Additional Tomcat Configuration (Windows)

Additional Tomcat Configuration (Windows)

Tomcat Memory Configuration

This is an important additional step, which has to be done depending on your server hardware capability.

As the number of users and their connections in your environment increase, the amount of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap memory consumed on your servers will also increase. This guide explains how to increase the amount of memory allocated to your environment's JVM heap space.


  • If your server hardware does not have sufficient RAM installed, increasing the Java heap space may be ineffective or it may even reduce overall performance.
  • Java "out of memory" (OOM) errors can occur when the JVM attempts to use more memory than allocated by the Java environment's -Xmx parameter.
  • This procedure requires you to have server access and restarting QMetry services for the changes to take effect.

Reference Values for Tomcat Heap Memory Configuration depending on your server memory :

Note : The below reference values apply to application server

Heap Memory ConfigurationSmall Teams Medium TeamsLarge Teams
< 50 Users< 500 Users500+ Users
MinRecommendedMinRecommendedMinRecommendedHigh End
Memory8 GB16 GB16 GB24 GB24 GB32 - 64 GB64 GB
Tomcat Heap Memory-Xms2g -Xmx4g-Xms4g -Xmx8g-Xms4g -Xmx8g-Xms8g -Xmx12g-Xms8g -Xmx12g-Xms8g -Xmx16g-Xms8g -Xmx30g

Follow the below steps to tweak your Java Heap Memory configuration as per the above table.

  • Go to your QMetry installation directory's QMetry/bin folder
    • C:\QMetry-Windows-Install\QMetry-Windows-Install\QMetry\bin
  • Open the file setenv.bat, and edit the default configuration for JAVA_OPTS parameter
    • The default configuration for heap memory are as follows. You can edit the file and update the highlighted values below by referring to the values specified in the above table and your server memory.
      • -Xms3g (Represents minimum 3 GB will be allocated to the QMetry Application)
      • -Xmx4g (Represents maximum 4 GB will be allocated to the QMetry Application)
      • Go to the second line and update the values

  • Save the file and close the editor.
  • Restart QMetry Services
    • Go to Run > Type services.msc. Restart the services in the following order.
    • Restart : MySQL service
    • Restart : "qmetry" service listed as Apache Tomcat 9.0 qmetry