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Release Notes
QMetry Test Management for Jira Server 4.x
QMetry Test Management for Jira Server 4.1.6
Release Date: 2021-09-07
Version 4.1.6
Summary: Improvement & Bug Fix
- Now share reports with other users using a URL.
- Improvements to Test Case Execution Summary Report
- The graphical view displays the test execution summary in percentage.
- The tabular view now displays the test execution summary in a two-dimensional view that includes the count of the executed test cases and the percentage.
- Export of the report will now include the test case execution comments.
Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug that prevented displaying all executions for a test case after deleting one of the test case executions in a test cycle on Jira v7.x PostgreSQL DB.
QMetry Test Management for Jira Server 4.1.5
Release Date: 2021-07-30
Version 4.1.5
Summary: Improvement
- QMetry v4.1.5 is compatible with Jira Software 8.18.1.
QMetry Test Management for Jira Server 4.1.4
Release Date: 2021-07-14
Version 4.1.4
Summary: Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug that prevented the display of all test step executions for test cases with a large number of steps created via import of automation test results.
QMetry Test Management for Jira Server 4.1.3
Release Date: 2021-06-30
Version 4.1.3
Summary: Bug Fix
- Fixed compatibility issue with "Version and Component Sync for Jira" app that prevented loading of QMetry screens.
QMetry Test Management for Jira Server 4.1.2
Release Date: 2021-06-18
Version 4.1.2
Summary: Improvements & Bug Fixes
Improvements :
- QTM4J app supports Content Delivery Network (CDN) enablement for Data Centre.
- Enabled on request (lazy) loading of QMetry sections to enhance the overall performance while loading the Jira Story page.
- Expand or collapse test case steps view is preserved for a user across the app.
- The "Link" button on all asset link screens allows linking test assets selected sequentially from different folders. The "Link and Close" button allows quick linking for test assets without a need to separately click on the close button.
- The test cycle name will now get displayed while generating the Test Case Execution Summary report by test cycle.
- The bar graph displays the test cycle name on mouse hover.
- The tabular chart displays the test cycle name under the new column.
Bug Fixes :
- Fixed bug that prevented linking bug (defect) while executing test cases for a rare case if the Jira issue type id is less than 10000.
- Fixed bug that prevented displaying traceability reports for the Postgres database.
- Fixed bug that allowed the selection of a field multiple times on report filter criteria.
- Fixed bug that caused slowness when generating the test case summary report for an empty defect filter criteria for the oracle database.
- Fixed bug that prevented editing test case/test case step description when clicked on back button while in the edit mode.
- Fixed bug that did not display QMetry permissions for some new installations. Re-enabling QMetry for the project should fix the issue.
- Fixed bug that prevented the display of all QMetry report filters while creating a dashboard gadget.
- Fixed bug that displays all Jira issue types instead of ones enabled for Bug issue type, while creating a bug from the exploratory session.
- Fixed a bug that displayed an error after logging a bug from the exploratory testing session when the user does not have "create attachment" permissions.
- Fixed bug that prevents deletion of the exploratory testing session having "In Progress" status.
QMetry Test Management for Jira Server 4.1.1
Release Date: 2021-04-30
Version 4.1.1
Summary: Bug Fix
- Fixed a bug to update the correct URL for the help guide.
QMetry Test Management for Jira Server 4.1.0
Release Date: 2021-04-17
Version 4.1.0
Summary: New Features, Improvements and Bug Fixes
New Features and Improvements
Improvements on Story detail page - “Test Case/Acceptance Criteria” section
- Now view/add/modify/clone/delete test case steps directly from the story page.
- Set/reorder the sequence of test cases linked to the story. Also, the test case sequence will be preserved as per the order of selection while linking to the story
- Execute test cases that are linked to the test cycle from the execution tab, on the story page, instead of navigating to the execution screen.
- Create a test cycle directly from the story, with all the test cases associated with the story auto-linked to the test cycle.
- Link selective test cases associated with the story to an existing test cycle.
- Link multiple versions of a test case to the story to get accurate end-to-end traceability.
- Clone a linked test case version directly from the story page. The cloned test case will be auto-linked with the story.
- Renamed option labels :
- “Create New Test case” as “Link New Test case”
- “Reuse Test case/Test cycle” as “Link Existing Test case/Link Story to Existing Test Cycle”
- “Unlink Test case” as “Bulk Unlink”
Improvements to Test case module
- Now view/add/modify/delete/clone test case steps from the test case list view.
- Execute test cases linked to the test cycle directly from the Test Execution tab, instead of navigating to the execution screen.
- QMetry automatically classifies test cases as manual or automated based on their creation method.
- Import Test Case improvements :
- Now, import test cases from excel to multiple folders by mapping folder path during import.
- Import test cases button is now available on the default test case view.
- The maximum file size limit for importing test cases using excel is increased from 2 MB to 10 MB.
- Export all test cases of a folder directly from its context menu.
- Clone or Export a test case directly from the detail screen.
- View the entire content of test steps using the expand/collapse quick buttons available at the step grid.
- A confirmation warning will be displayed while permanently deleting test cases.
- The audit log now captures details of test cases exported from the Exploratory Testing session.
- The character limit for test case step summary, expected results, test data is increased from 65k characters to 512 MB.
Improvements to Test Cycle & Test Plan
- Update the test cycle/test plan summary directly from the list view.
- Save filters applied to columns on test cycle/test plan as public or private.
- Now clone the test cycle directly from the test cycle details page.
- Redesigned the "clone" test cycle screen with an additional test case filter on the execution assignee.
- View/add/modify/delete/clone test case steps directly from the Test Cycle >> Test Case tab.
- Added Execution Summary(tabular) column on Test Cycle List view to show the count of test case execution based on status.
- Renamed button “Add Test Case” as “Link Test Case” on Test Cycle >> Test Case tab.
Improvements to Test Execution Screen
- All-New Test Execution Screen - List View.
- Improvements to Existing Test Execution Screen – Grid View.
- Revamped Test Execution Grid View now has two tabs - Test case details & Execution.
- Test Steps in the test execution screen can be viewed in either list view or grid view.
- The test case details tab now displays all test case system fields.
- The execution tab (default) displays the test cases and steps execution. This allows testers to directly reach the execution section.
- The execution tab now has 4 sections that can be re-ordered – Steps, Bugs, Attachments, and Comments.
- Attachments uploaded while authoring test cases/steps are now available on the execution screen.
- Bugs and Attachments added at test steps during execution are now also displayed at the test case level.
- Bulk update of execution status, assign tester, update build & environment details can now be directly performed on the execution screen after selecting the test cases.
- Clone/Delete an existing test execution record.
- Get a warning about the changes to test steps. Auto Sync test case steps directly from the execution screen.
- View the entire content of test steps while executing them using the expand/collapse quick buttons available at step grids.
- QMetry automatically classifies test cycle execution as Manual or Automated based on the execution method.
- Test Cycle Execution Summary on Test Execution screen now displays all bugs and attachments associated with the test case/steps execution.
- Export Test cycle execution details for Latest or All test executions along with test steps and associated bugs details.
- Execution assignee and build can now be set as unassigned to reset their values.
- Testers can add new list value for the environment & build while executing test cases, instead of adding them every time for the configuration page.
Improvement on Bug Detail Page
- Renamed “Test case” section as “Bug Traceability” for Issue Types enabled as bugs.
- View traceability from the Test case, Test Cycle to Test Execution in the Bug Traceability section.
Improvements to Configuration Section
- Added support for additional custom field types - Cascading List, Single & Multi-Select User Picker, Labels
- Users can set pagination up to 100 records across the product from General Settings
- Copy project configurations to other projects for the following fields - Labels, Components, Priorities, Status, Execution Results, Environment, Build values, Custom Fields, and Parameters.
- Added a separate list to maintain Build values.
- Redesigned Configuration menu with a better grouping of options.
- Sync project-key changes using the re-index operation.
- Only Admins can now view/modify the storage configurations.
Improvements to Report
- Chart preferences on the Jira dashboard for a gadget are now retained.
- All reports can be filtered based on Test case type - Automated or Manual.
- Gadget graphical chart options are now displayed on the report header.
General Improvements
- New icons for the Test case, Test Cycles, Test Plan, and Test Reports modules.
- Search and set the project scope by filtering based on the project key.
- Perform bulk operations like update/delete/link up to 1000 test assets.
- Issue Key and Summary on each grid are now two separate columns to enable independent sorting.
- Multiple tabs on the test asset detail screen can now be rearranged and retain the sequence for the user.
- Enable/disable all field columns except sequence no, Key & Summary in all list views.
- Users can choose the folder path while creating a new folder.
- Clone & Delete buttons in the list view for each test asset are now always visible in the right corner.
- Select multiple test assets in a range using shift key + control/command key.
- Use the Control + Enter shortcut to save details on all large text fields.
- Assigning sprint to the test assets would now require selection of board and then the sprint.
- Count of linked defects are now available on the following screens
- Story page >> Test case/Acceptance Criteria >> Execution Tab
- Test case details >> Execution Tab
- Added a shortcut that enables testers to navigate to the Jira Issue search from the above screens.
- Comments can now be sorted in ascending/descending order based on the created time.
- User preference for expanded and collapsed sections on the test asset details screen is now retained.
- The filter panel has been revamped with multiple new options like reset, minimize/maximize, counts, remove, and clear options
- Now tag users in descriptions and comments to notify them via email notification.
- Improved performance of project search and selection across the application.
- Added infield search for all the list fields that make the value selection easier.
- The root folder - "All Folders” on all modules is renamed as “All Test cases/Test cycles/Test plans”
- View complete folder path on mouse hover for each asset on the detail screen.
- The folder context menu is revamped with additional folder options of Link with Test Cycle and Link with Story for test cases.
- Add new list values for labels, components, or custom labels while authoring any test asset.
- Quickly reach an intended folder using the folder search on all modules.
- All the test assets now have the Summary field displayed throughout the detail screen.
- Create Another option for all test assets now preserves the previous values of most the fields.
- Options for bulk operations will be only visible when users select any test case/test cycle/test plan on their list view.
- All the test assets now display the Created/Updated Dates & Created/Updated User on the detail screen.
- Added confirmation pop-up that prompts the user to save the unsaved changes when moving from one screen to another.
- Set all system and custom fields for Test cases and Test cycles created using Automation API and Maven Plugin.
- There are changes to a lot of API endpoints, requests, and responses. Refer to the API documentation for the latest release.
- QMetry v4.1.0 is compatible with QMetry Maven Plugin v2.0.6. Upgrade to the latest plugin to import your automation results to QMetry.
- QMetry v4.1.0 is compatible with Jenkins plugin v1.17 and Bamboo plugin v1.1.1
- QMetry v4.1.0 is compatible with Jira Software 8.16.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that did not retain the pagination when clicking on the back button from the test case detail view.
- Fixed a bug that displayed associated stories on an incorrect version of a test case.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the display of executed test case version in the traceability report.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the freezing of the list header while scrolling through records on a page, across the product.
- Fixed a bug that did not preserve the sorting of folders on the tree structure.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the use of the TAB key in test case steps.
- Fixed a bug that prevented search on test cycle and test plan subfolders while filtering reports based on folders.
- Fixed a bug that prevented deletion of some test cases which are created from exploratory testing.
- Fixed a bug that displayed the Jira banner above the QMetry section on the story page.
- Fixed a bug that prevented filtering of the test case execution summary report based on the latest test execution.
Fixed a bug the returned maximum 50 records instead of 200 records while searching test cases using Open API.
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