Steps To Apply License File - QMetry Tomcat installed on docker

Steps To Apply License File - QMetry Tomcat installed on docker

Steps to apply QMetry license file for QMetry below v8.9.0.3

Once you have received your QMetry license file "license.key" from support, follow the below steps to apply it to your server:

1. Execute the command : docker ps to view existing dockers running on the server.

2. To go the the QMetry Tomcat Docker execute command : docker exec -it <docker_name> bash

  • example : docker exec -it qmetry_app_1 bash

3. Backup your existing license.key to the same location:

  • cd bin
  • mv license.key license_old.key
  • exit

4. After exiting the docker copy the license file placed on your server /opt/ directory inside the docker.

  • cd /opt
  • docker cp /opt/license.key <docker_name>:/home/qmetry/QMetry/bin/
  • example : docker cp /opt/license.key qmetry_app_1:/home/qmetry/QMetry/bin/
  • For Windows:
    • Open the command prompt and go to the directory where license.key is downloaded.

    • Run dir command to confirm license.key exists in the current working directory.

    • Run the command to copy license into docker: example: docker cp license.key qmetry_app_1:/home/qmetry/QMetry/bin

5. Mandatory restart of services to reflect the license.

  • docker stop  <docker_name>
    • example : docker stop qmetry_app_1
  • docker start <docker_name>
    • example : docker start qmetry_app_1
    • Note: In case you have configured Redis Caching for QMetry installed on same server OR a separate server - connect to that server and run the below commands :
      • To view existing containers : docker ps
      • Replace the container name seen in above command : docker exec -it container-name redis-cli FLUSHALL

Steps to apply QMetry license file for QMetry v8.9.0.3 & above

Once you have received your QMetry license file "license.key" from support, follow the below steps to apply it to your server:

1. Go to the QMetry installation directory chosen at the time of installation. For example: /opt/qmetryapp/license/

  • cd <directory_path>

2. Go to license directory.

  • cd license

3. Backup your existing license.key to the same location:

  • mv license.key license_old.key

4. Place the new license file in the directory mentioned in Step 2 either by copying it or downloading it directly in the directory.

5. Mandatory restart of services to reflect the license.

  • docker stop<docker_name>
    • example: docker stop qmetry_app_1
  • docker start <docker_name>
    • example: docker start qmetry_app_1
    • Note: In case you have configured Redis Caching for QMetry installed on same server OR a separate server - connect to that server and run the following commands:
      • To view existing containers: docker ps
      • Replace the container name seen in above command: docker exec -it container-name redis-cli FLUSHALL

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