Mandatory Jira Configuration Changes for QMetry Panel to load in Jira

On receiving the QMetry Integration Details via email, it is necessary to make the following required changes by login to Jira application with provided credentials. The changes are specific to the Jira Base URL which should be updated with correct Jira instance URL.

Steps :

Step 1 : Login in Jira instance with shared admin credentials. After login into the Jira, in the left side panel; Go to the Jira settings option ⟶ click on “System” . You will be asked for credentials.


Step 2 : Update Base URL

  • In the Jira settings select “General Configuration”, click on the “Edit Settings” button from the top right corner. Scroll down to the Base URL option.

  • You may find the localhost IP (i.e. / some other URL address already present there.

  • Replace it with your actual Jira instance URL (i.e. URL in Jira details you have received via email from QMetry), as example

  • Scroll down to the end of the screen and click on the “Update” button to save the changes.


Step 3 : Verify “JIRA Integration – QMetry Enterprise” app version is latest.

Ensure that the “JIRA Integration – QMetry Enterprise” app is updated to the latest version; refer to the below steps :

  • Go to the Jira settings option ⟶ click on “Manage Apps”.

  • In the left side panel; Select the "Manage Apps" option.

  • Search for the App - “Jira Integration – QMetry Enterprise App”.

  • Click on the “Update” button to update the add-on to the latest version.


Verify : When you have integrated QMetry with Jira and are left making the below changes, on the Jira issue page you would notice the test case linkages to requirement under the QMetry panel do not load (refer to the attached screenshot for more details).

Before Changes
After Changes