How to Install QMetry JIRA Integration Add-on to Integrate JIRA with QMetry?

Install Add on : "JIRA Integration - QMetry Enterprise"

Install "JIRA Integration - QMetry Enterprise" add-on in your Jira Instance. It is free to download.

1. Login in Jira with Admin Credentials. Administrator login is required to be able to install the Add-On from Atlassian Marketplace.

2. After login into the JIRA, in the left side panel Go to the  Jira settings option. 

3. In the Jira settings, go to the Apps.

4. In the Apps section, there is an option to find & Install the Add-On from Market place. Click on Install button to install the Add-On "Jira Integration - QMetry Enterprise".

To configure Jira with QMetry, please follow this documentation for further steps. How to Configure JIRA Add-on for Integration?