Test Cases Module

Test Cases Module


Test Cases Module is the central repository of test cases. A single test case can be used repeatedly and associated with multiple releases and cycles- avoiding the need to copy test cases. The execution status of test cases is independent per cycle allowing organizations to repeatedly execute the same test case without affecting the test results between separate runs.

With the Test Cases Module you can:

  • Organize test cases into folders and sub folders
  • Add and Edit test cases manually
  • Import test cases from Excel and Jira
  • Execute test cases for ad-hoc testing
  • View status of individual test cases
  • Link relevant requirements to test cases

Test Case Module UI

The Test Case module screen has the following UI.

Manage Grid Columns

All grids within Requirements, Test Cases, Test Suites, and Issues module have Arrange Columns option that allows users to create a customized view of their test assets.

The view is saved for future use.

The following customization can be applied:

  • Show More Columns: The ability to add columns in the view. If there are other columns that you think important to display on the module grid apart from the default view, then you can just select those columns to add them to the view.
  • Hide Columns: The ability to remove a column from view. If you do not want to include columns of less important on the module grid view, then remove column selection to hide those columns on the view.

Users can show/hide Testing Type field in the Test Case module. If users want to use their own UDF instead of this field, they can hide it. The setting is provided in the Manage Fields section of the Customization module. Refer to Manage Fields for more details.

  • Re-arrange: The ability to arrange the columns in a different order through drag and drop functionality.

You can search for a particular column through the search box.

Options to select all columns, clear all selected columns and restore default column selection are provided on the Arrange Columns above the list of columns.

  • Resize Columns: The ability to expand and reduce column width. If you want to display the full content of the column, then you may want to change the column width. To change the width of one column, just place the cursor in between the columns and drag the boundary on the right side of the column heading until the column gains the width that you want.

Test Case Detail Page

Just click on the Test Case Key in the grid view to open the test case detail page on the same page.

To open the test case detail page in a new tab/window, right-click on the Test Case Key in grid view. Opening test cases in different tab/browser makes the comparison between test cases easier. It also provides quick reference while working on multiple assets.

The detail page is redesigned that allows one click access to different sections using organizable tabs.

Organize Tabs

The detail page of QMetry assets has different tabs on it. Users can customize the view of the detail page by changing the order of tabs. The tab order is preserved per user. 

For example, the tab order of the Test Cases module is changed by user "A" for project "PRO1". Now "A" is switching to another project "PRO2". The tabs can be seen in the same order as in project "PRO1".

Combined View vs. Grouped View

A. Individual Section Tabs

B. Combined View (Read Only View)

A. Individual Section Tabs

For Test Case: There are individual tabs for Steps, Details, Requirements, Release & Cycles, Test Executions, Issues, Version, Attachments, Comments, Change Log

Each tab displays relevant details. The details are editable.

B. Combined View (Read Only View)

The tab renders the old view of the details page. You can view the details of all the sections on a single page. The details displayed on the page are read-only and can not be edited.

The Previous and Next buttons on the detail page are added for ease of navigation and updation of test cases.

Filter Test Cases

Users can easily filter test assets by any system/custom fields on all module grids. It also helps users in carrying out bulk operations. Filters placed horizontally above the grid earlier, are now placed on the tree panel at left.

Testers can view details grid aligned with folder tree even when they are clicking a folder which is at the bottom. It displays the top of the screen instead of the bottom of the screen.

Apply Filter

Users can apply basic as well as advanced filters to the records.

A. Basic Filters: By default, basic filter fields are provided to filter the records.

B. Advanced Filters: If users need more fields to filter test assets then click on the '+' icon. It opens the drop-down with a list of additional system and user defined fields corresponding to the module. 

Select the field you want to apply the filter on. The filter parameter is added as Advanced Filters. Apply filter as per your requirement.

Users can click on the '+' icon and select the field Entity Key to search test cases using comma-separated entity IDs (i.e without specifying the complete Entity Key as described below).

For example,

Users want to filter test assets on Priority, Entity Key and Status, then click on the '+' icon and select the fields on the drop-down list as shown below.

Clear Filter and Sorting

Users can clear the applied filter and sorting to the records.

A. Clear Filter: Click on the Clear Filters button above the module grid or on the left pane. It will reset the view to default.

B. Clear Sorting: Click on the Clear Sorting button above the module grid.

Choose to include/exclude Test Cases from Sub Folders at Parent Folder

Users can opt to include or exclude test assets from sub folders at the parent folder. By default, Include Entities from Sub-folder remains selected, and entities from sub-folders are displayed at the parent folder level on the module list view.

To hide the entities from sub-folder, open the Options drop-down on the test asset tree at left, and select deselect Include Entities from Sub-Folder.


Once you are on the test case details page, you can go back to the main screen of test cases by clicking on the breadcrumbs.

Test cases are added at the Project level. The Test Case module main screen displays test cases in the Project as per folder selection. You can apply filter to the columns as mentioned above. Multiple columns can be filtered at once to help users find the required test cases.

Managing Test Case Folders

QMetry allows testers to organize and manage test cases in a Folder based hierarchy. Testers can group related test cases and organize them systematically during authoring or post authoring.

It helps to carry out bulk operations like Move, Copy, Editing, Deleting, Executing all test cases under one folder, etc.

Adding a Test Case Folder

The tree/folder panel is expandable that facilitates stretching of the area if you want to view longer folder names. You can also hover over the folder to view its full name.

On the Test Case module toolbar, click on the New Folder button to add a new test case folder.

Enter the following fields to add a new folder:

  • Folder Name: Enter name of the folder.

Click Create. The new folder is reflected on the tree.

Note: The following permissions related to the Test Case module are set from User Role for individual roles.

  • View
  • Modify
  • Create
  • Delete
  • Import
  • Export
  • Link
  • Copy
  • Versioning

Make sure you have relevant rights to carry out the operation.                  

Editing a Test Case Folder

Select the folder on the tree and click on the Edit icon on the toolbar.

The folder detail screen opens in editable mode.

Deleting Test Case Folder

Select the folder on the tree and click on the Delete icon on the toolbar.

On deleting a folder, all the sub folders and entities within the folder will be deleted. The status of the parent folder will get re-calculated in all the scopes that this folder was present in. The root folder cannot be deleted.

Managing Test Cases

Adding a Test Case 

On the Test Case module toolbar, click on the New button.

The Add Test Case screen has the following fields on it.

  • Summary: Enter name of the test case.
  • Priority: Select an option from the list.
  • Labels: You can select multiple options from the list.
  • Status: Select an option from the list, which contains values like New, Approved, In Progress, Ready to Review, etc. The list is customizable. Users can add more list values from Customization > Lists.
  • Use Case: Tester writes a test case based on requirement specifications and assigns this test case to the Testing Lead with the status “New”. The Testing Lead then reviews the test case and assign the status “Reviewed” or “Ready”, if the test case is written properly.

  • Owner: The drop-down list contains QMetry users having rights on the current Project. Select the owner of the test case who will be executing it.
  • Test Case Category: Select an option from the list e.g. Regression, Performance, Security.
  • Estimated Time (In Minutes): Mention the estimated execution time of the test case in minutes.
  • Description: Enter description regarding the test case. Test Case Description can be added either Plain Text or Rich Text.

Rich Text:

A. Use of Rich Text Editor allows users to apply text formatting for Test Case Description and reduces chances of missing important details. Users can also insert images, hyperlinks and tables to the field.

Image Upload Support in Rich Text Editor:

Users can add images to any Large Rich Text Editor field (System as well as Custom) up to 1 MB. The images can be uploaded in the fields (A) by browsing and uploading the image (B) by inserting the image through the URL. It is applicable to all the fields across QMetry wherever rich text editor is available. The images will appear as thumbnails and will open as a full image on click.


→ The supported file formats to upload are jpg, jpeg, png, and gif.

→ The maximum file size should be 1 MB (for images uploaded through browsing).

B.  Users can paste the html/xml content into the Source editor of the "Large Text" field type and it auto-renders the code to show the text outputs on the screen.

Use Case: An organization is using Rich text for Description field, in which they copy-paste the content from their source in html/xml format.

Click on the Edit icon at the right to open the source editor.

Note: To enable rich text editor, the Enable Rich Text parameter should be enabled for the Project (Projects > Project / Release / Cycle). Refer to Managing Projects, Releases and Cycles for more details on Enable Rich Text Editor.

  • Testing Type: You can see this field on the test case detail page once a test case is created. The field shows how the test case was created in QMetry: Manual or Automated. If a test case is created through UI or imported from Excel, then it is identified as a manual test case. Test Cases that are created through Automation APIs are identified as Automated test cases. The Testing Type field remains read-only.
  • User Defined Fields: If UDFs are added for the test case module, then they are displayed on the Create Test Case screen and Test Case Details screen.

Enable Rich Text and Source Code Editor: Refer to the Description field above.

Adding Test Case Steps

You can add test steps that are to be executed under the test case. View, Create, Edit and Delete rights for Test Case are allocated to user roles from Customization > Roles. Users can perform operation as per the permission granted to their user roles.


  1. Go to the Steps section on the Create Test Case screen.

  2. Follow either of the following ways to add a test step:

    1. Hover the mouse over Step Description cell and click on the Edit icon (pencil). You can also move using TAB on the keyboard.

    2. Click on the "+" icon at right and select the Insert Row option to insert a new step at the end.

    3. Click on the settings icon for the test step and select the Insert Row option to insert a new step next to the current step.

A blank row is added on the grid with auto-generated Step number. Enter Step Description, Input Data and Expected Outcome in respective fields by clicking in the cell.

Repeat the same process to add other steps.

Rich Text Editor for Steps

There are two formats in which you can add test steps: Plain Text and Rich Text.

Enable Rich Text and Source Code Editor: Refer to the Description field of test case.

Note: To enable rich text editor, the Enable Rich Text parameter should be enabled for the Project (Projects > Project / Release / Cycle). Refer to Managing Projects, Releases and Cycles for more details on Enable Rich Text Editor.

User Defined Fields: If UDFs are added to the test step module, then they are displayed on the Test Steps section as columns beside the default fields of test steps.

Show/hide and Re-arrange Test Step Columns

You can organize the test steps columns in the panel through drag and drop operation. You can also opt to hide/show Input Data, Expected Outcome and other UDF columns on the screen.

Click Save once you make any changes for the Test Steps panel.

Any changes in test steps column arrangement will reflect in other places where the test steps panel is used. For example, column arrangement changes on the Execution screen will reflect in the following places.

  • Test Case Create page

  • Test Case Detail Page

  • Create New Version page

  • Exploratory testing

Edit entered steps

1. Click on the Edit button.

2. Click in the cell to modify the steps. It opens the test case details page in editable mode.

It allows you to do inline editing in the field.

As an alternate way, you can click on the Edit icon for the step that you want to edit.

The step section opens in the expanded view with system fields (Step Description, Input Data and Expected Outcome) as well as custom fields.

You can switch between the fields.

In expanded view, the Large Text UDFs have separate tabs while all the other UDFs are combined in single tab named Other.

  • The Large Text type UDFs open in separate tabs for edit same as test step system fields.

  • Other tab: UDFs other than Large Text appear in a combined view, where you can edit the fields inline.

To go back to the Step Description section, click on the Move to Step button.

You can use the Previous Step and Next Step buttons to navigate to the previous/next steps.

Use the New Step button to add a new step next to the current step.

Once you are done with editing the test step, click Apply to save the changes.

Actions on Cog icon

You can you to perform the following actions on the Steps grid:

  • Insert Row

  • Insert Shareable Test Case

  • Remove Row

  • Duplicate Row

  • Move: Select Index to move the step to.

Click on the Create button to save the test case.

When you open the test case detail page, the Test Case Folder Path displays the path up to the folder the test case lies within.

Removing Test Case Steps

  1. Open the test case details page in editable mode.
  2. On the Test Case Step(s) grid, click the Con icon for the step you want to remove.
  3. Select Remove Row.

Changing Order of Test Case Steps

While executing test suite, the test case steps appear in the same sequence as you arranged them here for the test case.

You can easily change the order of test case steps through the following way:

  • On the Steps tab, click on the Con icon at right and select Move.
  • Select Index to move the step to.

Adding Attachments at Test Steps

Users can get more granular details by adding attachments at test steps. For example, a test step needs to be tested with different test data. The tester attaches an excel sheet containing the test data to keep it ready for execution.

Note: Attachments to test steps can be added either on the test case detail page or on the test case edit page.

To add attachments to test step level, follow the steps mentioned below:

  1. Go to the test case detail page.
  2. Open the Steps tab, or open the Combined View tab and expand the Steps section.
  3. Click on the Attachment icon for the test step to which you want to add an attachment.

The Add Attachment screen opens. Attach required files to the step.

For attachments added from steps level, the Attachment Level shows “Test Step”.

  • Download Attachments:

    • To download a single attachment, click on the Download icon for that attachment.

    • To download all attachments at a time, click on the Download All button. You can download the zip from the Schedule Task section that can be accessed by clicking on the icon on the application header.

  • Delete Attachments:

    • To delete a single attachment, click on the Delete icon for that attachment.

    • To delete attachments, select and click on the Delete Selected button.

Editing a Test Case / Update a Test Case

A test case can be edited in terms of its parameters and test case steps.

Users can save the test case without creating a new version. In-place editor is provided on the detail screens for all test assets. Just hover over the field and click on the edit icon.

It opens the field in editable mode. In case of the text field, enter the value and save the details.

In-place edit will always update the test asset.

To create a new version of test asset, follow the steps mentioned below.

Edit Test Case Steps

Refer to the Edit entered steps section described earlier on this page.

Delete Test Steps

1. Open the Steps tab on the test case details page.

2. Click on the Edit button.

→ Delete/Remove a Single Test Case Step

  1. On the Test Case Step(s) grid, click the Cog icon for the step you want to remove.

  2. Select Remove Row.

  3. Click Update.

→ Delete/Remove Test Steps in Bulk

  1. Select the test steps that you want to delete. The Delete button gets enabled on the selection of test step(s).

  2. Click on the Delete button.

  3. Click Update.

Create New Version of Test Case

If test case steps are added or edited in test case, which is already executed, then it is recommended to save the test case with Save as New Version.

If the User Role has Versioning rights (in Customization > Roles), then the button will be visible to the user. When you edit test case details, you can save the details with a new version of that test case.

Follow either (A) or (B) as mentioned here.

A. Click on the Con icon for the test case and select Create New Version.

B. Open the test case detail page and click on the Create New Version icon on the header.

The next screen opens in editable mode.

Make required changes and click on the Save as New Version button to create a new version of the test case with updates.

If you add/edit test steps within a test case, it will ask you to create a new version of the test case to save the content of steps along with test case parameters. The associated test suite will still be associated with the previous version of the test case.

If the test case was executed before, then the following option is provided while saving the new test case version.

  • Auto sync latest version of Test Case in all executions: If the option is selected, then the test case version gets updated and its execution status is reset to “Not Run” on the Test Run screen.
Example: TC1 has execution status “Passed” in TS1. User modifies TC1 details and selects this option to reset the test case execution status while saving TC1. Now TS1 will show TC1 execution status as “Not Run”.

If the above option is not selected, then on the Test Run screen the sync icon appears beside the current version of the test case. On the Test Execution screen, to execute the latest version of the test case, click on the sync button.

The confirmation message pops up confirming reset of execution status. The synced version will not show previously linked issues.

After syncing the test case with its latest version, its Execution Status changes to "Not Run".

If test steps were added in the latest version of the test case, then these test steps will also be added on the execution screen.

Note: QMetry allows you to use different versions of a test case for testing. Read more about it on the Managing Test Case Versions page.

Archiving a Test Case

All the versions of the test case should be archived to delete that particular test case.

Archiving Entire Test Case

You can not carry out further operations like adding attachments, linking test cases, issues, and release - cycles on an archived test asset.

A. Archiving from Test Case detail page

B. Archiving from Test Case module list view

A. Archiving from Test Case detail page

Open the test case details page by clicking on the test case.

Click on the Archive icon on the top right corner of the page.

It will archive all the underlying versions of the test case.

B. Archiving from Test Case module list view

Open test cases module.

The test case list view opens with list of existing test cases within the project/folder.

Click on the Cog icon for the test case you want to archive and select Archive. The test case is archived after confirmation.

To unarchive an archived test case, click on the Unarchive icon at the top right corner.

Archiving a Specific Test Case Version

Read Archiving a Specific Test Case Version 

Deleting Test Cases

To delete a test case, first, you need to archive it. All the versions of the test case should be archived to delete that particular test case.

It is a two-step process:

  1. Archive a test case (All the versions of the test case will be archived.)
  2. Delete a test case (The test case will be deleted including all its versions.)

Deleting Entire Test Case

All the versions of the test case should be archived to delete that particular test case.

A. From Test Case detail page

B. From Test Case list view

A. From Test Case detail page

  1. Open the detail page of the archived test case. Use the filter on the tree, to view the archived test cases.
  2. Click on the Delete icon at the top right corner of the screen.

Once the test case is archived, it looks like below.

The Delete icon now appears at the top right corner of the page.

Confirm the operation on the pop-up.

B. From Test Case module List view

To view the archived test cases on the screen, select the Show Archived Items check box above the grid.

It displays archived test cases along with other test cases.

Click on the Cog icon for the archived test case and select Delete.

Deleting a Specific Test Case Version

Read Deleting a Specific Test Case Version

Bulk Operations on Test Cases

Read Bulk Operations

Linking Requirements to Test Cases

You can link requirements with their relevant test cases. You can link a requirement to a test case only once.

Link Requirements

When a requirement is linked to a test case, it is linked with all versions of that test case.

Use Case: Users link requirements with related test cases for testing. Testers get an idea of what is developed by studying requirements and on that basis, they write test cases to describe how to test the developed application. Thus, the linking of test cases with requirements gives relevance between the two what is developed and what to test.

Requirements can be linked to the test case through the Requirements tab available on the Test Case details page and Test Case edit screen.


  1. Go to the Requirements tab of the test case details page or requirement edit page.
  2. Click on the Link button.
  3. It opens the Link Requirements pop-up with the list of test cases on it.

Selecting Requirements Across Projects:

Users can link requirements from other projects as well. The Project drop-down is provided to select the project. The requirements for the project are displayed on the screen.

  • You can select a particular Version of the requirement to link to the test case. Requirements with multiple versions are expandable.
  • Use Case: Each version of the requirement is expandable so that users can view details of all versions at one place.

    Expand the requirement and select the required version to link with the test case.

  • Filter: When you click on Filter, it displays multiple criteria to filter the records within and across projects. Labels and Folder path filters are also added for the ease of searching the records.
  • Requirement of Release & Cycle of this Test Case: Checkbox will not be available when you are viewing test assets of other project. Select the check box to view only those test cases that are associated with the same Release and Cycle to which the test case is linked.

The selected requirements are linked to the test case. The linked requirement records are shown on the lower grid pane.

If you want to link requirements from multiple projects, then first select one project. Search records and link them before moving to other projects. For example, User A is in Project 1 and searches for some records and link them before moving to Project 2. Else, all the selection of Project 1 will be wiped off.

A. Linking a Single Requirement: Click on the  icon to link the individual requirement to the test case.

B. Linking Multiple Requirements: Select requirements that you want to link and click on the Link Selected Requirements button at the bottom.

The selected requirements are linked to the test case. The linked requirement records are shown on the lower grid pane.

If requirements from other projects are linked, then the requirements show the Entity Key of the corresponding project.

To view the requirement of other project, click on the Requirement Entity Key. It opens the requirement detail page in the respective project and will change your current project.

Link Requirements By Entity Key 

The feature allows you to link the latest version of the requirement to a test case using the requirement key separated by a comma. Maximum 500 entities can be linked at a time.

Use Case: The feature is useful to link requirements to a test case without searching them individually. For example, users have the list of requirement keys to be linked to a test case, they can use this option to link the requirements directly. This feature will save the users' time in searching requirements in different folders to link them.


  • The Requirement key will be ignored if a relevant requirement with that key is not found.
  • If a single key is mentioned multiple times, it will be linked only once.
  • If an older version of the requirement is already linked and you are linking the same requirement key, then the latest version will not replace the older version. It will be skipped.
  • Archived versions will be skipped from linking. Only the latest unarchived version of entities will be linked.


  1. Go to the Requirements tab of the test case.
  2. Click on the Link By Entity Key button.

3. It opens the Link Requirements pop-up. Mention comma separated Requirement keys.

4. Click Link.

The requirements with mentioned keys get linked to the test case.

How to Unlink Requirements Linked to a Test Case

Open the Requirements tab on the test case details page.

A. To unlink a single requirement, click on the Unlink icon for the requirement. The requirement is unlinked after confirmation.

B. To unlink multiple requirements, select requirements you want to unlink from the test case and click on the Unlink Selected button.

Linking Test Suites to Test Cases

Link Test Suites

You can link test suites with relevant test cases for testing. QMetry allows users to link test suites of multiple projects to a test case. Test Suites can be linked to test case through the Test Executions tab available on Test Case details page and Test Case edit screen.

Test Suites are linked to the test case in multiple of Platforms associated with it.

Selecting test suites Across Projects:

Users can link test suites from other projects as well. The Project drop-down is provided to select the project. The test suites for the project are displayed on the screen.

You can apply multiple criteria to filter test suites records within and across projects.

Note: User should have 'Modify' rights of the Test Suite module in the targeted project from which the test suites are being linked.

Open the Test Executions tab and Click on the Link Test Suites button. It opens Link Test Suites pop-up.

If you want to link test suites from multiple projects, then first select one project. Search records and link them before moving to other projects. For example, User A is in Project 1 and searches for some records and link them before moving to Project 2. Else, all the selection of Project 1 will be wiped off.

A. Linking a Single Test Suite: Click on the  icon to link the individual test suite to the test case.

B. Linking Multiple Test Suites: Select test suites that you want to link and click on the Link Selected Test Suites button at the bottom.

The selected test suites are linked to the test case. The linked test suites records are shown on the Test Executions tab on the test case details page.

View Archived Test Runs

An execution/test run is archived when either Platform/Release/Cycle/Test Suite is archived. When a test suite, platform or Release/Cycle is archived, the test executions having such test suite/platform/release/cycles associated with them will be hidden on the Test Executions tab of the test case.

The Show Archived Records check box is provided on the Test Executions tab. To view the test runs which are archived either due to platforms/release/cycles, select the check box in the filter.

While import any change in the status of such archived test case executions will be ignored.

If test suites from other projects are linked, then the test suites show the Entity Key of the corresponding project.

To view the test suite of other projects, click on the Test Suite Entity Key. It opens the test suite detail page in the respective project and will change your current project.

In case of eSignature feature:

eSignature in current Project
eSignature in Test Suite Project
Can test suites be linked with the test case?



(The Project drop-down on the Link Test Suite screen will only show those projects which have eSignature feature disabled)


If the eSignature feature is enabled in the Project -

Test Case Status
Can test suites of any project be linked with the test case?
In ReviewNo

Link Test Suite Bulk Operations

You can link test suites from multiple projects also through Test Case Bulk Operations.

All scenarios mentioned above also apply to bulk operation of test cases.

You can link test suite to test cases through -

Test Case module > Bulk Operations > Edit > Select Records > Link Test Suites.

Link Test Suites By Entity Key 

The feature allows you to link test suites to a specific version of test case using test suite key separated by comma. Maximum 500 entities can be linked at a time.

Use Case: The feature is useful to link test suites to a test case without searching them individually. For example, users have list of test suite keys to be linked to a test case, they can use this option to link the test suites directly. This feature will save the users' time in searching test suites in different folders and link them.


  • Test Suites key will be ignored if relevant test suite with that key is not found.
  • If a single key is mentioned multiple times, it will be linked only once.
  • Archived test suites will be skipped from linking. Only unarchived version of entities will be linked.
  • Skip Duplicate Linkage is "On": If the test case is already linked with a test suite, then the linked test suite will be skipped. Only those test suites will be linked which are not yet linked with the test case version from where the linking is being performed.
  • Skip Duplicate Linkage is "Off": The test case version from where the test suite is being linked, that version will get linked to all the test suites.


  1. Go to the Test Executions tab of the test case.
  2. Click on the Link Test Suites By Entity Key button.

3. It opens the Link Test Suites pop-up. Mention comma separated Test Suite keys.

The test suites with mentioned keys get linked to the test case.

The Test Executions tab shows the last execution build for the test suite. It is useful when a QA Manager/Tester wants to see the latest Build against which the execution was done on 'Test Executions' tab of Test Case screen.

View Test Run Logs

Test run logs to test case are attached at the test run level. These logs are available to view and download on the Test Executions tab of test case details page. If a test suite has attachment(s) attached to it, then the Attachment icon is displayed in Blue color for that test suite. Only test case level attachments will be displayed here.

The attachments at the test run level are displayed to provide more in-depth information on test case execution. Users can get the execution details of the test case on the same screen.