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API changes from v8.6.4 to v8.7
With the new and upcoming releases of QMetry, we continue to add exciting and useful new features that improve usability. With the new features and improvements being added to QMetry also necessitates changes in the APIs. This page enlists such APIs that will be changed from version 8.6.4 to 8.7 which will be released on 19th Dec for Cloud customers and on 22nd Dec for the Server customers. The purpose of this document is to help Integration Teams keep their code updated and current with the API changes/updates to the existing APIs. In case you do not use any of these APIs, these changes can be safely ignored.
Summarized API changes
API Name | REST URL | Method | Backward compatibility with 8.6.4 | Request Change | Response Change |
Get Test Suite Run IDs | /rest/execution/list/platformHome | POST | Yes | No | Yes |
List Test Case Executions | /rest/testcases/execution | POST | Yes | No | Yes |
Fetch Executions for Issue | /rest/execution/getExecutionsForIssue | POST | Yes | No | Yes |
Get List of Issues for a Requirement | /rest/issues/list/ForRQ | POST | Yes | No | Yes |
Fetch Requirement List For Issue | /rest/requirements/list/forIS | POST | Yes | No | Yes |
Fetch Linked Issue of Test Case Step Run | /rest/execution/issue/list/forTCStepRun | POST | Yes | No | Yes |
Updated APIs
Get Test Suite Run IDs
API | /rest/execution/list/platformHome |
Method | POST |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | With QMetry v8.7, it is possible to archive an entire test execution run from Test Suite > Test Execution tab. This parameter helps to identify if the test execution run is archived depending on the filter - Show Archived Records. |
Changes | New parameters in the response body "isTSRunArchived" |
Version 8.6.4 | Version 8.7 |
Response Body { "data": [{ "isAutomatedFlag": false, "PlatformId": 274, "Platform": "iOS", "TestSuiteName": "Suite to Track snowboard", "tsRunID": 405202, "tsID": 203710, "isTestRun": true, "isPlatformArchived": false, "isTestSuiteArchived": false, "cycleName": "Default Cycle", "releaseName": "Default Release", "cycleID": 271, "releaseID": 74, "entityKey": "FT-TS-9", "TestSuitePath": "/Fitness Tracker", "totalTCWithExecutionTime": 7, "totalExecutionTime": 55, "RemainingTime": 40, "Total": 9, "isCycleArchived": false, "isReleaseArchived": false, "state": 2, "status_381": 0, "status_386": 0, "status_382": 1, "status_385": 7, "status_384": 1, "status_383": 0, "Status": "Failed", "statusID": 382, "Defects": 1, "createdDate": "11-09-2020 17:36:39", "createdByAlias": "jatin", "attributeValues": "" }], "total": 1, "isBuildSelectionMandatory": false } | Response Body { "data": [{ "isAutomatedFlag": false, "PlatformId": 274, "Platform": "iOS", "TestSuiteName": "Suite to Track snowboard", "tsRunID": 405202, "tsID": 203710, "isTestRun": true, "isPlatformArchived": false, "isTestSuiteArchived": false, "isTSRunArchived": false, "cycleName": "Default Cycle", "releaseName": "Default Release", "cycleID": 271, "releaseID": 74, "entityKey": "FT-TS-9", "TestSuitePath": "/Fitness Tracker", "totalTCWithExecutionTime": 7, "totalExecutionTime": 55, "RemainingTime": 40, "Total": 9, "isCycleArchived": false, "isReleaseArchived": false, "state": 2, "status_381": 0, "status_386": 0, "status_382": 1, "status_385": 7, "status_384": 1, "status_383": 0, "Status": "Failed", "statusID": 382, "Defects": 1, "createdDate": "11-09-2020 17:36:39", "createdByAlias": "jatin", "attributeValues": "" }], "total": 1, "isBuildSelectionMandatory": false } |
List Test Case Executions
API | /rest/testcases/execution |
Method | POST |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | Identify if the test execution of the test case is archived under Test Case > Test Executions tab depending on the filter - Show Archived Records. |
Changes | New parameters in the response body "isTSRunArchived" |
Version 8.6.4 | Version 8.7 |
Response Body { "data": [{ "testLogs": 0, "testSuiteName": "Health diagnostics tracking suite", "description": "", "tsEntityKey": "FT-TS-5", "isApprovalWorkflowEnabled": false, "testCaseStatus": "iVI", "platform": "Chrome", "isArchived": false, "displayName": "Not Run", "statusName": "notrun", "testSuiteStatus": "iVBOGOH", "tcRunID": 4964094, "lastExecDrop": "None", "executedVersion": 5, "tsID": 201150, "cycleName": "Cycle 1.1", "isCycleArchived": false, "releaseName": "Release 1", "isReleaseArchived": false, "scope": "4902:10554:18887", "executionStatusIconImage": "#205081|#FFFFFF", "tsrunID": 390742, "statusID": 34230, "state": 1, "projectID": 4902, "isPlatformArchived": false, "isTestSuiteArchived": false, "totalExecutionTime": 82, "RemainingTime": 82, "cycleID": 4448, "releaseID": 3023, "projectName": "Fitness Tracker" }], "total": 1 } | Response Body { "data": [{ "testLogs": 0, "testSuiteName": "Health diagnostics tracking suite", "description": "", "tsEntityKey": "FT-TS-5", "isApprovalWorkflowEnabled": false, "testCaseStatus": "iVI", "platform": "Chrome", "isArchived": false, "displayName": "Not Run", "statusName": "notrun", "testSuiteStatus": "iVBOGOH", "tcRunID": 4964094, "lastExecDrop": "None", "executedVersion": 5, "tsID": 201150, "cycleName": "Cycle 1.1", "isCycleArchived": false, "releaseName": "Release 1", "isReleaseArchived": false, "scope": "4902:10554:18887", "executionStatusIconImage": "#205081|#FFFFFF", "tsrunID": 390742, "statusID": 34230, "state": 1, "projectID": 4902, "isPlatformArchived": false, "isTestSuiteArchived": false, "isTSRunArchived": false, "totalExecutionTime": 82, "RemainingTime": 82, "cycleID": 4448, "releaseID": 3023, "projectName": "Fitness Tracker" }], "total": 1 } |
Fetch Executions for Issue
API | /rest/execution/getExecutionsForIssue |
Method | POST |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | Identify if the test execution of the issue is archived under Issues > Execution Runs tab depending on the filter - Show Archived Records. |
Changes | New parameters in the response body "isTSRunArchived" |
Version 8.6.4 | Version 8.7 |
Response Body { "data": [{ "tcRunID": 5516426, "tcID": 768826, "dfID": 1019713, "linkageLevel": "Test Case", "executedVersion": 1, "tcEntityKey": "FT-TC-442", "tcProjectIsApprovalWorkflowEnabled": true, "tcProjectID": 55, "tcName": "New Test Case", "tcAssociatedVersion": 3, "tcVersion": 3, "isArchived": false, "runStatusWeightage": 60000, "tsID": 203710, "tsName": "Health diagnostics tracking suite", "tcApprovalStatus": 1, "tsEntityKey": "FT-TS-5", "isTestSuiteArchived": false, "tsProjectID": 55, "tsRunID": 405202, "platformID": 274, "platformName": "Andriod", "isPlatformArchived": false, "runStatusName": "failed", "executionCreatedBy": 45, "executionCreatedByLoginID": "afjal", "executionCreatedByLoginAlias": "afjal", "executionCreatedByLoginName": "afjal ansari", "cycleName": "Sports", "isCycleArchived": false, "releaseName": "Rocky I", "isReleaseArchived": false, "state": 2, "tsProjectIsApprovalWorkflowEnabled": true, "executedAt": "12-04-2020 01:52:00", "runStatusID": 382, "isExecutionStatusArchived": false, "totalExecutionTime": 55, "RemainingTime": 40 }], "total": 1 } | Response Body { "data": [{ "tcRunID": 5516426, "tcID": 768826, "dfID": 1019713, "linkageLevel": "Test Case", "executedVersion": 1, "tcEntityKey": "FT-TC-442", "tcProjectIsApprovalWorkflowEnabled": true, "tcProjectID": 55, "tcName": "New Test Case", "tcAssociatedVersion": 3, "tcVersion": 3, "isArchived": false, "runStatusWeightage": 60000, "tsID": 203710, "tsName": "Health diagnostics tracking suite", "tcApprovalStatus": 1, "tsEntityKey": "FT-TS-5", "isTestSuiteArchived": false, "tsProjectID": 55, "tsRunID": 405202, "platformID": 274, "platformName": "Andriod", "isPlatformArchived": false, "isTSRunArchived": false, "runStatusName": "failed", "executionCreatedBy": 45, "executionCreatedByLoginID": "afjal", "executionCreatedByLoginAlias": "afjal", "executionCreatedByLoginName": "afjal ansari", "cycleName": "Sports", "isCycleArchived": false, "releaseName": "Rocky I", "isReleaseArchived": false, "state": 2, "tsProjectIsApprovalWorkflowEnabled": true, "executedAt": "12-04-2020 01:52:00", "runStatusID": 382, "isExecutionStatusArchived": false, "totalExecutionTime": 55, "RemainingTime": 40 }], "total": 1 } |
Get List of Issues for a Requirement
API | /rest/issues/list/ForRQ |
Method | POST |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | With QMetry v8.7, the Requirement > Issues has two new columns "Directly linked" and "Execution".
Changes | New parameters in the response body "isDirectLinked" and "dfUsageCount" |
Version 8.6.4 | Version 8.7 |
Response Body { "data": [{ "DefectId": 1019957, "projectID": 55, "entityKey": "FT-IS-40", "createdSystem": "JIRA", "externalKey": "FT-7", "externalID": "36783", "extProjectID": "11132", "summary": "Fails to Track user's lung conditioning", "submitDate": "12-04-2020 08:28:19", "updatedDate": "12-04-2020 08:28:36", "createdByID": 48, "attachmentCount": 0, "linkedRqCount": 1, "linkedTcrCount": 0, "issueType": "Bug", "issueState": "Open", "createdBy": "admin", "extProject": "Fitness Tracker", "ext_issuetypeid": "10004", "extURL": "", }], "total": 1 } | Response Body { "data": [{ "DefectId": 1019957, "projectID": 55, "entityKey": "FT-IS-40", "createdSystem": "JIRA", "externalKey": "FT-7", "externalID": "36783", "extProjectID": "11132", "summary": "Fails to Track user's lung conditioning", "submitDate": "12-04-2020 08:28:19", "updatedDate": "12-04-2020 08:28:36", "createdByID": 48, "attachmentCount": 0, "linkedRqCount": 1, "linkedTcrCount": 0, "issueType": "Bug", "issueState": "Open", "createdBy": "admin", "extProject": "Fitness Tracker", "ext_issuetypeid": "10004", "extURL": "", "dfUsageCount": 0, "isDirectLinked": 1 }], "total": 1 } |
Fetch Requirement List For Issue
API | /rest/requirements/list/forIS |
Method | POST |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | With QMetry v8.7, the Issues > Requirements has two new columns "Directly linked" and "Execution".
Changes | New parameters in the response body "isDirectLinked" and "dfUsageCount". |
Version 8.6.4 | Version 8.7 |
Response Body { "data": [{ "priority": 3, "priorityAlias": "Medium", "projectID": 55, "rqID": 841821, "entityKey": "FT-RQ-239", "externalKey": "FT-1", "externalID": "36752", "issueTypeName": "Story", "extProjectID": "11132", "latestUnarchivedVersion": 1, "latestVersion": 1, "rqVersionID": 948072, "rqVersion": 1, "cycleNameList": "Default Cycle", "releaseNameList": "Default Release", "name": "Lounge for Non frequent flyers", "attachmentCount": 0, "isArchived": false, "isVersionArchived": false, "projectName": "FitTracker", "requirementStateAlias": "Open", "createdByAlias": "rupal.der", "ext_projectName": "Fitness Tracker", "ext_issuetypeid": "10001", "extTrackerType": "1", "trackerUrl": "", }], "total": 1, "isRQConfigured": true } | Response Body { "data": [{ "priority": 3, "priorityAlias": "Medium", "projectID": 55, "rqID": 841821, "entityKey": "FT-RQ-239", "externalKey": "FT-1", "externalID": "36752", "issueTypeName": "Story", "extProjectID": "11132", "latestUnarchivedVersion": 1, "latestVersion": 1, "rqVersionID": 948072, "rqVersion": 1, "cycleNameList": "Default Cycle", "releaseNameList": "Default Release", "name": "Lounge for Non frequent flyers", "attachmentCount": 0, "isArchived": false, "isVersionArchived": false, "projectName": "FitTracker", "requirementStateAlias": "Open", "createdByAlias": "rupal.der", "ext_projectName": "Fitness Tracker", "ext_issuetypeid": "10001", "extTrackerType": "1", "trackerUrl": "", "dfUsageCount": 2, "isDirectLinked": 1 }], "total": 1, "isRQConfigured": true } |
Fetch Linked Issue of Test Case Step Run
API | /rest/execution/issue/list/forTCStepRun |
Method | POST |
Impact of change | Low |
Backward Compatibility | Yes |
Reason for change | Added new fields such as Priority, Associated Release, Labels, Resolution, Assignee, Reporter, Environment under Test Case Execution > Steps > Link Issue Pop-up. |
Changes | New parameters - "issuePriority", "release", etc. |
Version 8.6.4 | Version 8.7 |
Response Body { "data": [{ "tcStepRunID": 56885445, "projectID": 55, "drops": "None", "platform": "Opera", "entityKey": "FT-IS-353", "dfId": 870330, "summary": "Incorrect price info_edited", "tsname": "Regression suite for Login", "platformID": 2539, "LinkedDate": "12-04-2020 14:28:46", "cycle": "Default Cycle", "release": "Default Release", "status": " ", "platformAttributes": "", "issueType": "Bug", "issueState": "To Do", "extKey": "FT-7", "extLabels": " ", "extFixVersion": "", "extComponent": "", "ext_issuetypeid": "10004", "externalID": "526000", "extProjectID": "16500", "extExternalProject": "Fitness Tracker", "extBaseUrl": "" }], "total": 1 ...} | Response Body { "data": [{ "tcStepRunID": 56885445, "projectID": 55, "drops": "None", "platform": "Opera", "entityKey": "FT-IS-353", "dfId": 870330, "summary": "Incorrect price info_edited", "tsname": "Regression suite for Login", "platformID": 2539, "LinkedDate": "12-04-2020 14:28:46", "cycle": "Default Cycle", "release": "Default Release", "status": " ", "platformAttributes": "", "issuePriority": "High", "issueType": "Bug", "environmentText": "8.4", "component": "Issue", "issueState": "To Do", "createdBy": "admin", "extKey": "FT-7", "extAffectedVersion": "", "extFixVersion": "", "extComponent": "", "ext_issuetypeid": "10004", "externalID": "526000", "extProjectID": "16500", "extExternalProject": "Fitness Tracker", "affectedRelease": 3956, "affectedReleaseAlias": "Default Release", "assignee": "admin", "reporter": "admin", "extBaseUrl": "" }], "total": 1 ...} |
Deleted APIs
The following APIs were deprecated before in the older versions and were notified in the Release Notes. QMetry notifies three months in advance after deprecation and before deletion of the APIs. The functionality and code related to the following APIs are deleted in 8.7. After the upgrade to QMetry v8.7 on 19th December 2020, these API endpoints will stop working.
API Name | Deleted API REST Endpoints | New REST Endpoints | Comments |
Get list of test run under execution | /rest/execution/list/tcr | /rest/execution/list/viewColumns | Deprecated in v8.5.6.1 on 2020-02-29 |
Get list of issues linked on Execution or Available for linking | /rest/execution/issue/list |
| Deprecated in v8.5.6.1 on 2020-02-29 |
Upload Attachment | /rest/attachments/reference | /rest/attachments | Deprecated in v8.5.6.1 on 2020-02-29 |
Search Entities | /rest/search/result | /rest/search | Deprecated in v8.5.6.1 on 2020-02-29 |
Get List of Requirement Folders | /rest/requirements/tree (GET) | /rest/requirement/tree (POST) | This API was updated in 2018 and continues to work with Request Type (POST) |
Get List of Test Case Folders | /rest/testcases/tree (GET) | /rest/testcases/tree (POST) | This API was updated in 2018 and continues to work with Request Type (POST) |
Get List of Test Suite Folders | /rest/testsuites/tree (GET) | /rest/testsuites/tree (POST) | This API was updated in 2018 and continues to work with Request Type (POST) |
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