Move/Reuse Test Cases

Move Test Cases

You can move test cases from a particular folder to another folder.

Note: When you perform the Move action from root folder, it will be Reuse of test cases as the test cases remain on the root folder and are not moved.

1. On the folder tree at left, select the source folder wherein the test cases lie.

2. Select test cases that you want to move to another folder.

Select All:

  • Current page: Clicking on the check box in the column header selects all the records on the current page only. An alternate way is to open the check box drop-down and select Current Page.

  • Across all pages: Open the check box drop-down and select Across All Pages option. Maximum 100 records can be selected.

3. Open the Bulk Operations drop-down menu at the top and select the Move/Reuse option on it.

4. A pop-up opens. Select the destination folder on the drop-down in which you want to move the selected test cases.

5. Select Operation: Select the Move option and click Submit.

The test cases are moved to the selected destination folder.

Reuse Test Cases across Folders

You can reuse existing test cases by copying them from one folder to another.

1. On the folder tree at left, select the source folder wherein the test cases lie.

2. Select test cases that you want to copy to another folder.

Select All:

  • Current page: Clicking on the check box in the column header selects all the records on the current page only. An alternate way is to open the check box drop-down and select Current Page.

  • Across all pages: Open the check box drop-down and select Across All Pages option.

3. Open the Bulk Operations drop-down menu at the top and select the Move/Reuse option on it.

4. A pop-up opens. Select the destination folder in which you want to copy the selected test cases.

5. Select Operation: Select the Reuse option and click Submit.

The test case is copied to the selected destination folder.