Operations on Column Headers

Operations on Column Headers

The following options are available to apply on the individual variable in the chart.


Apply Filters

You can apply multiple filters with different conditions on the fields.

Apply All Filters:

If you keep Apply All Filter On, then all the filters that are constructed for the field will be applied and records for the fields will be displayed accordingly.

If you keep Apply All Filter Off, then filters will not be applied to the field, and all the records will get displayed.

Here, we add one condition by selecting a Field, operator and values for the operator. Click Apply to add the condition on the below panel.


→ AND Condition: Add another condition to create a condition with AND operator to the same filter.


→ OR Condition: To apply OR condition, click on the Pencil icon of AND condition and it will get converted into OR condition.


The following table describes available Operators and their expected values.



Possible Values



Possible Values

Is Blank

String type field - It will find records with blank value (without any value) in the field.

No value required

Is Not Blank 

String type field - It will find records that have at least some value in the field.

No value required

Is Null 

List type field - It will find records that have no value for the list field.

No value required

Is Not Null 

List type field - It will find records that have at least one value for the list field. 

No value required


It will find records that have field values that are equal to the number/text you enter.


Not Equals 

It will find records that have field values that are not equal to the number/text you enter.



It will find records that have field values within a date or numerical range.

Date and Time Range
Number Range—Select a minimum and maximum number that a value can be.

Greater or Equals

It will find records that have field values that are more than or equal to the number you enter.

Number, Date

Greater Than

It will find find records that have field values that are more than the number you enter.

Number, Date

Less Than

It will find records that have field values that are less than the number you enter.

Number, Date

Less or Equals

It will find records that have field values that are less than or equal to the number you enter.

Number, Date

Starts With

It will find records that have field values that start with the text you enter.


Not Starts With

It will find records that do not have field values that start with the text you enter.



It will find records with field values that match at least one of the values from a list.
It is used to validate the field against multiple values.

Text, Date

Not IN  

It will find records that do not have at least one value from a list. It is used to validate the field against multiple values.

Text, Date


It will find records with the field that contain the partial value you enter.


Not Contains 

It will find records with the field that do not have the partial value you enter.



It allows you to change the Column/field name.


Sort By

It allows you to sort the column details either in Ascending or Descending order.

Group By

Select the option to group the report data on that particular field.


To view the Distinct/ Count and apply other math operators.

  • Distinct: It returns records with only different values and eliminates duplicate records with similar values from the results.

  • Count: It returns total count (irrespective of duplicate values) of records for the field.

  • Other: When you select Other, it opens a query editor for the column with its relevant statement on it. You can apply different operators and corresponding functions to the statement -

→ Math: To do mathematical operations. For example, Sum is useful where total of something is required. E.g., Sum of Actual Execution Time of test cases.


→ Date: For example, in QMetry Created Date is a combination of date and time stamp. To convert it into Date format you can use DATE function.


→ Text: It will work on text fields. For example, to display Test Case Priority in Upper case we apply the below function.


→ Logic: For example, to check the count of test cases to which Assignee is not allocated then we can apply the following Logic to the field.

The same way you can apply required functions for -

→ Convert

→ Miscellaneous

Move to Pile

If the the option is applied to the field, then the field operation will be performed but the field will not be displayed in the report.



It will remove a field for the attribute. For example, we select Remove on Test Case Priority field.

It removes that particular field for the attribute i.e. Cross Tab. The field will not be considered while generating the report.

Remove All

It will remove all the fields for the attribute. For example, we select Remove All on Test Case Priority field.


It removes all the fields for that particular attribute of the chart i.e. Data. The fields will also not be available on the View More list.