Table of Contents |
Execution Screen
The Execution screen displays Test Case records that are linked to the Test Cycle under execution.
A. You can filter out Test Case records by applying different criteria:
Note: A maximum of 10 filters, including system as well as custom fields, can be selected at a time.
Execution Assignee: An Execution Assignee is a user who is assigned to execute a Test Case from the execution screen.
Execution Result
Defects: You can filter test cases with defects or test cases without defects linked to them.
Test Case Assignee: The Test Case Assignee is a user who is assigned to a test case from the test case details screen. You can filter test cases based on Test Case Assignee and bulk update those test cases. For example, you can bulk assign those test cases to an Execution Assignee so that you do not have to check test cases individually.
1. Filter test cases on the Test Case Assignee field.
2. Select the test cases you want to update. Click on Bulk Operations and select the Update option. The Update screen opens.
3. Assign values to the required field(s). For example, the Execution Assignee is assigned from the drop-down list.
4. Click Update to update the test cases for the selected field values.
More: Reporter, Labels, Components, Build, Status, Priority, Sprint, Fix Versions, Environment, Coverage/Stories, Estimated Time, Actual Time, Test Case Type, etc. You can filter out Test case records based on execution custom fields.
Custom fields: The Test Execution custom fields of the current project are displayed on the filter menu. If cross project's test cases are linked with the test cycle, then custom fields of the test cycle project will be displayed.
Filters are maintained for individual users so that the filters will be saved and displayed on a user profile basis. This means that when the user opens the execution screen, they see the same filters applied on the screen.
Apply Filters with Operators
In addition to the “OR” operator to filter the test assets, you can filter the test assets using the “AND” operator for the Multi-Lookup List. It enables you to filter the entities having multiple similar values in their fields. For example, you can filter test cases that have both Label1 & Label2 in the Label field. The filter will search for those test cases in which both values are present in the Label field. There are a total of 10 test cases, out of which 3 test cases have Label1, 2 test cases have Label2, and 5 test cases have both the labels Label1 and Label2. So, the search output will display 5 test cases that have both the Label values.
The filter is available on these fields: Label, Components, Fix Versions, Multi-dropdown custom field, Labels custom field, Multi-users custom field, and Checkbox custom field.
Select more than one filter value for the field. The Operators option becomes visible on the drop-down. The filter considers “OR” as the default operator and applies it to filter the records, which displays records with either of the selected values.
Note: The operators are visible only on the selection of more than one filter value.
To change the operator, click on the Edit icon beside the “OR” operator.
The drop-down opens displaying two operators: “OR” and “AND”.
You can select “AND” as the operator to apply for the filter.
The filter applies with the operator “AND” and the output shows the records holding both values.
B. Expand All/Collapse All: You can expand/collapse all Test Cases on the screen at a time.
C. Customize Execution Screen View: Select the columns you want to display/hide on the execution screen. You can opt to hide/show default columns on the screen. To return to the default view of the execution list view, open the Columns drop-down and select Reset to Default.
The Test Case row displays execution details of the Test Cases in the test suite.
You can view the following details for the Test Case.
Note: Inline images added to test case/test step/comments while authoring or execution will be attached under test case attachments.
Environment: The drop-down shows values entered in Configuration > Test Execution > Environment. You can add values in-line. The added values will also be reflected in Configuration.
Build: The drop-down shows values entered in Configuration > Test Execution > Build. You can add values in-line. The added values will also be reflected in Configuration.
Execution Assignee: Assignee assigned from the execution screen.
Executed by: User who has executed the Test Case.
A.T.: Actual time that is taken to execute the Test Case.
S.C.: Steps Count
Bugs: It displays the Bug Count. Click on the icon to link bugs/defects to the test case/step either from the existing ones or by creating new defects and linking them directly. Read more about Link Defects/Bugs.
Attachment: Click on the icon to attach files to the test case/step. Read more about the Attachment.
Execution Custom Fields: These are the Test Execution custom fields added from Configuration > Custom Fields. An asterisk (*) next to a field name indicates a mandatory field.
Execution Result
Comments: You can add or edit comments inline.
Jira Permissions needed for tagging users
The user and atlassian-addons-admin should have the Browse users and groups permissions. (Jira Settings > System > Global Permissions > Browse users and groups): The user and “atlassian-addons-admin” groups should be part of this permission.
Assign Issue permission (Project Settings > Permissions): The users having this permission can tag other users.
Assignable User permission (Project Settings > Permissions): The users having this permission can be tagged.
Clone Existing Test Execution
Delete Test Execution
Each test case row is expandable. The step counts can be clicked to expand the test case row to show step details in the expanded area.
If the Precondition is mentioned in the test case, then it will be displayed on expanding the test case row.
Sync Latest Test Case Version
The Sync icon on the screen acts as an indicator that indicates whether the linked version of the test case is the newest version or an older version. You can easily come to know that you need to sync the latest version of the test case with the test cycle.
While reviewing the linked test case of a test cycle, the QA Manager/Tester easily finds out whether the test case that is getting executed/linked is the latest one. While executing the test case the testers shall know if they are executing a new test case version or still executing an older one. The Test Cycle > Test Cases tab and the execution screen now indicate the availability of a newer version of a test case besides the older linked version. If the older test case version is found, testers have the option to sync the latest version of associated test cases individually or in bulk.
The feature is useful as -
the syncing of test cases to a new version can be done individually or in bulk, which saves time.
it eliminates the need to manually unlink the older version and link the newer version of the test case for execution.
→ Required Permissions: Users should have “Test Cycle Edit” permission to sync the latest version of the test case with the test cycle.
An archived test case can’t be synced with the latest version. To sync the archived test case with the latest version, unarchive it first.
If multiple versions of a test case are linked to a test cycle and the latest version of the test case is available, you can sync only one version with the latest version of the test case. In bulk operation, if multiple versions of a test case are selected for sync, the first test case in the order of the linking will be synced.
Once the latest version of the test case is synced -
the action of syncing the latest test case version can’t be reverted.
this action shall reset the execution status of the test case and its test steps to “Not Run” on all its current and previous executions on this test cycle.
bugs linked with the previous executed version shall not be carried forward (linked) to the latest synced version of the test case and shall be unlinked from older executions.
the “Actual Time”, “Actual Outcome”, “Comments”, “Attachments”, and “Any other Custom Execution Fields” values shall be erased and shall be lost.
The following table shows the indication of different colored Sync icons.
Icon | Description |
It indicates that the latest version of test case is available. | |
It indicates that the test cycle is synced with the latest version. |
Sync Latest Version of a Single Test Case
You can sync the latest version of a single test case as well as multiple test cases on the execution screen. This section describes the steps to sync the latest version of a single test case.
1. Open the List View of the test execution screen.
The Sync icon adjacent to the Version column indicates whether the test case version is the latest or not. The icon appears in Blue when the latest version of the test case is available for sync.
2. Click on the Sync icon to sync the latest version of the test case with the test cycle.
The confirmation message appears. Read it carefully.
3. Click Yes to proceed.
The latest version of the test case is synced with the test cycle.
Sync Latest Version of Multiple Test Cases
You can sync the latest version of a single test case as well as multiple test cases on the execution screen. This section describes steps to sync the latest version of multiple test cases at a time.
1. Select test cases the latest available version of which you want to sync with the test cycle.
2. Click on the Bulk Operations button and select the Sync with Latest Version option.
The confirmation message appears. Read it carefully.
3. Click Yes to proceed.
The latest version of the test case is synced with the test cycle.
Clone a Test Execution
You can clone the execution of the Test Case. The cloning includes all steps, defects, and attachments linked with the test execution. The cloning of test execution is useful when you need the same details of the current execution.
For example, a Test Case A is failed in Build1 and the tester needs to test the same Test Case in the next Build2 with all the existing associations.
On the execution screen, click on the Copy icon for the execution that you want to clone.
Click Clone to proceed.
A copy of the existing test execution is created. You can then change the Build or Environment as per your requirement and go ahead with the execution.
Sync Test Steps
When the steps are added/updated/deleted in the Test Case module, a warning message is shown for the Steps tab indicating the required sync. Click on the provided link to sync the steps with the Test Case and update them on the execution screen.
The pop-up opens. Click on the Sync Steps button.
Customize Execution Screen View
Hide and Show Columns:
On the Execution screen, users can show/hide test case columns.
For example, the QA Manager wants to view only selective fields for a Test Case, so they hide columns they don't want to view on the grid using the customized column view. The QA Manager will follow the steps as mentioned below:
A. On the Execution screen, open the Column drop-down.
B. Select the columns of which you want to display. Remove the checkbox selection of the column you want to hide.
C. Drag and drop: You can also drag and drop columns to rearrange them.
The columns will be displayed as per the visibility and sequence set.
View Archived Test Cases
The archived test cases appear disabled on the screen. You can apply the All, Active, and Archived filters to view the test cases accordingly. You can not carry out any operations on the archived test cases.
Assign Execution Status
The testers assign the Execution result to the respective Test Cases or Test Steps for tracking the testing process progress. Configuration related to how the execution results of test steps will impact the final execution result of their test case is done from Configuration > Project Configuration > Execution Result.
Assign Status to Test Case
If the status of the Test Case is updated, then the status of all the test steps will be updated with the same status as that of the Test Case.
Under the Execution Result column, select the result you want to assign to the Test Case.
If the status of the test case is updated, then the status of all the Test Steps of that Test Case will be automatically updated with the new execution results if the Auto Update Execution Result option is enabled.
If you want to edit the status of the Execution Result, click on the existing Execution Result of the test case and select the status from the drop-down.
Note: The status of the Execution Result is disabled if all the mandatory execution system and custom fields are not filled. A message is displayed asking you to fill in all the mandatory fields.
Assign Status to Test Step
Each Test Case is expandable by clicking on the step count (S.C.) for the Test Case.
If there is any change (add/update) in the steps in the Test Case module, a warning message is shown for the Steps tab indicating the required sync. Click on the provided link to sync the steps with the Test Case and update them in the execution screen as described in the steps Sync Steps section above.
A. Expand to view more execution status. Select the one that you want to assign to the step.
Note: The status of the Execution Result is disabled if all the mandatory execution system and custom fields are not filled.
B. Click to link a defect to a step.
C. Click the icon to link an attachment to a step.
Bulk Update Test Cases from Execution Screen
Assign Build and Environment to Test Cases linked to a Test Cycle
You can change/assign the environment and build for multiple Test Cases at a time on the execution screen. The change in Build will impact the latest execution of the Test Case.
Select Test Cases the Build and Environment values of which you want to change.
Click on the Update button. A Bulk Update screen opens with fields on it.
3. Assign/Change the value of Change Environment and Build in respective fields.
Bulk Update Test Execution Results
Users can bulk update the execution results of multiple Test Cases at a time from the execution screen.
1. Select the Test Cases you want to execute on the left panel.
2. Click on the Bulk Operation button and select the Update option.
3. Select the Execution Result from the drop-down for all the selected Test Cases.
If you also want to update the execution result of test steps, select the Update Test Step Execution Result checkbox.
Note: If Auto Update Execution Result Preference is ON, the Test Steps Result will get updated by default.
Update Execution Custom Fields
→ You can bulk update execution custom fields along with changing the execution status of the test cases. The change in custom field values will be applied to all the assets selected for the bulk operation.
Under the Test Case Execution Result section, you can see the Execution Custom Fields panel. Enter required values in the execution custom fields.
Note: The Bulk Update option will replace the empty value and existing values of the custom fields with selected values only in the latest execution result of the test case.
4. Click Update.
Note: The status of the Execution Result for the selected test cases whose mandatory execution system and custom fields are blank will not change.
You can bulk update execution custom fields independently without updating the test case execution result. Select the status “Unchanged” to skip updating the test case execution result.
Note: For selected Test Cases, users will not be able to update the Execution Result if the mandatory system or custom fields are left blank on the execution screen. A message is displayed asking you to fill in all the mandatory fields.
Bulk Update Execution Assignee
You can update the assignee who will execute the test cases from the execution screen. Users can also bulk update the Execution Assignee of multiple test cases at a time from the execution screen.
The Execution Assignee field can be filtered for blank values. The Unassigned parameter is provided for the Execution Assignee filter, using which users can filter the test cases and assign the execution assignee to them.
1. Open the Execution Assignee filter drop-down and select the Unassigned check box.
The test cases, for which the Execution Assignee field is blank, will be listed on the screen.
2. Select the test cases for which you want to update the Execution Assignee field and click on the Update button.
The Update screen pops up.
3. Select the Execution Assignee from the drop-down for all the selected test cases.
4. Click Update.
The Execution Assignee value will be applied to the test cases.
View Summary
Refer to View Summary
View Execution Logs
Refer to View Execution Logs
Export Test Execution
Refer to Export Test Execution