": true,
		"buildName": "Build 2.2",
        "extUdfFields": "[{\"FieldID\":\"customfield_10104\",\"type\":\"array\",
		"isCurrentlyConfiguredProject": false,
		"totalWatchers": 1,
		"isCurrentUserWatcher": false
	"total": 1,
	"buildId": 1729,
	"cycleId": 2700,
	"UDFTypeData": {
		"Cost": "STRING",
		"Edition": "LOOKUPLIST",
		"Shapeupsprint": "LOOKUPLIST",
		"Component_Field": "MULTILOOKUPLIST"

Fetch Requirement List For Issue

Impact of changeLow
Backward CompatibilityYes
Reason for changeWith v8.5.6, issues module will be enabled for Jira integrated projects as well. This existing API which displays requirements linked to the issue, will also fetch the external Jira keys of linked requirements that are imported from Jira.

Added externalKey parameter in response.

Version 8.5.4Version 8.6
Response Body
	"data": [{
		"priority": 223620,
		"priorityAlias": "Blocker",
		"projectID": 1708,
		"rqID": 146762,
		"entityKey": "LD-RQ-1",
		"latestUnarchivedVersion": 1,
		"latestVersion": 1,
		"rqVersionID": 244810,
		"rqVersion": 1,
		"cycleNameList": "Cycle 2,Cycle 3,Cycle 4,Default Cycle",
		"releaseNameList": "Release Q1,Release Q2,Release Q3",
		"name": "Login DP (Requirement)",
		"description": "Testing Data Parameterization module",
		"attachmentCount": 1,
		"ownerId": 1723,
		"isArchived": false,
		"isVersionArchived": false,
		"projectName": "Login DataParameterization",
		"requirementStateAlias": "Open",
		"createdByAlias": "afjal"
	"total": 1
Response Body
	"data": [{
		"priority": 223620,
		"priorityAlias": "Blocker",
		"projectID": 1708,
		"rqID": 146762,
		"entityKey": "LD-RQ-1",
		"externalKey": "CC-6",
		"latestUnarchivedVersion": 1,
		"latestVersion": 1,
		"rqVersionID": 244810,
		"rqVersion": 1,
		"cycleNameList": "Cycle 2,Cycle 3,Cycle 4,Default Cycle",
		"releaseNameList": "Release Q1,Release Q2,Release Q3",
		"name": "Login DP (Requirement)",
		"attachmentCount": 1,
		"ownerId": 1723,
		"isArchived": false,
		"isVersionArchived": false,
		"projectName": "Login DataParameterization",
		"requirementStateAlias": "Open",
		"createdByAlias": "afjal",
		"trackerUrl": "https://yourjira.qmetry.com"
	"total": 1

Get List of Users

Impact of changeLow
Backward CompatibilityYes
Reason for changeAdded "isDeleted" parameter in the response for internal feature to identify and keep track of changes by users that were deleted.

Added isDeleted parameter in the response.

Version 8.5.4Version 8.6
Response Body
	"userID": 3566,
	"loginId": "Jane",
	"userAlias": "Jane",
	"firstName": "Jane",
	"lastName": "Doe",
	"email": "jane.doe@qmetry.com",
	"isActive": true,
	"authType": "QMETRY",
	"userType": 1,
	"isSysAdmin": false
Response Body
	"userID": 3566,
	"loginId": "Jane",
	"userAlias": "Jane",
	"firstName": "Jane",
	"lastName": "Doe",
	"email": "jane.doe@qmetry.com",
	"isActive": true,
	"authType": "QMETRY",
	"userType": 1,
	"isSysAdmin": false,
	"isDeleted": false

Get List of Testcases in Folder

Impact of changeLow
Backward CompatibilityYes
Reason for changeAdded "isParameterized" flag to identify the test cases that have data parameters added in steps.

Added isParameterized flag in the response

Version 8.5.4Version 8.6
Response Body
	"data": [{
		"isVersionArchived": false,
		"isShared": false,
		"associatedCycles": "Default Cycle",
		"state": 1,
		"releaseNameDetail": "Release Q1",
		"cycleNameDetail": "Default Cycle",
		"cycleIdsAsVersion": "7645",
		"releaseIdsAsVersion": "4085",
		"tcrCount": 0,
		"associatedVersion": 1,
		"tcID": 1005825,
		"paramIdList": "[849, 706]",
		"entityKey": "LD-TC-8",
		"projectId": 1708,
		"projectName": "Login DataParameterization",
		"summary": "Calculate Distance",
		"tcVersion": 1,
		"createdDate": "12-30-2019 07:19:11 PM",
		"updatedDate": "12-31-2019 01:17:28 AM",
		"description": "",
		"updatedBy": "QMetry",
		"updatedByAlias": "admin (admin)",
		"createdBy": "Karthik",
		"createdByAlias": "Karthik (karthik1)",
		"designerAlias": "",
		"testingType": 223627,
		"testingTypeAlias": "Manual",