Pre-requisites of QMetry Application & Report Server Installation

Pre-requisites of QMetry Application & Report Server Installation

Pre-requisites of QMetry Installation

Finalize the Deployment Architecture by following QMetry Deployment Document.

Here, let's take an example of 2-Tier Architecture which requires 2 Linux Servers: One for "QMetry Application" & the other for "QMetry Reporting".

All the servers depending on which architecture you decide, should have support of these commands:
1. unzip
2. curl.

Check "unzip", "curl" and "iptables" RPM are installed.

> Login to Server(s)
> rpm -qa | grep unzip
> rpm -qa | grep curl

> rpm -qa | grep iptables

If results to these commands is- NOT installed then,

Install the support to these commands

> Login to Server(s)
> yum install unzip -y
> yum install curl -y

> yum install iptables -y

Internet Access on Server

Internet access should be Enabled on all the servers. This is required in order to perform installation using docker.

Check Internet is working on Server(s)

Run below command to check the internet connectivity on servers.

> Login to Server(s)
> ping google.com

Firewall Status

Firewall and selinux must be "Disabled" on all the server(s) while installing QMetry and Reports.

Check if Firewall is running on server(s)

> Login to Server(s)
> systemctl status firewalld (or) firewall-cmd --state
> systemctl stop firewalld
> systemctl disable firewalld

Check Selinux running on Server(s)

This below command will report the current status of SELinux. Whether SELinux is enforcing, permissive, or disabled.
> getenforce
(Output to this should be disabled)

Disable Selinux

1. Open the file at location (/etc/selinux/config)
2. Change the option SELINUX to disabled. (SELINUX=disabled)
3. After change you should restart the server.

Proxy Servers checks

Need to ensure if the Proxy Servers are NOT blocking downloads from the Internet.

Needs Servers to communicate

1. QMetry Application Server and Report server should be in the same network.
2. Report Server should be able to communicate with the QMetry Application Server over 80/443 and Database Server 3306/DB Port.

Check ports on remote server is open

The ports 80/443 and 3306 should be free and should not be in use by other applications. Check with telnet, nc and nmap using below commands.

> telnet <host IP> <host port> (if telnet command not found then run => yum install telnet -y)
> nc -vz <host IP> <host port> (if nc command not found then run => yum install nc -y )
> nmap -p <host port> <host IP> (if nmap command not found then run => yum install nmap -y)
> netstat -tunlp (if netstat command not found then install this command => yum install net-tools -y )
> ss -nutlp

User role to install Docker

Docker installation requires root user access. Commands to to start installation with root user.
> sudo su (for EC2 instance)
> su - (for Centos / Redhat)

Disk Space allocation for Installation

1. Docker is installed under (/var/lib/) directory.
2. We recommend, allocating enough space here to ensure QMetry has enough space to save your data.

Disk Space allocation for Database

1. Data of QMetry database is saved under : /var/lib/docker/volumes/qmetry_mysql_data/_data
2. Data of QMetry attachments added is saved under : /var/lib/docker/volumes/qmetry_attachment/_data
3. To check Disk space at directory level use below command.
> df -h

Where I can get required installation files?

You will get the following files from QMetry Support :
1. QMetryApp.zip
2. QMetryReport.zip
3. Docker Credentials required for installation.

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