Projects using Azure integration for Issue (Bug) Tracking

This document is applicable only when the QMetry project is configured with a Azure project.

Issue module allows you to have bi-directional integration between QMetry and Azure, which  means you can add and edit issues from QMetry to Azure. Issues added / edited in Azure will be reflected in QMetry. Users can create, view, and modify issues in the QMetry that will be synced in Azure.

Users can perform the following tasks in the Issue module:

  • View/ Add/ Modify Azure issue details, comments and attachments

  • Map Azure custom fields with QMetry

  • Issues logged from the execution screen while execution will be available in the Issue module.

After integrating QMetry project with Azure -

  • QMetry issues added from the Issues module before Azure integration will not be displayed on the Issue grid.

  • QMetry issues created and linked from Execution screen before Azure integration will be displayed in read-only mode.

  • If users click on the link of an internal issue that is linked from the execution screen, its detail window opens in read-only mode.

View, Add, Modify issues

Users can view, add and modify issues from QMetry issue module.


View and Organize Issue Details

Click on the Issue Entity Key in the grid view to open the issue detail page.

Details Tab

The Details tab displays the issue details as per Azure.

  • External Key: This is the Azure issue key number clicking on which takes users to the Azure issue page.

  • Title: View the summary of the Issue.

  • Priority: View priority to the issue. The Priority list will be displayed as in Azure.

  • Work Item Type: View the issue type synced with the Issue module while integration.

  • Tags: View the list of Azure tags in QMetry.

  • Stack Rank: View list of Azure in QMetry.

  • Effort: View list of Azure in QMetry.

  • Assigned To: This will be the Azure Assignee.

  • Area Path: Browse the folder in Azure and select the path.

  • Iteration Path: Browse the folder in Azure and select the path.

  • State: View Azure workflow Status of the issue in QMetry. This is a Read-only field.

  • Created By: Azure user who has reported the issue.

  • Team Project: This is a read-only field synced from Azure.

  • Description: Enter the description for the issue in plain text.

  • Azure Custom Fields: View Azure custom fields, if any.

  • Created Date: The date on which the issue was created in Rally.

  • Changed Date: The date on which the issue was updated in Rally.

Watcher, Owner and Assigned Release are not available for projects integrated with Azure.

Execution Runs

Issues logged from Test Executions module are displayed here.

Execution Time and Remaining Time

Open the issue detail page and open the Execution Runs tab. Users can view Execution Time and Remaining Time calculated for Test Execution.

The grid displays two columns, Execution Time and Remaining Time, in the following locations within the application:

  • Test Suite detail page > Test Executions tab

  • Test Case detail page > Test Executions tab

  • Issue detail page > Execution Runs tab

Calculation of Execution Time of a test suite:

Execution Time of a test suite is calculated based on Estimate Time of all the test cases in that test suite.

Calculation of Remaining Time of a test suite:

Once the test suite is executed, the Remaining Time Is calculated of all “Not Run” test cases. Any test case with “Failed” or “Blocked” status will also be considered as the work still remains on it. The Remaining Time will be reduced for test cases with “Pass” and “Not Applicable” status accordingly.

Requirements tab

Link Requirements to Issue


Linking Requirements to Issues

Users can link individual or multiple requirements to issues using the Requirements tab on the Issue page.


  1. Open the Issue details page.

  2. Go to the Requirements tab.

  3. Click the Link button to display the requirements screen.

  4. Select the requirements to link to the issue. Use filters, including Labels and Folder Path, to narrow down the list.

Project Selection:

  • Requirements can be linked from different projects. Choose the project containing the requirements you wish to link. You can link requirements from multiple projects.

  • To link requirements from different projects, select a project, link the records, and then move to the next project. Be aware that selecting a new project will clear previous selections.

Linking Requirements:

  • Single Requirement: Click the Link icon to attach an individual requirement.

  • Multiple Requirements: Select the desired requirements and click either the Link button or Link & Close button.

The selected requirements are linked to the issue and displayed on the screen. If requirements from other projects are linked, they will show the Entity Key of the respective project.

To view requirements from other projects, click the Requirement Entity Key. This action opens the test case detail page in the corresponding project and switches your current project.

Unlinking Requirements

  • Go to the Requirements tab on the issue page:

    • To Unlink a Single Requirement: Click the Unlink icon next to the requirement and confirm the action.

    • To Unlink Multiple Requirements: Select the requirements to unlink and click the Unlink Selected button.


Users can also view, download, and add attachments in QMetry.


Users can also view, add, edit, and delete Azure comments (Discussions) in QMetry.

Add Issues / Bugs / Defects

A. Steps to log issue from Issue Module to Azure

  1. Open the Issue module.

  2. Click the New button on the toolbar. The Create Issue screen will appear.

  3. Choose the Azure Instance.

  1. Select the Azure Project and Work Items.

Issues created from the Issue module or Execution screen are added to Azure. Users can click the External Key in the Issue module to open the issue detail page in Azure or click the Entity Key to view the issue detail page in QMetry. The issue details to be entered depend on whether the user is adding issues in the internal tracker of QMetry or in Azure:

If Azure is not configured: Enter details in QMetry fields.

If Azure is configured: The add issue screen will include Azure-specific fields that need to be completed.

Defects can be added from both the Issue module and the Execution screen in QMetry.

5. Fill in the following details:

  • Summary: View the issue summary.

  • Priority: Check the issue priority as listed in Azure.

  • Work Item Type: View the synced issue type.

  • Tags: See the Azure tags in QMetry.

  • Stack Rank: View Azure stack rank in QMetry.

  • Effort: View Azure effort list in QMetry.

  • Assigned To: This field shows the Azure assignee.

  • Area Path: Select the folder path from Azure.

  • Iteration Path: Choose the folder path from Azure.

  • State: View the Azure workflow status (read-only).

  • Created By: Displays the Azure user who reported the issue.

  • Team Project: Read-only field synced from Azure.

  • Description: Enter a plain text description of the issue.

  • Azure Custom Fields: View any Azure custom fields.

  • Link Attachments: Attach files during issue creation.

Steps to Add Attachments:

  1. Go to the Link Attachments section on the Create Issue page.

  2. Click the Add Attachment button

Attaching Files

Users can attach files, images, and URLs. The Add Attachment pop-up enables users to upload multiple files simultaneously.

Adding Attachments

Users can add attachments in three ways:

  • Drag and Drop: Drag and drop files into the designated area.

  • Browse: Click the Browse section to select and upload files.

  • Paste (Ctrl + V): Paste .png files directly from the clipboard into the Add Attachment pop-up, allowing users to add screenshots without saving them locally.


  • Maximum 100 files can be attached. Total size of attached files should not exceed 50 MB.

  • QMetry does not support these file extensions : (.exe; .dll; .sh; .msi; .deb; .bat)

Users can also remove individual attachments at the uploading stage.

Edit Issues

QMetry provides an inline editor to edit issue details.

Attachments and Comments

The following table describes what operations can be performed on Attachments and Comments when Azure is integrated with QMetry project.

Allowed Operations



Allowed Operations



Can be added while creation of an issue?



Can be added while editing the issue?



Can be Edited?



Can be Deleted?



B. Steps to log issue from Execution screen of Test Suites Module

Users can log issues at both the test case and test step levels, including in bulk.

  1. Open the Execution screen.

  2. Click the bug icon next to the test case or test step to log an issue. For more details, refer to Adding/Linking Issues to Test Case and Test Step.

Creating Issues at the Step Level for Automated Test Cases

If an error occurs during an automated test run, the Error Message and Trace are displayed on the test execution screen. When users create an issue at the test step level, a .txt file with the Error Message and Trace is automatically attached to the issue.

On opening the issue in QMetry, the Attachment tab in QMetry shows the .txt file attached to it which contains Error Message and Trace generated while the automated test run.

Delete Issue

Users can not delete Azure issues from QMetry. If an issue is deleted from Azure, then it will get deleted from QMetry and its linkages to the QMetry test case/test step will be removed as well.

When Azure Configuration is Removed

  • On removing the integration of Azure project with QMetry project, all the issues that are created from QMetry Issue module into Azure will not be visible in the Issue module in QMetry.

  • For Azure issues logged while execution, the association of such Azure issues with respective test case/test step will be removed.

  • Issues created in QMetry internal tracker before Azure integration will start displaying in the issue grid.

Manage Issue View

  • Resize Columns: Users can adjust the width of the columns.

  • Organize Tabs: Users can customize the detail page view by rearranging the tabs. The tab order is saved individually for each user.


  • Filter Issues: Users can filter test assets by system or custom fields across module grids. To search by Azure External Key, enter comma-separated keys.

Apply Filter

Users can use both basic and advanced filters to refine records:

  • Basic Filters: By default, basic filter fields are available for filtering records.

  • Advanced Filters: For more filtering options, click the '+' icon. This opens a drop-down menu with additional system and user-defined fields. Select the desired field to add it as an advanced filter and apply as needed.

Clear Filter and Sorting

  • Clear Filter: Click on the Clear Filters button above the module grid or left pane. It will reset the view to default.

  • Clear Sorting: Click on the Clear Sorting button above the module grid.

Map Azure custom fields with QMetry

System fields are automatically mapped and read-only. Users can select custom fields to appear in the Issue module. To make the Reporter field mandatory, turn the flag On.

Log Issues/Bugs/Defects from Execution Screen

Issues logged from the execution screen while execution will be available in the Issue module. Refer to Adding/Linking Issues to Test Case and Test Step for more details.

Create Requirement from Issue

To create a requirement based on a specific issue, follow these steps:

  1. Create Requirement: Select an issue and create a new requirement by copying common field values. The new requirement will have the same name as the issue but can be renamed if needed.

  2. Automatic Linking: The original issue is automatically linked to the new requirement. On the Issue details page, the Requirements tab will show the new requirement. On the Requirement details page, the Issues section will display the source issue.


Follow either of the ways:

  • Select an issue on grid pane and click Add on the toolbar > point to From Issue > select Requirement

  • Right click an issue on the grid pane > point to From Issue > select Requirement

Edit/Revoke Existing Azure Authentication

The Azure Authentication window initially appears when adding an issue for the first time to request Azure credentials. This window will not reappear for subsequent operations unless credentials are revoked.

To display the Azure Authentication window again when creating or editing an issue, revoke the existing Azure credentials:

  1. Go to Integration > Integrations.

  2. Click the cog icon and select Revoke credentials.

Edit Issue Details

Once the issues is added, open the Issue details page to view / edit the details.

Delete Existing Azure Integration

If the Azure Integration configuration is not required any more, then you can delete the configuration.

  1. Go to Integration > Integrations.

  2. Open the cog icon and click Delete for the configuration you want to delete.