User Management

Only Super Admin of the QAS instance can access the User Management module of QAS.

There are three types of users in the QMetry Automation Studio Cloud version: Super Admin, Project Admin, and Project User.

In addition to access to all modules of QAS, the Super Admin of the QAS instance has access to the User Management module. Normal users can access all the modules of QAS except the User Management module. In addition to normal user rights, the Project Admin has additional rights to manage the members of the current project.

The user management functionalities empower administrators to efficiently handle user accounts, permissions, and access levels.

This page contains details about the User Management module that is only accessible by the Super Admin of the instance. Refer to Project Admin and Project User pages for more details about respective roles.

The Super Admin of the QAS Cloud instance can -

  • view and manage (add, edit, and delete) all the users of the instance.

  • assign a Project admin role/user role to another user.

Access User Management Module

Click on the Project Settings icon at the bottom left corner and select User Management.

The list of users added to the QAS instance is displayed on the screen.

Create Users

Click on the Create User button at the top right corner.

Enter the user details in the panel and click on the Create User button.

Activate Users

Once the user is added, click on the Activate button to activate the user. You can edit user details and assign project roles only to active users.

Edit Users

Super Admin can edit details (except Username) of an active user.

The Super Admin can -

A. edit user details except for Username.

B. update the user password.

C. assign Project Role.

Update User Password

By clicking on the Update Password link, the Update Password panel opens. Enter the new password and click on the Update Password button.

Project Role Assignment

Open the Assign Project(s) drop-down and select the projects that you want to assign to the user.

Click on the Assign button.

The assigned projects get added to the screen.

The Super Admin can assign roles either User or Admin to the user for each allocated project.

To unassign the project and role to the user, click on the Unassign button for that project.

Deactivate Users

If the user is no longer required on the QAS instance, you can deactivate the user by clicking on the Deactivate button.

Delete Users

If you want to remove the user permanently from the QAS instance, deactivate the user first and then delete that user by clicking on the Delete button.