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API changes from v8.5.6.1 to v8.6.1
With the new and upcoming releases of QMetry, we continue to add exciting and useful new features that improve usability. With the new features and improvements being added to QMetry also necessitates changes in the APIs. This page enlists such APIs that will be changed from version to 8.6.1. The purpose of this document is to help Integration Teams keep their code updated and current with the API changes/updates to the existing APIs. In case you do not use any of these APIs, these changes can be safely ignored.
Summarized API changes
API Name | REST URL | Method | Backward compatibility with 8.5.4 | Request Change | Response Change |
Copy a Test Suite | /rest/testsuites/copy | PUT | Yes | Yes | No |
Get list of Test Suites for a Test Case | /rest/testsuites/list/forTC | POST | No | No | Yes |
Link Requirement(s) with Test Case | /rest/testcases/link/requirement | PUT | Yes | Yes | No |
Link Test Case(s) to Requirement | /rest/requirements/link/testcases | PUT | Yes | Yes | No |
Link Test Suite(s) to Test Case | /rest/testcases/link/testsuites | PUT | Yes | Yes | No |
Link Test Case(s) to Test Suite | /rest/testsuites/dolink/TCs | PUT | Yes | Yes | No |
Updated APIs
Copy a Test Suite
API | /rest/testsuites/copy |
Method | PUT |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | With introduction to the ability to copy Test Suite with the more options like below several new parameters are introduced in the API request.
Changes | New parameter flags
Version 8.5.4 | Version 8.6 |
Request Body { "srcFolderId": 1097, "destFolderId": 1097, "id": "193755" } | Request Body { "srcFolderId": 169, "destFolderId": 184, "id": "855", "isPlatformCopy": true, "executionStatusIds": [515, 514, 519, 516, 518], "isReleaseCycleCopy": true, "isLatestVersionSync": true, "isPlatformCopyWithSelctedStatus": true, "isResetToNotrun": true, "isResetAssignee": false } |
Get list of Test Suites to be linked in a Test Case
API | /rest/testsuites/list/forTC |
Method | POST |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | No |
Reason for change | Multiple boolean flags are added in the response in regards to the confirmation message validation check for release, cycle or archived platforms in test suites |
Changes | Added the following boolean flags in the response:
Version 8.5.4 | Version 8.6 |
Response Body { "tsID": 193754, "projectID": 578, "entityKey": "PLA-TS-27", "tsFolderID": 1097, "name": "iMobile Pay Suite", "linkedTcCount": 2, "linkedPlatform": 1, "platform": "Android,Firefox,Google Chrome,Internet Explorer,Safari", "attachmentCount": 0, "releaseNameList": "Pro,Macro", "cycleNameList": "Pro Q1-20,Alpha Macro", "createdDate": "02-21-2020 22:16:54", "createdBy": "John", "createdByAlias": "john", "isPlatformArchived": false, "isArchived": false, "canLink": true } | Response Body { "tsID": 5145, "projectID": 74, "entityKey": "FIT-TS-14", "tsFolderID": 169, "name": "iMobile Pay Suite", "linkedTcCount": 36, "linkedPlatform": 5, "platform": "Android,Firefox,Google Chrome,Internet Explorer,Safari", "attachmentCount": 0, "releaseNameList": "Pro,Macro", "cycleNameList": "Pro Q1-20,Alpha Macro", "createdDate": "27-02-2020 05:23:00 PM", "createdBy": "Jane", "createdByAlias": "jane", "ownerAlias": "jane", "testSuiteState": 9751, "testSuiteStateAlias": "In Progress", "isCycleArchived": true, "isReleaseArchived": true, "isPlatformArchived": false, "isArchived": false, "canLink": false, "isAnyPlatRelCycArchived": true } |
Link Requirement(s) to Test Case
API | /rest/testcases/link/requirement |
Method | PUT |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | With introduction feature to be able to link Requirement(s) to a Test Case using the Requirement Entity Key directly, with the Version 8.6, a new parameter is introduced to pass the requirement(s) key as comma separated values through Rest API. |
Changes | Ability to use the option "rqEntitykeys" in the request to specify one or more requirement key. |
Version 8.5.4 | Version 8.6 |
Request Body { "tcID": "PLA-TC-42", "tcVersionId": 1626274, "rqVersionIds": "546473,546472" } | Request Body { "tcID": "FIT-TC-8", "tcVersionId": 203819, "rqEntitykeys": "FIT-RQ-1,FIT-RQ-2" } |
Link Test Case(s) to Requirement
API | /rest/requirements/link/testcases |
Method | PUT |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | With introduction of feature to be able to link Test Case(s) to a Requirement using the Test Case's Entity Key directly, with the Version 8.6, an option is introduced to pass the test case(s) key as comma separated values through Rest API. |
Changes | Ability to use the option "tcEntitykeys" in the request to specify one or more test case key. |
Version 8.5.4 | Version 8.6 |
Request Body { "rqID": "PLA-RQ-2035", "rqVersionId": 546473, "tcVersionIds": "1757615,1757614,1757613" } | Request Body { "rqID": "FIT-RQ-1", "rqVersionId": 876240, "tcEntitykeys": "FIT-TC-9,FIT-TC-10,FIT-TC-11" } |
Link Test Suite(s) to Test Case
API | /rest/testcases/link/testsuites |
Method | PUT |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | With introduction of feature to be able to link Test Suites(s) to a Test Case using the Test Suite's Entity Key directly, with the Version 8.6, an option is introduced to pass the test suite(s) key as comma separated values through Rest API. |
Changes | Ability to use the option "tsIDs" in the request to specify one or more test suite key. |
Version 8.5.4 | Version 8.6 |
Request Body { "tcID": "PLA-TC-40", "tsIDs": "PLA-TS-30,PLA-TS-29", "tcVersion": 2, "testSuiteIds": [193945, 193944] } | Request Body { "tcID": "FIT-TC-59", "tcVersion": 1, "tsIDs": "FIT-TS-7,FIT-TS-8", } |
Link Test Case(s) to Test Suite
API | /rest/testsuites/dolink/TCs |
Method | PUT |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | No |
Reason for change | With introduction to be able to link Test Case(s) to a Test Suite using the Test Case's Entity Key directly, with the Version 8.6, an option is introduced to pass the test case(s) key as comma separated values through Rest API. |
Changes | Ability to use the option "tcEntitykeys" in the request to specify one or more test case key. |
Version 8.5.4 | Version 8.6 |
Request Body { "tsID": 193944, "tcvdIDs": [1757616, 1757614, 1757615], "fromReqs": false } | Request Body { "tsID": 5087, "isTcSkip": true, "tcEntitykeys": "FIT-TC-3,FIT-TC-4" } |
Common Changes to Request of Following APIs
APIs | /rest/requirements/list/viewColumns /rest/testcases/list/viewColumns /rest/testsuites/list/viewColumns /rest/execution/list/viewColumns /rest/issues/list/viewColumns /rest/testcases/list/forRQ /rest/issues/list/ForRQ /rest/requirements/list/forTC /rest/testsuites/list/forTC /rest/requirements/list/forTS /rest/testcases/list/forTS /rest/execution/issue/list/forTCStepRun /rest/execution/issue/list/forTCRun /rest/requirements/list/forIS /rest/search |
Method | POST |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | Ability to search assets in filters by using comma separated entity IDs. |
Changes to Request Body | Filter object now supports passing entity keys comma separated for search: "filter": "[{\"type\":\"string\",\"value\":\"QTM-RQ-20, QTM-RQ-21\",\"field\":\"entityKeyId\"}]" OR "filter": "[{\"type\":\"string\",\"value\":\"20,21\",\"field\":\"entityKeyId\"}]" |
Deprecated APIs
API Name | Deprecated REST Link | Alternate REST Link |
Get list of test run under execution | /rest/execution/list/tcr | /rest/execution/list/viewColumns |
Get list of issues linked on Execution or Available for linking | /rest/execution/issue/list |
Upload Attachment | /rest/attachments/reference | /rest/attachments |
Update Parameter | /rest/parameter/deleteValue/{parameterValueID} | /rest/parameter/update/{paramID} |
Fetch Testcases linked with RQ | /rest/requirements/testcase/list | /rest/testcases/list/forRQ |
Search Entities | /rest/search/result | /rest/search |