Area Chart - Visual Report

Area Chart - Visual Report

Area Chart is useful to compare across categories and visualize the gaps between the scores. They represent each data point as shaded areas on a graph. First, you need to generate a Table Chart - Visual Report then modify the chart to create an Area chart.

For example, QA Manager wants to view Count Of Issues By their Created Date.

The fields required in the report are: Issue Created Date, Issue Entity Key

  • X-Axis: It always holds single test entity fields with any value.

  • Y-Axis: It always contains fields with numeric values. Multiple test entity fields on Y-Axis create stacked chart.

  • Cross Tab: It helps to create a Group Stacked chart. A simple table only shows the relationship between two variables. Whereas a Cross Tab shows the relationship between two or more variables in the table/chart.


Once you save the gadget, it will be available in QMetry Custom Gadget > My Gadget tab.