Requirement Report

Requirement Report

Requirement report provides standard industry matrices used by Product Manager/Owners, Business Analysts, QA managers, Scrum Masters/Owners to get a summarized view on coverage and execution status for selected scope i.e combination of Project, Release and Cycle.

The report can be generated for multiple projects. You can select more than one project on the drop-down.

Only one Release and Cycle can be selected at a time.

  • If only Project is selected (without Release and Cycle), then the latest version of requirement will be considered in the report.
  • If Release/Cycle is selected along with Project, then the requirement version associated to that Release and Cycle will be considered in the report.

Requirement reports shows the following matrices: 

  • Requirement Coverage: The report shows summary of requirements by their coverage status based on test case linkages. Requirement is covered if it is linked to one or more testcases

Filter Report:
Click on the Filter icon  on the individual chart to generate the report as per requirement by applying multiple filters.

  • Requirement With Issues : The report shows the summary of requirements linked to issues. This report will count issues that are linked to requirements linked. 

Filter Report:
Click on the Filter icon  on the individual chart to generate the report as per requirement by applying multiple filters.

  • Planned Requirements: The report shows summary of requirements Planned or Unplanned for execution. A requirement would be considered as planned once all the test cases linked to it are added to a Test suite.

Filter Report:
Click on the Filter icon  on the individual chart to generate the report as per requirement by applying multiple filters.

  • Requirement Summary: The report shows summary of requirements grouped by their workflow status / priority. 

Requirement Summary By Workflow Status

Requirement Summary By Priority

Filter Report:
Click on the Filter icon  on the individual chart to generate the report as per requirement by applying multiple filters.