Differences in Automation Agent Execution workflow in QMetry 8.4.2 and above

Differences in Automation Agent Execution workflow in QMetry 8.4.2 and above

Automation agent execution workflow in QMetry v8.4.2 has been designed in such way that, user can directly run their automation project from registered agents by scheduling their automation. While scheduling the automation execution, user can directly specify the custom commands like mvn test, mvn install etc. regardless of the automation and build framework. Below is the difference of execution flow before and after the QMetry v8.4.2. 

QMetry Automation Workflow till 8.4.2

  1. Setup your Automation Project on the same machine as the QMetry Agent.
  2. Create a test suite with type "Automated" and enter the details : Automation Framework, Build Framework, Project Path, Result File Path of your automation project.
  3. Schedule the test suite with the automation agent.
  4. The automation agent would trigger the automation and at the end, will pickup the generated result files, and automatically import them into QMetry Test Suite, by linking the test cases and their statuses as found in the result file.
  5. In the above case, automation agent has to be triggered from the test suite, and is tightly coupled with test suite and certain build tools and frameworks.

QMetry Automation Workflow with 8.4.2 and above

  1. Setup your Automation Project on the same machine as the QMetry Agent.
  2. Directly run your automated project from Automation > Automation Agent > Registered Agents by scheduling your automation.
  3. While scheduling the automation execution you can directly specify your custom commands (like mvn test, mvn install, or any other framework spcific commands) regardless of your automation and build frameworks - with an added ability to set recurrence of test executions.
  4. The result files will get generated as per your automation project.
  5. Results need to pushed by coding using various methodologies like QMetry Result Push API, Jenkins, Maven, other CI/CD tools.
  6. Test Cases, Test Suites and Test Executions are created as per the result file. Existing test suites can be reused using the key.
  7. You can no longer create any automated test suite (manually). Test executions are differentiated as Automated/Manual. Test suites are no more differentiated as automated or manual.

With this upgrade, automation agents are not tightly coupled with any test suite, and are triggered from the Automation > Automation Agent > Registered Agents.
Results can be pushed using various methodologies like QMetry Result Push API, Jenkins Plugin, Maven, other CI/CD tools.

Note: With the new approach there is no need to use specific automation and build frameworks. All framework commands that can be run on command line are fully supported while scheduling your automation execution. You can trigger any kind of automation, however when the result file is imported - it should be of a supported file types stated here: Supported Frameworks and Languages.