How to Install QMetry JIRA Integration Add-on to Integrate JIRA with QMetry?

How to Install QMetry JIRA Integration Add-on to Integrate JIRA with QMetry?

Install Add on: "QMetry Jira Integration"

Install "QMetry Jira Integration" add-on in your Jira Instance. It is free to download.

1. Login in Jira with Admin Credentials. Administrator login is required to be able to install the Add-On from Atlassian Marketplace.

2. After login into the JIRA, in the right-sidebar, Go to the  Jira settings option. 

  • In the Jira Settings, go to the Apps.

3. In the Apps section, there is an option - "Find new apps" to find and install the add-on from the Marketplace. Click on the "Get App" button to install the add-on "QMetry Jira Integration".

To configure Jira with QMetry, please follow this documentation for further steps. How to Configure JIRA Add-on for Integration?