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Importing Test Cases from Excel File
QMetry allows users to import test cases from an Excel file to create new test cases as well as to make changes in existing test cases in QMetry.
QMetry supports the seamless import of Excel files with multiple sheets. The import can create a new folder per sheet name and import the test cases accordingly. For example, there are 30 sheets in an Excel file with test cases on each of the sheets. The import will create 30 folders as per the Excel sheet names and import test cases into them if the Create folder with sheet name option is selected before starting the import.
Two separate Test Case templates are available to download and set your test case data within the corresponding template file:
Test Case with Test Steps in Single Row
Test Case with Test Steps in Multiple Rows (steps in individual rows)
The import wizard helps users import test cases directly into particular folders/sub-folders of the Test Case modules under the current project.
The test cases are imported in the same order that of in the Excel file, following are some of the reasons behind it.
In the organization test cases are ordered to produce the most efficient test flow. Hence, the QA Manager wants that the test case import order match the excel sheet.
A user creates a series of test cases in a logical order to be tested, one after another- and after creating those test cases the users want to import the excel file with the test cases in the same order as they are found in the excel file allowing them to be easily added to a test suite in the same order.
Best Practice: To carry out the import process smoothly, it is recommended that the size of file you upload should be maximum of 10 MB.
First time Import of Test Cases from Excel File
First Time Import is when the organization does not have test cases in QMetry and they import test cases for the first time. This Import is creation of test assets for the first time. Import always creates version 1.
Convert Test Case data into QMetry Format
Download either of the Test Case templates provided below. Fill the template with your test case data that you want to import into QMetry. Enter comma separated values for fields with multi-lookup list. Make sure that all the columns in the Excel file have a corresponding field in QMetry. Majority of the columns in the Excel file should map to one of the QMetry fields. If there are columns which don’t really map, define those additional fields as Manage Fields in QMetry (Administration > Manage Fields).