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QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.x

QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.11.1

Release Date: 2024-05-25

Data Residency Support in Australia

QTM4J now supports data residency in Australia for new cloud installations only. This means that if your Jira product location is pinned to the Australia region, any new installation or reinstallation of the QTM4J app will occur there. With this enhancement, Jira Admins can ensure that QTM4J’s user-generated content is stored within Australia, giving them greater control over their organization's data. For companies in regulated industries such as finance, government, or healthcare, data residency is crucial for operating in a cloud environment.

Please note that for existing customers, the migration of QTM4J data to the Australian region is not yet available or supported. However, this feature will be rolled out soon. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.11.0


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.3.x

QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.3.2

Release Date:2022-04-09

Summary: Improvements & Bug Fixes


  • The import test case feature will be only enabled when the user has the "Create Test case" and "Import" permissions. 
  • While importing test cases option to create field values for components and labels will be only enabled when the user has the "Configuration Modify" permissions. 
  • While importing test cases option to import test cases as a new version will be only enabled when the user has the "Test case versioning" permissions. 
  • Test case execution reports are now available in Pie and Line charts.
  • Sync Jira issue type changes using the re-index option. Re-indexing would fix the issue that prevented generating coverage reports by requirements when issue type changes do not auto-sync with QTM4J.
  • Improved cloning performance of test cases having a large number of attachments.

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from importing test cases and required mandatory "Configuration modify" permission.
  • Fixed a bug that required mandatory "Configuration modify" permission to import test cases using excel.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented displaying the automation history page when passing the test cycle component in the Automation API.
  • Fixed a bug that incorrectly displayed the utilized storage space for some subscriptions of QTM4J.
  • Fixed a bug that did not display the list of stories while linking them to the test case for user language preference set other than English.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the attachments from being deleted immediately after uploading them to test assets.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented generating reports using JQL when "fix version" has character "&" in the value.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented QMetry gadgets from being renamed on the Jira dashboard.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented autosaving data in test case steps comments and actual results fields on the execution screen.

QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud

Release Date:2022-02-19

Summary: Maintenance Fix

  • Internal DB query optimization for better performance.

QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud

Release Date:2022-01-29

Summary: Bug Fix

QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud

Release Date:2021-12-21

Summary: Bug Fix

QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud

Release Date:2021-12-16

Summary: Bug Fix

QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud

Release Date:2021-11-20

Summary: Improvement & Bug Fix


  • Enabled an option to access User's Email address for QTM4J App Server to Cloud Migration purpose.

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed a bug that displayed the attachment name incorrectly and prevented its download when the filename contained Cyrillic, Chinese and German alphabets.

QMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.3.1

Release Date:2021-10-23

Summary: Improvements

  • Improvements to Test Case Execution Summary Report
      • The graphical view displays the test execution summary in percentage.
      • The tabular view now displays the test execution summary in a two-dimensional view that includes the count of the executed test cases and the percentage.
  • The list attributes name, description, icon, and color for QMetry default values of Priority, Status, and Execution Result are made editable.
  • The image link address (pre-signed URL) of attachments in QMetry can now be used as an image URL to insert attachments in the text field across QMetry. The pre-signed URLs do not expire.


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud v4.0.9

Release Date:2020-06-06

Version 4.0.9

Summary : Improvements & Bug Fixes


  • Set all system and custom fields for Test cases and Test cycles created using Automation API and Maven Plugin.
  • A confirmation warning will be displayed while permanently deleting test cases.
  • Maximum file size limit for importing test cases using excel is increased from 2 MB to 10 MB.
  • Revamped execution result summary view on the following screens.
    • Test Cycle grid view.
    • Test Plan > Test Cycle grid view.
  • Labels for the following operations are renamed -
    • On Test case/Acceptance Criteria section -
      • "Add to Test Cycle" label is renamed as "Reuse Test Cycle"
      • "Add Test Case" label is renamed as "Create New Test Cases
    • "Bulk Remove" of Test Cases and Test Cycles is renamed as “Bulk Delete”.

 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that showed all Jira issue types other than the ones enabled for Bug issues types, while linking an existing bug on the execution screen.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented "Bug" issue type to be auto-selected while creating a Bug from the execution screen.
  • Fixed a bug that did not show some projects in the destination project list while exporting test cases to other project.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented proper wrapping of test case summary on test case list view.
  • Fixed a bug that required user to hit enter twice while searching using JQL.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented recording of more than 50 events in an Exploratory Testing session.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Exploratory Testing sessions to show in progress even after the recording is stopped


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud v4.0.8

Release Date:2020-04-18

Version 4.0.8

Summary : Improvement & Bug Fix

Improvement :

  • Set sequence of the test cases to be executed on the test cycle.

Bug Fix :

  • Fixed a bug that displayed execution date time in UTC instead user’s timezone in the Traceability report.


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.0.7

Release Date: 2020-03-28

Version 4.0.7

Summary : Improvement & Bug Fixes

Improvement :

  • Compatibility with Jira's new menu structure.

Bug Fixes :

  • Fixed bug that did not display Assignee on execution screen and reports for few records when number of users selected exceeds 10.
  • Fixed bug that prevented uploading of JUnit automation results if the result file has empty test suit tag.
  • Fixed bug that prevented users from linking Test cases to Test cycle or Test cycle to Test plan when default selected Jira project is deleted.
  • Fixed bug that did not return tracking Id when automation results are uploaded via Maven. The progress of result upload can be tracked using tracking id. Use plug-in version 2.0.1 to get the fix. 


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.0.6

Release Date: 2020-02-01

Version 4.0.6

Summary : Improvements & Bug Fixes

Report Improvements

  • Ability to add and view reports as gadget on Dashboard.
  • Ability to share reports via Dashboards.
  • Added Requirement Coverage report.
  • Added support for JQL to filter Requirements and Defects on reports.

General Improvements

  • Ability to link Stories directly to the Test cycle.
  • Ability to filter Test cases based on Story on Execution screen.
  • Easy and quick access to bulk operations for test cases linked on test cycle.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from un-linking a Test case from Test cycle if Delete Test cycle access is restricted.
  • Fixed a bug that did not refresh the grouping of Test cases on execution screen
  • Fixed a bug that gave 'invalid date' error while generating a report.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented user from linking a bug on Execution screen.


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.0.5

Release Date: 2019-11-07

Version 4.0.5


  • Export Test cases and Test steps in excel.
  • Users can now group Test cases on execution screen based on Folder, Priority, Assignee, Execution Result etc.
  • Filter and link Stories/Bugs using JQL search on the following screens.
    • Filter Test cases based on Stories for bulk operations.
    • Filter Test cases based on Story while linking them on Test cycle.
    • Search and link existing bug on execution screen
  • Add more information to folders using Description field.
  • Filter report data based on Sprints and folders.
  • Trace bugs found during execution directly from Story page.
  • Insert attachments to actual outcome/comments on execution screen using URL.
  • Easily reorder test steps on a Test case.
  • Users will be asked for a confirmation message before deleting a Test case version.
  • Improved linking of a specific version of Test case to Test cycle.
  • Improved sorting of Test assets on list view.


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud

Release Date: 2019-10-25


Summary: Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that prevented users from modifying Test Asset's Assignee and Reporter to the users who are added when QMetry is disabled in Jira instance.
  • Fixed bug that caused the Permissions to be not saved for users who are added when QMetry is disabled in Jira instance.


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.0.4

Release Date: 2019-10-19

Version 4.0.4

Summary: General improvements and bug fixes


  • Select all test cases across pages while linking Test cases to Test cycle. 
  • Audit logs displays all details of activities performed by users on configuration screen.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that showed incomplete list of Sprints on Test case screen.


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.0.3

Release Date: 2019-10-05

Version 4.0.3

Summary: Improvements

General Improvements

  • Copy test cases across projects along with their versions.
  • View the progress of operations like import/export & other bulk updates in the notification section.
  • Resizable folder panel to display the complete folder hierarchy.
  • Filter cross project test cases or test cycles on linked section based on fix versions and sprints.
  • Storage configuration now displays usage statistics like used, available and total space.
  • Bulk update on multi-lookup and checkbox fields now allows to append or replace existing values.
  • Added option to select all test cases across pages during bulk operations. 

Migration Improvements

  • Export QMetry test cases from one Jira instance to another.
  • Migrate test cases from Zephyr for Jira - Test Management to QMetry Test Management for Jira using inbuilt migration feature.  


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud

Release Date: 2019-08-24



  • Wiki markup support for comments on Test Case, Test Cycle and Test Plan.
  • Define a custom priority with a custom icon.


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud v4.0.2

Release Date: 2019-08-10

Version 4.0.2

Summary: Improvements

  • Testers can now hide already linked Test cases to the Test Cycle/Story to prevent them from being linked again. Similar option is available to hide already linked Test cycles to the Test plan.
  • Test Case execution audit logs are now available inside execution screen.
  • Project admins can now define shortcut buttons for execution statuses displayed on execution screen. 
  • Testers can now create series of similar issues within the same project using the “Create another” option.
  • Upload multiple attachments at a time.
  • Improved reset filter on search.


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.0.1

Release Date: 2019-07-26

Version 4.0.1

Summary: Improvement that enhances usability & bulk operations.


  • Rearrange order of fields displayed on all screens, across QMetry.
  • Quickly search steps within a test case based on step summary, test data and expected outcome.
  • Link/unlink stories to a test case from test case screen – story tab.
  • Enhanced bulk operations :
    • Assign build & environment to test cases linked to a test cycle.
    • Delete multiple test steps.
    • Link test cases to stories cross projects. 
  • Filter test cases based on multiple fields while cloning a test cycle.
  • Added custom field support on :
    • Show/hide/rearrange columns
    • Search filters.
  • Link stories to test cases that are created through automated test execution import for QAF and Cucumber frameworks. 

Bug Fix:

  • Fixed bug that did now allow users to create a bug from execution screen when language preference is set as Polish, Spanish.


titleQMetry Test Management for Jira Cloud 4.0

Release Date: 2019-07-06

Version 4.0

Summary: New Features


  • New, intuitive and user friendly UI.
  • Introduced Test Plans and Test Cycles for managing and tracking test execution cycles.
  • Test case versioning with detailed change logs for audits.
  • Organize test assets hierarchy in tree structure in folders.
  • Powerful filters and sorting on all the fields across the product. Save filter as public or private. 
  • Manage environments to execute test cases against any platforms or configurations.
  • Reuse test cases using test data parameterization.
  • Hide/Show field columns across the product and save filter as public or private. 
  • Customizable flexible test case workflow. 
  • Define custom fields for test cases, test cycles and test plans at project level.
  • Tag Labels to all your test assets. 
  • Project level settings for customization and standardizations.
  • Open API support for integrations with third party tools.
  • Inbuilt import feature for powerful import of test cases from excel & csv.
  • Comprehensive enterprise grade reporting with ability to filter & grouping data on all possible fields.
  • Inbuilt 25+ cross project reports as per QA best practices.
  • End to End traceability between requirements, test cases, test executions and defects. 
  • Generate all reports on latest test execution.
  • Set permissions for all operations at user or group level.
  • CI integration with latest versions of Jenkins, Bamboo and others. 
  • Added support for Next-Gen projects.
