QMetry Agent terminates and does not work on VM

QMetry Agent terminates and does not work on VM


  1. QMetry Agent once started terminates and exits automatically in few seconds.
  2. QMetry Agent logs show: ERROR : QMetry Agent Terminated


If you're installing QMetry Agent on a VM, QMetry Agent is unable to identify the machine's mac address which causes the QMetry Agent to exit due to failed machine address verification.


  1. Go to your QMetry Agent installation directory and open QMetryAgent.properties file under location ..\QMetryAgent\QMetryAgent.properties.
  2. Change the value of parameter VerifyMachineAddress=false. If this parameter is not present it can be added at the end. 
  3. Restart QMetry Agent.

Now QMetry Agent will no longer exit automatically after starting up.