Area Chart - Visual Report

Area Chart is useful to compare across categories and visualize the gaps between the scores. They represent each data point as shaded areas on a graph. First, you need to generate a then modify the chart to create an Area chart.

For example, QA Manager wants to view Count Of Issues By their Created Date.

The fields required in the report are: Issue Created Date, Issue Entity Key

  • X-Axis: It always holds single test entity fields with any value.

  • Y-Axis: It always contains fields with numeric values. Multiple test entity fields on Y-Axis create stacked chart.

  • Cross Tab: It helps to create a Group Stacked chart. A simple table only shows the relationship between two variables. Whereas a Cross Tab shows the relationship between two or more variables in the table/chart.


Once you save the gadget, it will be available in QMetry Custom Gadget > My Gadget tab.