Test Execution Cumulative Report by Day/Week/Month

Test Execution Cumulative Report by Day/Week/Month

The query helps you generate a report that shows the cumulative data on a number of test executions carried out over time along with the execution results. It creates a cumulative report in QMetry with a stacked column/bar chart to display the number of test executions done daily/weekly/monthly in a cumulative way. Here, the count of the previous day gets added to the count of the current date and so on.


SQL Query


SELECT (CASE WHEN @viewby in ('Day') THEN b.selectionCriteria WHEN @viewby in ('Week') THEN CONCAT(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(b.selectionCriteria,' Monday'),'%x%v %W'),'-',STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(b.selectionCriteria,' Sunday'),'%X%V %W')) WHEN @viewby in ('Month') THEN CONCAT(MONTHNAME(STR_TO_DATE(RIGHT(b.selectionCriteria, 2), '%m')),'-',LEFT(b.selectionCriteria,4)) WHEN @viewby in ('Year') THEN b.selectionCriteria END) AS `Date Range`, b.tcExecutionStatusName AS `countofTC`, b.countofval AS `Count of TC by Execution Status` FROM (SELECT a.tcExecutionStatusName, a.selectionCriteria, a.cn, IF(@runstat = a.tcExecutionStatusName, ROUND(@csum:=@csum + COALESCE(a.cn)), ROUND(@csum:=COALESCE(a.cn))) countofval, @runstat:=a.tcExecutionStatusName FROM (SELECT dateData.selected_date, dateData.tcExecutionStatusName, COUNT(COALESCE(tcExecutionID)) AS cn, selectionCriteria FROM (SELECT dtbl.selected_date, temp.tcExecutionStatusName, dtbl.selectionCriteria FROM (SELECT selected_date, (CASE WHEN @viewby in ('Day') THEN selected_date WHEN @viewby in ('Week') THEN YEARWEEK(selected_date, 3) WHEN @viewby in ('Month') THEN EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM selected_date) WHEN @viewby in ('Year') THEN EXTRACT(YEAR FROM selected_date) END) AS selectionCriteria FROM (SELECT ADDDATE(`@Filter.Date Start`, t4 * 10000 + t3 * 1000 + t2 * 100 + t1 * 10 + t0) selected_date FROM (SELECT 0 t0 UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7 UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9) t0, (SELECT 0 t1 UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7 UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9) t1, (SELECT 0 t2 UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7 UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9) t2, (SELECT 0 t3 UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7 UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9) t3, (SELECT 0 t4 UNION SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3 UNION SELECT 4 UNION SELECT 5 UNION SELECT 6 UNION SELECT 7 UNION SELECT 8 UNION SELECT 9) t4) v,(SELECT @viewby:= `@Filter.View By`) as v1 WHERE DATE(selected_date) BETWEEN `@Filter.Date Start` AND `@Filter.Date End`) AS dtbl CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT tcExecutionStatusName FROM testexecutions tcr WHERE tcr.projectID in (`@Filter.project`)) AS temp) AS dateData LEFT JOIN (SELECT tcr.tcExecutionStatusName, DATE(tcr.tcExecutionStartTime) AS dat, tcr.tcExecutionID, tcr.projectID FROM testexecutions tcr WHERE tcExecutionStartTime IS NOT NULL AND tcr.projectID in (`@Filter.project`) AND tcr.releaseID in (`@Filter.Release`) AND tcr.cycleID in (`@Filter.Cycle`) AND tcr.platformID in (`@Filter.Platform`)) raw ON raw.dat = dateData.selected_date AND raw.tcExecutionStatusName = dateData.tcExecutionStatusName GROUP BY tcExecutionStatusName , selectionCriteria) a JOIN (SELECT @csum:=0) r JOIN (SELECT @runstat:=0) p) b WHERE (select @viewby := `@Filter.View By`) <> '' ORDER BY b.selectionCriteria , b.tcExecutionStatusName;


Apply the Filter
You can filter the report based on multiple fields defined in filters. The Date filters get the report between two different dates. The View By filter gives options to generate and view the report by day/week/ month.

Query Output