Configure QMetry Application in Okta

Configure QMetry Application in Okta


1. Open the Okta URL, Go to Admin. 

2. Select Classic UI on the top bar.

3. Click on the Applications option on the header.

4. Click on the Create New App button.

5. On the next screen, select SAML 2.0 as Sign on method.

6. Click Create.

7. Provide App Name like QMetry and add a logo. Click Next.

8. Provide the following details for SAML Settings. Refer to the section at the bottom of the page to know your ORGCODE.

 In case of QMetry Cloud
  • Single Sign on URL: https://testmanagement.qmetry.com/saml/SSO/alias/<orgcode>

For example, if your QMetry URL is https://testmanagement.qmetry.com

The Single sign-on URL will be https://testmanagement.qmetry.com/saml/SSO/alias/IKO031

  • SP Entity ID: <orgcode>
  • Keep rest parameters as default.

 In case of QMetry On-premise

In case of QMetry Test Management On-Premise edition,

  • Single Sign on URL: https://<clientdomain>/saml/SSO/alias/<orgcode>

For example, if your QMetry URL is https://testmanagement.infostretch.com

The Single sign-on URL will be https://testmanagement.infostretch.com/saml/SSO/alias/ISCORP

  • SP Entity ID: <orgcode>
  • Keep rest parameters as default.

9. You should configure Firstname, LastName and Email from SAML to QMetry. The values will be populated in respective fields when you are creating a new user in QMetry.

In Okta, go to the Attribute Statements section.

  • Mention QMetry fields (FirstName, LastName and Email) at left.
  • Select its corresponding values in Okta from the drop-down list at right. The values are editable.
  • Make sure you put the values in curly brackets {} and pre-fix $ to it. For example, for value "user.FirstName" you should write it as ${user.FirstName}

10. Move to next screen and Click Finish.

11. Click on the Identity Provider metadata to download the metadata xml file.

12. Rename it with extension “.xml”. You will need to upload this file to configure SAML Settings in QMetry.

13. Now go to the Assignments tab in Okta.

14. Select the Assign button >> Assign to People and assign the application QMetry to Users.

15. The next screen Assign QMetry to People opens.

16. Assign QMetry to a user by clicking on the Assign button for that user.

17. Click Done.

18. The User Name appears in editable mode.

19. Change the User Name, if you want to make any changes to it. 

20. Click on the Save and Go Back button.

21. Click Done.

How to get Organization Code?

Log into QMetry and go to user profile.

You can see the Organization Code in your profile details.