QMetry For Jira Test Management Plugin 3.3 and below

QMetry For Jira Test Management Plugin 3.3 and below

About the Plugin

QMetry Test Management for JIRA plugin for Jenkins has been designed to seamlessly integrate your CI/CD pipeline with QMetry.

Easily configure Jenkins to submit your test results to QMetry without needing to write any code or deal with REST API. Your Test Results could be from any automation framework like Cucumber, Test NG, JUnit, QAF and more.

For more info visit QMetry Test Management for JIRA.

Read the following topics on this page:

  1. Requirements
  2. Configuring a standard Jenkins Job.
  3. Configuring QMetry for JIRA Plugin job as a post build action.
  4. Triggering the job and publishing results in JIRA.


  1. QMetry Test Management for JIRA installed in Server/Data Center or Cloud
  2. Jenkins installation

Configuring a Standard Jenkins job


Let’s create a standard Freestyle job in Jenkins.

1. To create a new Jenkins job, click on the New Item option on the Jenkins menu.

2. Provide a name for your job.

    Select Freestyle project on the screen and then click OK.


3. Next, the configuration page appears where you can configure your job by various categories: General, Source Code Management (SCM), Build Triggers, Build, and Post build actions.


 4. On the Source Code Management tab, select the appropriate option in which you have your source code. For example, here it is “Git”. So, select “Git” and provide the necessary information. (Note: You need to configure GitHub plugin in global configuration).

5.  Optionally, you can set Build Triggers.

Select the Build Triggers tab. Let’s just add a periodic trigger which triggers build every minute – every hour – every day (Schedule: * * * * *).

6. Next, Select a build step. You can select from various options: Ant, Maven, Windows batch process, etc. For example, for a maven project, trigger a maven build and specify goals.

Next step is to add Post-build Actions. Here, add the plugin: “QMetry Test Management for JIRA Plugin”.

Configuring QMetry for JIRA Test Management Plugin as a Post-build Action

Jenkins works as a bridge between QMetry Test Management and JIRA plugin. To publish results in QMetry for JIRA, define another post-build action.

1. On the Add post-build Actions drop-down, select the "Publish test result to QMetry for JIRA" option.

2. There are two options: Cloud or Server. Based on the type of JIRA instance you have, select either JIRA Cloud or JIRA Server.

3. In case of Cloud instance for QMetry for JIRA, select the Cloud option and fill in the required data.

You can get more information regarding fields by clicking on the Help icon for respective fields. It explains what to enter in that particular field.

Parameters for Cloud instance:





Automation API Key



Your API Key. API Key is unique for a specific user in a single project. The result will be imported for the project associated with the given API Key.




Format of result file to be imported. Supported formats:

cucumber/json testng/xml junit/xml qas/json hpuft/xml specflow/json

File URL



Path to your result file to be uploaded.

Example : The Jenkins plugin is expecting the file in Jenkins Workspace. 
If your workspace name is WithoutSouceCode, then you will find a folder name with "WithoutSouceCode" in your installation directory like Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode. 
Your result file should be under Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode/Testng-result.xml. 
The path that should be set in plugin configuration is "/Testng-result.xml"

Upload ScreenshotscheckboxNoCheck to upload attachments in execution. Default value: false.

Test Run Name



Name of the test run to be created. It will be appended with the Jenkins build Number.

Test Run Key



Existing Issue Key of Test Run. Test run will be appended with the test case and executions.

Test Asset Hierarchyselection

Level of Hierarchy : Test Scenario-Test Case Or Test Case-Test Step

TestCaseUpdateLevelselectionNoTest Case update level while reusing test case, starts from 0 to 2. (This is only applicable when you use TestCase-TestStep Hierarchy option)

0 Append test steps while reusing Test Case.
1 Override test steps while reusing Test Case.
2 No change in test steps while reusing Test Case.
Default :- No change in test steps while reusing Test Case.




Name of Platform on which test run to be executed.




Comma separated names of Labels to be added to the test run.




Comma separated names of versions to be added to the test run.




Comma separated names of Components to be added to the test run.




Name of Sprint to be added to the test run.




Comment to be added to the test run.


JSONNoCheck specific Automation custom fields possible value and format here.

In case of Server instance for QMetry for JIRA, select the Server option and fill in the required data.

Parameters for Server instance:









Basic Authentication OR
Personal Access Token


Basic Authentication

Basic authentication with Jira's credentials.

  • Jira Username

  • Jira Password: Password for Jira instance.

Personal Access Token

If the Allow basic authentication on API calls option is disabled in Jira, then Personal Access Token is required for authentication.

To generate personal access token, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to User Profile of your Jira.

  2. Click on Personal Access Tokens and click on Create token.

Automation API Key



Your API Key. API Key is unique for a specific user in a single project. The result will be imported for the project associated with the given API Key.




JIRA Username




Password for JIRA instance.




Format of result file to be imported. Supported formats:

cucumber/json testng/xml junit/xml qas/json hpuft/xml specflow/json

File URL



Path to your result file to be uploaded.

Example : The Jenkins plugin is expecting the file in Jenkins Workspace. 
If your workspace name is WithoutSouceCode, then you will find a folder name with "WithoutSouceCode" in your installation directory like Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode. 
Your result file should be under Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode/Testng-result.xml. 
The path that should be set in plugin configuration is "/Testng-result.xml"

Upload ScreenshotscheckboxNoCheck to upload attachments in execution. Default value: false.

Test Run Name



Name of the test run to be created. It will be appended with the Jenkins build Number.

Test Run Key



Existing Issue Key of Test Run. Test run will be appended with the test case and executions.

Test Asset Hierarchyselection

Level of Hierarchy : Test Scenario-Test Case Or Test Case-Test Step

TestCaseUpdateLevelselectionNoTest Case update level while reusing test case, starts from 0 to 2. (This is only applicable when you use TestCase-TestStep Hierarchy option)

0 Append test steps while reusing Test Case.
1 Override test steps while reusing Test Case.
2 No change in test steps while reusing Test Case.
Default :- No change in test steps while reusing Test Case.




Name of Platform on which test run to be executed.




Comma separated names of Labels to be added to the test run.




Comma separated names of versions to be added to the test run.




Comma separated names of Components to be added to the test run.




Name of Sprint to be added to the test run.




Comment to be added to the test run.


JSONNoCheck specific Automation custom fields possible value and format here

4.   On successful completion of the process, you can see the console output. It displays statistics for Tests run, Failures, Errors, Skipped, etc.


5. Finally check your JIRA account.

    In case of Cloud instance, you can see the success result for your test cases.

Configure Specflow for Freestyle


1) MSBuild Plugin

2) VSTest Runnner Plugin

3) Visual Studio IDE setup or Visual Studio Build Tools setup on server

Step 1: Checkout Source Code.

Step 2: Add Script to update packages for msbuild using NuGet.exe file from checkout repository.

Step 3: Configure msbuild executable in Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > MSTest.

Step 4: Select a build step for MSBuild in Build Section.

Step 5: 1)Select "MSBuild Version" which is configured in Global Tool Configuration

             2)Specify the relative path for solution file in "MSBuild Build File"

Step 6: Configure vstest executable in Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > VSTest.

Step 7: Select a build step for VSTest in Build Section.

Step 8:   1)Select "VSTest Version" which is configured in Global Tool Configuration

2)Specify the relative path to your VSTest compiled assemblies in "Test Files"

3)Uncheck "Enable Code Coverage" checkbox


QMetry Test Management supports Jenkins Pipeline for implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins.

Let’s create a standard Pipeline job in Jenkins.

1. To create a new Jenkins job, click on the New Item option on the Jenkins menu.

2. Provide a name for your job.

    Select Pipeline on the screen and then click OK.

3. Next, the configuration page appears where you can configure your job by various categories: General, Build Triggers, Advanced Project Options, and Pipeline.

4.  Optionally, you can set Build Triggers.

Select the Build Triggers tab. Let’s just add a periodic trigger which triggers build every minute – every hour – every day (Schedule: * * * * *).

5. Advanced Project Options: This is optional. You can give Display Name which will replace the name you gave earlier to the Pipeline project.

6. Jenkins works as a bridge between QMetry Test Management and automation frameworks. To publish results in QMetry, provide Pipeline script.

Enter Pipeline script to define your code repository, generate test result and upload test results into QMetry Test Management.

Code Snippet for Cloud

Pipeline Script

step([$class:'QTM4JResultPublisher',testToRun:'CLOUD', apikey:'b8fc4842a27656646aa5a955b73e84c249b5f4a085845075eea8001',  format:'junit/xml', file:'/target\\surefire-reports\\TEST-com.temp.junit.temptestcase.FirstTestTest.xml', testassethierarchy:'TestCase-TestStep', labels:'junit,master', version:'version 1.11', testrunname:'demo junit testrun for testcase level', testrunkey:'TES-2', platform:'platform 1', sprint:'TES Sprint 1', comment:'junit demo pipeline comment', component:'pipeline', testCaseUpdateLevel:'2', jirafields:' ', attachFile:false])

Code Snippet for Server (QMetry for JIRA - Test Management Plugin v1.18)

Pipeline Script

→ Basic Authentication

step([$class: 'QTM4JResultPublisher',testToRun: 'SERVER',jiraurlserver: 'http://qtmforjira.qmetry.com', serverAuthenticationType:'BASICAUTH', username: 'superadmin',password: hudson.util.Secret.fromString('password'),apikeyserver: '3527c27609317aae022071af2dd7f908c93110b6ed9', formatserver: 'junit/xml', fileserver: '/target\\surefire-reports\\TEST-com.temp.junit.temptestcase.FirstTestTest.xml', testassethierarchyserver: 'TestCase-TestStep', labelsserver: 'junit master', versionserver: 'version 1.11', testrunnameserver: 'demo junit testrun for testcase level', testrunkeyserver: 'TES-3', platformserver: 'platform 1', componentserver: 'pipeline project', sprintserver: 'JEN Sprint 1', commentserver: 'junit master comment', testCaseUpdateLevelServer: '2', jirafieldsserver: ' ', attachFileServer: false])

→ Token Authentication

step([$class: 'QTM4JResultPublisher',testToRun: 'SERVER',jiraurlserver: 'http://qtmforjira.qmetry.com', serverAuthenticationType:'TOKENAUTH', personalAccessToken:'NzQ2NzU1NjI5MjMxOhPMCv1Pd1B3kqighS78uwGg', apikeyserver: '3527c27609317aae02071ac16f2dd708c93110cb6ed9', formatserver: 'junit/xml', fileserver: '/target\\surefire-reports\\TEST-com.temp.junit.temptestcase.FirstTestTest.xml', testassethierarchyserver: 'TestCase-TestStep', labelsserver: 'junit master', versionserver: 'version 1.11', testrunnameserver: 'demo junit testrun for testcase level', testrunkeyserver: 'TES-3', platformserver: 'platform 1', componentserver: 'pipeline project', sprintserver: 'JEN Sprint 1', commentserver: 'junit master comment', testCaseUpdateLevelServer: '2', jirafieldsserver: ' ', attachFileServer: false])

Code Snippet for Server (QMetry for JIRA - Test Management Plugin v1.14)

Pipeline Script

step([$class: 'QTM4JResultPublisher',testToRun: 'SERVER',jiraurlserver: 'http://qtmforjira.qmetry.com',username: 'superadmin',password: hudson.util.Secret.fromString('password'),apikeyserver: '3527c27609317aae022071ac16f2dd7f908c93110cb6ed9', formatserver: 'junit/xml', fileserver: '/target\\surefire-reports\\TEST-com.temp.junit.temptestcase.FirstTestTest.xml', testassethierarchyserver: 'TestCase-TestStep', labelsserver: 'junit master', versionserver: 'version 1.11', testrunnameserver: 'demo junit testrun for testcase level', testrunkeyserver: 'TES-3', platformserver: 'platform 1', componentserver: 'pipeline project', sprintserver: 'JEN Sprint 1', commentserver: 'junit master comment', testCaseUpdateLevelServer: '2', jirafieldsserver: ' ', attachFileServer: false])

Code Snippet for Server (QMetry for JIRA - Test Management Plugin v1.13 and below)

Pipeline Script

step([$class: 'QTM4JResultPublisher',testToRun: 'SERVER',jiraurlserver: 'http://qtmforjira.qmetry.com',username: 'superadmin',password:'password',apikeyserver: '3527c27609317aae022071ac16f2dd7f908c93110cb6ed9', formatserver: 'junit/xml', fileserver: '/target\\surefire-reports\\TEST-com.temp.junit.temptestcase.FirstTestTest.xml', testassethierarchyserver: 'TestCase-TestStep', labelsserver: 'junit master', versionserver: 'version 1.11', testrunnameserver: 'demo junit testrun for testcase level', testrunkeyserver: 'TES-3', platformserver: 'platform 1', componentserver: 'pipeline project', sprintserver: 'JEN Sprint 1', commentserver: 'junit master comment', testCaseUpdateLevelServer: '2', jirafieldsserver: ' ', attachFileServer: false])

Note: The hudson.util.Secret.fromString() method is static and since Jenkins blocks static method calls, Changes must be made using an administrative user account to approve the function permanently.           

  • Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> In-Process Script Approval
  • Approve signature: staticMethod hudson.util.Secret fromString java.lang.String

Here is a link For publishing multiple framework Test Results from a single Pipeline job on QMetry for Jira 3.x server/cloud version.

Syntax of format:

  • cucumber/json
  • testng/xml
  • junit/xml
  • qas/json
  • hpuft/xml
  • specflow/json

Parameters for Cloud

apikey yesYour API Key. API Key is unique for a specific user in a single project. The result will be imported for the project associated with the given API Key.
format yes

Format of result file to be imported. Supported formats:

cucumber/json testng/xml junit/xml qas/json hpuft/xml specflow/json 

testassethierarchy yes

Level of Hierarchy : Test Scenario-Test Case Or Test Case-Test Step

labels noComma separated names of Labels to be added to the test run.
versionnoComma separated names of versions to be added to the test run.
testrunnamenoName of the test run to be created. It will be appended with the Jenkins build Number.
testrunkey noExisting Issue Key of Test Run. Test run will be appended with the test case and executions.
platform noName of Platform on which test run to be executed.
sprint noName of Sprint to be added to the test run.
comment noComment to be added to the test run.
component noComma separated names of Components to be added to the test run.
testCaseUpdateLevel noTest Case update level while reusing test case, starts from 0 to 2. (This is only applicable when you use TestCase-TestStep Hierarchy option)

0 Append test steps while reusing Test Case.
1 Override test steps while reusing Test Case.
2 No change in test steps while reusing Test Case.
Default :- No change in test steps while reusing Test Case.

attachFile noCheck for upload attachments in execution. Default value: false.
jirafieldsnoCheck specific Automation custom fields possible value and format here.

Parameters for Server instance

jiraurlserveryesEnter JIRA URL

Basic Authentication OR
Personal Access Token


Basic Authentication

Basic authentication with Jira's credentials.

  • Jira Username

  • Jira Password: Password for Jira instance.

Personal Access Token

If the Allow basic authentication on API calls option is disabled in Jira, then Personal Access Token is required for authentication.

To generate personal access token, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to User Profile of your Jira.

  2. Click on Personal Access Tokens and click on Create token.

apikeyserveryesYour API Key. API Key is unique for a specific user in a single project. The result will be imported for the project associated with the given API Key.

Format of result file to be imported. Supported formats:

cucumber/json testng/xml junit/xml qas/json hpuft/xml specflow/json


Path to your result file to be uploaded.

Example : The Jenkins plugin is expecting the file in Jenkins Workspace. 
If your workspace name is WithoutSouceCode, then you will find a folder name with "WithoutSouceCode" in your installation directory like Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode. 
Your result file should be under Jenkins/Home/workspace/WithoutSouceCode/Testng-result.xml. 
The path that should be set in plugin configuration is "/Testng-result.xml"


Level of Hierarchy : Test Scenario-Test Case Or Test Case-Test Step

labelsservernoComma separated names of Labels to be added to the test run.
versionservernoComma separated names of versions to be added to the test run.
testrunnameservernoName of the test run to be created. It will be appended with the Jenkins build Number.
platformservernoName of Platform on which test run to be executed.
componentservernoComma separated names of Components to be added to the test run.
sprintservernoName of Sprint to be added to the test run.
commentservernoComment to be added to the test run.
testCaseUpdateLevelServer no

Test Case update level while reusing test case, starts from 0 to 2. (This is only applicable when you use TestCase-TestStep Hierarchy option)

0 Append test steps while reusing Test Case.
1 Override test steps while reusing Test Case.
2 No change in test steps while reusing Test Case.
Default :- No change in test steps while reusing Test Case.

attachFileServernoCheck for upload attachments in execution. Default value: false.
jirafieldsservernoCheck specific Automation custom fields possible value and format here

7. On successful completion of the process, you can see the console output. It displays success message for uploading the result file.

8. Finally check test execution page in QMetry and review your test run results.

Configure Specflow for Pipeline


1) VSTest Runnner Plugin

2) Visual Studio IDE setup or Visual Studio Build Tools setup on server

Step 1: Checkout Source Code.

checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: 'https://github.com/lizamathew/Spec-Flow-Demo.git']]])

Step 2: Add Script to update packages for msbuild using NuGet.exe file from checkout repository.

bat 'C:/Users/liza.mathew/.jenkins/workspace/PipelineSpecflowProjectMaster/Specflow/.nuget/NuGet.exe update -self'

Step 3: Configuration for MSBuild

bat "\"${tool 'MSBuild'}\" Specflow/SpecResults.sln"
(MSBuild is a tool configured for path to MSBuild executable then specify relative path for solution file of project)

Step 4: Configuration of VSTest

VSTest is a tool configured for path to VSTest executable.

step([$class: 'VsTestBuilder', 'vsTestName':'${tool VSTest}', enablecodecoverage : false, 'testFiles':'Specflow/SpecResults.ApprovalTestSuite/bin/Release/SpecResults.ApprovalTestSuite.dll'])

  • vsTestName: path to VSTest executable
  • testFiles: specify relative path to your VSTest compiled assemblies

Define Parameters

To define parameters for your job, select the This project is parameterized check box.

The Add Parameter drop-down is enabled with the list of parameter types. Use the drop-down button to add as many parameters as you need.

There are different parameter types available. The way parameters take effect according their respective parameter type.

For example,

String Parameter are selected, and corresponding parameters are added as shown below.

The above parameters will be parsed dynamically at the run time.

The field values should be entered in the following syntax:


For example,

For the parameters created above, the field value would be ${API} and ${TestRunName} respectively. The parameter values will be parsed accordingly for the corresponding fields.

The values can also be changed before triggering the Jenkins build.

JIRA Fields   

i) How to get Custom Field ID?

Rest call to JIRA to get all JIRA fields.

The following URL gives all custom fields get ID for selected custom fields that you want to apply.


ii) Base format for custom fields.

    "testRun": [
    "testScenario": [
    "testCase": [

iii) Standard Custom Field Types

The following types are for reference only, other types of Custom Field Types are also supported.

Custom Field Type
Validation Rule
CheckboxesThe checkbox accepts comma separated multiple values{
  "customfield_10200": [
      "value": "true"
      "value": "false"
Date PickerThe Date picker accepts only specified format Date{
Date Time PickerThe Date time picker accepts only specified format Date and time{
  "customfield_10203": "2013-03-01T00:00:00.000+0400"
Number FieldThe Number field accepts any number with decimal{
  "customfield_10205": 2876784
Radio ButtonsThe radio button accepts single value from JIRA fields{
  "customfield_10206": {
    "value": "option1"
Select List (multiple choices)The Select List Multiple accepts comma separated multiple values{
  "customfield_10208": [
      "value": "Select List Multiple 1"
      "value": "Select List Multiple 2"
Select List (single choice)The radio button accepts single value from JIRA fields{
  "customfield_10209": {
    "value": "Select List single 1"
Text Field (multi-line)It accepts text in multiple lines{
  "customfield_10210": "this is sample.\nexample"
Text Field (single line)It accepts text in single line{
  "customfield_10211": "this is sample.example"
URL FieldIt accepts Web URL{
  "customfield_10212": "http://www.url-encode-decode.com/"
User Picker (single user)The User field accepts only available JIRA users{
  "customfield_10213": {
    "name": "admin"

iv) JSON Example

If you want to set 2 custom fields (checkbox, single text) on test run issue type and one custom fields (Radio Button) on scenario and test case level.

    "testRun": [
        "customfield_10200": [
        "customfield_10211""this is sample.example"
    "testScenario": [
        "customfield_10206": {
    "testCase": [
        "customfield_10206": {

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