How to get Reports logs from server ?

When you log issues to QMetry Support by sending an email to, there might be times when QMetry Support would ask for Report logs from your server to investigate the issues. Here is how you can get logs from the server and provide it to QMetry Support.


Login to your Linux Report Server.

  1. Log in to the "qmetry-reports" docker container
    • sudo su -
    • docker exec -it qmetry-reports bash
    • pwd  (your present working directory should be /opt directory)
  2. Create a directory "capturedlogs" under /opt/
    • cd /opt/
    • mkdir capturedlogs
  3. Go to the /opt directory, you will find the logs directory in it.
    • cd logs
  4. Go to spark directory and capture _master_.log and all logs of the given date from the below path:
    • cd /opt/logs/spark
    • cp _master_.log FILENAME_1 FILENAME_2 /opt/capturedlogs/  (Replace other file names in this command)
  5. Go to batch directory and capture all the logs of given date:
    • cd /opt/logs/batch
    • cp FILENAME_1 FILENAME_2 /opt/capturedlogs/  (Replace other file names in this command)
  6. Go to cdc directory and capture cdc.log and all logs of the given date from the below path:
    • cd /opt/logs/cdc
    • cp cdc.log FILENAME_1 FILENAME_2 /opt/capturedlogs/  (Replace other file names in this command)
  7. Once the above logs are copied, go to the /opt/ directory and ensure all the log files are present.
    • cd /opt/capturedlogs
    • ls -ltr
  8. exit (exit from the container)
  9. docker cp qmetry-reports:/opt/capturedlogs . (There is a dot “.” at the end of the command, that copies the "capturedlogs" folder to your present working directory)
  10. Zip the folder using the command: 
    • zip -r capturedlogs/

 Send this zipped to QMetry Support by attaching it to your Support ticket.