How do I change the execution status of Test cases in bulk?

Use Case: A new build is received from the development team and the QA Manager has scheduled Regression Test. The scope covers multiple modules and functionalities thereof. Testers are well aware of the test cases and test steps associated with each module. So they jump start on executing the test cases one after another without going into details. They keep running continuous execution without updating the run status of each test case. At the end or at a certain point they just update the status of bulk test cases with a few clicks instead of assigning status one by one on each test case execution.

1. Open the Bulk Operations drop-down and select the Execution Status option on it. It makes the Status drop-down visible which has Passed, Failed, Not Run, Blocked and Not Applicable statuses on it.

2. Select multiple test cases to which you want to apply the status.

3. Select the required status on the Execution Status drop-down. It applies to all the test cases selected on the grid.