How to filter test assets by custom fields while linking?

When user wants to filter test assets by system / user defined fields and link them to test assets in a bulk, QMetry provides basic as well as advanced filters to filter records and link them to assets. Users can easily filter test assets by any system / custom fields on all module grids. It helps users to carry out bulk operations. Filters are available in the tree panel on left. 

  1. Basic Filters: By default, basic filter fields are provided to filter the records.
  2. Advanced Filters: If users need more fields to filter test assets then click on the '+' icon. It opens the drop-down with a list of additional system and user defined fields corresponding the module. 

Select the field you want to apply filter on. The filter parameter is added as Advanced Filters. Apply filter as per your requirement.

For example,

Users want to filter records based on Framework, IsAutomated user defined fields then user need to click on '+' icon and select the fields on the drop-down list as shown below.

Apply Filter: Similarly you can use these steps for other modules too like: Linking test cases to test suites from add test cases screen.

Once the filter is applied record will get filtered with given criteria. User can apply these filters on Link Test cases, Link Requirements, Link Test suites screen while linking test assets.

Clear filter