QMetry and Reports Installation on AWS (using RDS & ECR)

QMetry and Reports Installation on AWS (using RDS & ECR)

In this guide, we'll run you through installing QMetry Database, QMetry Test Management application and QMetry Reporting Tool in a 3 Tier Architecture.

AWS 3 Tier Architecture

Server 1

QMetry Application

Server 2

QMetry Reports


QMetry Application's Database Server


QMetry Report's Database Server


For additional information on verifying pre-requisites refer this article.

  1. All the application and database servers should be able to communicate with each other on respective ports; hence, configure the security groups appropriately.

  2. All the servers should have support of these commands: unzip, wget, curl and vim.

  3. Make sure that the QMetry and Report servers have the following version of the docker and docker-compose tools. Also, configure the docker service to auto start on reboot of the server.

    • Docker v20.10.x

    • Docker Compose v1.22.x

  4. QMetry and Report Servers should be able to communicate over 80/443 and Database Server 3306/DB Ports. 

  5. Get the QMetryApp.zip and QMetryReport.zip files from QMetry Support. Also, get docker credentials for getting docker images of QMetry & Report. Post-installation, QMetry Application and Report tool both should be configured either on https or http.

  6. Following Ports should be open on respective servers:


Ports that need to be enabled


Ports that need to be enabled

QMetry Application Server


QMetry Report Server

80/443, 8080

QMetry Application's Database Server


QMetry Report's Database Server


7. QMetry Application's Server and QMetry Report's Server must have appropriate IAM roles assigned to communicate with various other AWS services like AWS ECR, AWS RDS, etc.

→ Configure AWS EC2 to authenticate with AWS ECR service:

Install and configure AWS Credential Helper. If you want to use AWS IAM Role based authentication mechanism for ECR authentication from AWS EC2, then follow this step. Else, skip this step and make sure that you have done authentication with AWS ECR from QMetry and Report EC2 server before moving to the next step. (Reference: GitHub - awslabs/amazon-ecr-credential-helper: Automatically gets credentials for Amazon ECR on docker push/docker pull)

Placing QMetry and Report Docker Images on the AWS ECR

Get Docker Image and place it on ECR. Perform these steps from the machine from which https://hub.docker.com is accessible. It is requi